Super Soldier

Chapter 753: Buddha and red rose

After Xiao Bing came to Jingdong City, they did not rush to leave, but they all looked for a hotel to rest. This is mainly to consider Xiao Mingyue, although Xiao Bing clearly knows that Xiao Mingyue actually has better physical fitness than those of adults. Well, you know, she is a ghost king. Even if she signed a spiritual contract with herself, she could not see it on the surface, but she is still the strength of the ghost king. Her physical condition cannot be weak.

But her appearance looks like a cute little child. Xiao Bing now always involuntarily treats her as a child, afraid that she will be too far away to get tired, plus maple. The injury of the thirteenth will not be able to heal for a while, and it is good to take a break.

At this time, the red rose finally woke up.

The red rose's gaze turned around in the room. It was in a hotel room. I was lying on a big bed. The clothes on my body were neatly dressed. Oh, how do you feel sore and cracked? Was hit in the palm of my hand, shouldn't it be dead...

How is it here?

The red rose is now very weak and full of pain. It is very difficult to move. It takes a lot of effort to turn my head and finally see a person sitting on the sofa, a mysterious person, wearing a golden body. A mysterious man with a robe and a golden mask.

After the red rose's gaze fell on the face of this mysterious mask, her voice asked weakly: "You are Maple Thirteen? No... You are not... Who are you..."

In the heart of the red rose, the inexplicable fear is raised. The feeling that this person brings to her is illusory. I don’t even know whether it exists in this world or the illusion that I have produced. His body seems to be sacred, as if The evil spirits that are more evil than their gossip snakes, such as the Buddha, can't be seen.

Even the voice of the other party is like coming from the sky. It is clearly sitting in front of her, but speaking like it is coming from all directions, the whole room has subtle fluctuations.

"I am not Feng XIII, you can call me Buddha, I saved your life."

The red rose suppressed the inexplicable anxiety in his heart and asked, "You saved me? Xiao Bing?"

"Xiao Bing? I think he must think that you are dead, and eager to avenge you. Rest assured, they are gathered together, and Maple 13 is seriously injured, he will not be in any danger."

The red rose struggled to sit up, but she couldn't move.

The Buddha said: "You are best to lie down honestly, and you have to lie down, although I use the secret method to rejuvenate you, but your body is still very fragile, but it is very weak, in order to save. Your life, even if it takes me a lot of infuriating, so from now on, you have a good rest in bed, I will not bother you, and will not touch you, I have to sit here to restore the infuriating. ”

The red rose is no longer talking. It is really closing her eyes, taking a good rest, telling her from a small environment and education that she must ensure that she has sufficient self-protection ability at any time. This is Most importantly, she is obviously unable to do so now, so she will work hard to recover and then work hard.

When I saw the red rose, I closed my eyes and began to rest. The eyes of the Buddha’s son showed a bit of appreciation. Then he leaned gently on the sofa and closed his eyes. A strange airflow was in his body. Rotate around.

Xiao Bing was lying in the room. Xiao Mingyue was like a lively and moving child. He ran around in the room and finally jumped to the bed and sat next to Xiao Bing. He said, "Dad, I want to watch TV. ""

Xiao Bing took the remote control and began to teach Xiao Mingyue how to turn on the TV. How to change the platform, although Xiao Mingyue used the remote control for the first time, but he learned very quickly, and later he even found a children's channel. Looked at the cartoon.

Xiao Bing smiled and lay down beside him, rubbing Xiao Mingyue with his hand, and then his thoughts had drifted away. At this time, after calming down, Xiao Bing involuntarily thought of the red rose, and thought of the acquaintance with the red rose and gradually Give birth to feelings.

Maybe the relationship between the two people is not as deep as Xiao Bing and the leaves, but Xiao Bing has a good impression on the red rose. More importantly, the palm is the red rose for Xiao Bing, Xiao Bing Can't stand it, can't stand a woman who has sent a feeling to herself, but she has an accident under her own eyes, and it is for her own accident.

Is she dead or not dead now?

From a rational point of view, Xiao Bing almost does not have to think about this problem. No one can save the red rose under the sun, but Xiao Bing’s heart still hopes that a miracle can appear.

After Xiao Mingyue saw two episodes of cartoons, he still looked at it. Sometimes he looked at it and laughed alone. He laughed and applauded. From her body, there was a ghost king. The shadow.

After watching the two episodes, Xiao Mingyue turned off the TV, and then squatted on Xiao Bing's body, his eyes flickered and looked at Xiao Bing, and his mouth yelled: "Dad, Dad."

"Hey." Xiao Bing came back and smiled. "Don't watch? Then take a good sleep, wait for the evening, Dad will take you out to eat delicious."

