Super Soldier

Chapter 763: The current captain of the Dragon Tooth Brigade

The next day, Xiao Bing and others came out from the airport in Kyoto. Liu Zhen was still asking: "The doorkeeper, you have thrown your daughter in the country of r, can you rest assured?"

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "There is nothing to worry about."

"Hey, it looks like you and the island Baihuizi really have a leg."


Liu Zhen squinted and smiled and asked: "Do you tell me the truth, is the moon and the illegitimate daughter of Xiaohui Baihuizi? Do you think that it should be tricky?"

A few other people, look at me, I look at you, that kind of eyes are clearly said, very likely.

Xiao Bing said without words: "Oh, I don't listen to you nonsense, remember, be careful when you go back, don't be tracked."

"Reassured, this is very experienced. Where are you going now?"

"Of course, I went to the National Security Bureau first. I have helped the country so much. Of course, I have to ask for a reward."

Liu Zhen said with a smile: "What kind of reward? Please suggest that it is better to give the island the Baihuizi reward to you."

Xiao Bing rolled his eyes and said: "I will tell my fiancée when I go back, and I will say that it is a boy named Liu Zhen."

"Where the grass, the door owner has a fiancee?" Liu Zhen quickly waved his hand and said, "Don't, let me say that I said, people have said, rather sinful villain, do not sin women, sons hate me." Now, I often blow the pillow in your ear, but I don’t want my life?"

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "So don't say, you are all optimistic about him. This kid's eyes are always not honest, don't bother in the middle of the road."

"Reassured." Molong said in a cold voice: "If he had a pair of eyeballs to make trouble, I would have dug his eyes from the eyelids."

Liu Zhen made a chill, and muttered a pervert in his mouth, but did not dare to say anything. Molong has always been prestigious in the Longmen. Basically everyone has a bit of awe, even if it was the original Blood wolf, there are some taboos in front of Molong.

Xiao Bing said: "Okay, then I will leave first, and the tickets will be booked for you. You will continue to wait here for the flight to Sanjiang City."

Xiao Bing waved his hand and walked out of the airport. He came to the airport bus and closed his eyes.

In fact, Xiao Bing is not just keeping his eyes closed. As long as he has time, he will start to use that way to integrate the mysterious power in Dantian into his body. It was only a trace of it at a time, but it was a qualitative change for Xiao Bing and it was a great improvement.

Now the strength of Xiao Bing is still breaking the realm of the virtual air period. It seems that it is a step away from breaking the peak of the void, but this step has never been taken out.

In fact, this is because the strength of Xiao Bing is superficial, but there is no real saturation.

It's like a cup. After filling a glass of wine, there are some foams in it, so there is still some distance from the real full. You have to pour it into it one by one until the glass begins. When it was full, the wine inside began to overflow. At that time, it was the time to really step into the realm of breaking the peak of the void.

If it is more popular, it means that it is not hungry, it is full, but it has not been flustered. The real great consummation is the extent to which you feel that you can eat and support it.

Xiao Bing also wants to break through to the next realm immediately. If it is a real breakthrough to break the peak of the void, when the Dark World Summit is reached, he will have enough confidence to face Maple III, especially Maple III. I also seriously injured the red rose. Even the red rose is probably no longer alive. Xiao Bing seems to have not revealed anything on his face for two days. In fact, he has already given Feng XIII to his hate. I have already made a heavy oath, even if it is a life-saving, I must also remove the maple 13 from the roots of the Diablo World Summit. It is a revenge for the old mine and a revenge for the red rose!

Now Xiao Bing’s hatred of Feng XIII is more than that of the Buddha and the blood wolf, so above the Dark World Summit, Maple 13 is not dead!

Xiao Bing got off the bus in the city, and then took the car to the National Security Bureau. Before that, Xiao Bing had already called the old class, so the person who stood guard verified Xiao Bing's identity information and then released it all the way.

Xiao Bing stopped at the door of the office building and the taxi drove out.

Xiao Bing walked into the office lobby on the first floor and was planning to go upstairs. Suddenly he saw a familiar figure coming down from the upstairs. When he saw the man, Xiao Bing’s footsteps stopped and the person’s footsteps were also Then, continue to walk down from the face with no expression.

The man who is coming down the stairs looks like he is in his early thirties. His figure is similar to that of Xiao Bing. He is more than one meter tall. His face is like a knife. It looks very cold and has a decisive and decisive atmosphere.

His body is also very strong, even the faint has reached the level of breaking the void, and even Xiao Bing feels that he is already close to breaking the void period, at least has reached the level of breaking the initial stage of the void!

When he was about to pass by Xiao Bing, Xiao Bing looked a bit complicated and sighed. He said with some emotion: "I can't think of your strength and progress so fast."

The other's footsteps finally stopped and stood up beside Xiao Bing, but he did not turn his head and look at Xiao Bing, but looked at the front and looked at the direction of the door. He screamed and said: "In the After you left, the whole dragon tooth developed under my leadership, I can only become stronger. You have gone five years, two years ago, when you were in the third year, I finally broke into the break. The virtual realm, chasing the footsteps that I have been chasing when you left, but I know... compared with me, you are the real martial genius, as long as you are still in the dragon tooth, I will always Not as good as you, although I have reached the legendary break of the void, really stood at the top of the martial arts pyramid, but I still can't compare you."

Xiao Bing earnestly said: "Your hard work, your perseverance, these are more than me, and one day you will definitely surpass me one day."

The man smiled, but the feeling of laughing was very cold, and people had a feeling of being cold and cold: "Captain, when did you become so modest?"

Xiao Bing helplessly said: "Ding Peng, I am not the captain."

This person's name is Ding Peng, Xiao Bing during the Long Tooth, he has been the vice captain of the Dragon Tooth Brigade, is Xiao Bing's most powerful deputy.

Xiao Bing has always been very convinced in the Dragon Tooth Brigade. Almost everyone is convinced of Xiao Bing, but there is no exception here. One of them is called Wang Hua. That person is somewhat hostile to Xiao Bing from beginning to end. Xiao Bing doesn't know why, but he doesn't care about those, as long as they are willing to do things for the country.

The other one is Ding Peng. Although he is a deputy deputy of Xiao Bing, he supports Xiao Bing's work, but the relationship with Xiao Bing always maintains a certain distance. Xiao Bing can't tell what it feels like. In short, he could not see through him. Later, when Xiao Bing left the gantry to accept punishment, almost all the people in the gantry were pleading for Xiao Bing. The only one who fell into the stone was Wang Hua, and there was a silent one. Peng.

Ding Peng snorted and said: "Yes, now I have called you a dragon son. Listening to Hua