"No, Dad, are you not happy?"

"No." Xiao Bing smiled. "Where can you see that I am not happy?"

"Don't forget, my father and I are telepathic. After signing the spiritual contract, I can feel my father's mood. Dad is definitely not happy. You are sad, self-blaming and angry, want to kill... ...."

Xiao Mingyue’s eyes suddenly flashed a murderous machine. If other people saw it, they would be shocked. The eyes of a three-year-old baby actually showed murderousness.

Xiao Mingyue asked: "Dad, who made you unhappy? Mingyue killed him for you."

Xiao Bing also scared a big jump, and hurriedly looked serious: "Mingyue, you are now a child, happy every day, you can't just kill people casually, you can't just want to kill, you know?" ”

Xiao Mingyue sighed and said: "I know."

"And, if you don't get my permission, you can't smoke human blood."

"I know." Xiao Mingyue licked his mouth and tears flowed out. "I just saw that my father is not happy, and the moon is also very unhappy."

Perhaps this is the role of the spiritual contract. Two people seem to have become true relatives, and they can feel the loved ones behind them. Xiao Bing even felt the grievances in Xiao Mingyue’s heart, and made Xiao Bing’s heart regret that he was just a little too Severe, but this can not blame Xiao Bing, because Xiao Bing just really felt the suffocation in Xiao Mingyue’s heart, and the suffocation is still very strong. It is really the urge to kill, so Xiao Bing must be timely. Tell her, otherwise I will have done something wrong in the future, I am afraid it is too late.

When Xiao Bing saw Xiao Mingyue, he began to shed tears and hurriedly held Xiao Mingyue into his arms. He comforted and said: "Okay, good girl, Dad is not unhappy, Dad has more daughters now, in my heart. It’s very happy, but it’s just that you’re an aunt’s life and death, because Dad’s life and death are unknown, so Dad is in a hurry.”

Xiao Mingyue wiped his eyes and tortured his tears back. He asked: "Dad doesn't hate the moon! The moon is not a normal person, just a soul attached to the golden body, it is a little devil, and the moon will never be Growing up, what the golden body looks like, the moon will always look like, there will never be a way to become an adult, and help the father share the pressure."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "You don't know how good your father is. Dad is not only a lot of scholars, but also a kung fu, handsome and handsome. It is perfect and can't be perfect anymore. I guess you are the descendants in Thailand. Can't create a golden body like me, what pressure can Dad have?"

Xiao Mingyue giggled and scraped the face of Xiao Bing, saying: "Shame and shame."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Where did you learn from this?"

"Just on TV." Xiao Mingyue is very clever. "On the TV, the big-headed son saw the little head dad blowing the cowhide, so he said that his father was ashamed and shy."

Xiao Bing laughed, Xiao Mingyue saw Xiao Bing’s heart sweeping the haze and laughed.

Xiao Bing took a sip of Xiao Mingyue and asked: "Baby daughter, how old are you this year? I mean how big your soul is, and your golden body looks like three years old."

"My soul... I have just been controlled by the headmaster for three years now. My former father in the last generation was a gambler. He was an alcoholic. After he was drunk, he licked my mother's stomach. My mother It’s been aborted... It’s been three years since then. But the headmaster said, our soul will not grow, my golden body is about three years old, my soul is forever three years old, will not growing up."

"And, the lowering division can only mold a three-year-old golden body for me. It can't be bigger anymore, otherwise my body can't live in, because my soul is born before it is born, and it is only a fetus. So the most golden body can be shaped into a baby, his mana is strong, and he has made me a child."

Xiao Bing sighed and said: "I don't think you are so pitiful."

Xiao Mingyue’s eyes suddenly appeared grievances. After Xiao Bing saw it, his heart trembled and hurriedly explained: “You think about your former mother, she is innocent, she also loves you, there is still a world. Love."

Xiao Mingyue said with a small mouth: "My mother, she is already dead. When I was aborted, she was already dead. But it doesn't matter, the headmaster said, she helped me reshape the golden body, the previous things and me. It doesn't matter anymore. That mom and dad is at most my past life. I have some feelings for my mother, because I am in her stomach every day, but I don't feel anything about that man. I just want to kill him. ”

Xiao Bing took Xiao Mingyue and Xiao Mingyue said softly: "There is only one of my loved ones in the world, you, my father."

Xiao Bing softly said: "I know that you hate your former parents, but since you said it, it is a thing of the past, and it has nothing to do with you now, then you will cut everything, not love, But don't hate, we must learn to relieve, we must understand that some things must be resolved, okay?"

"Dad, I don't understand."

"It doesn't matter, you will understand sooner or later."

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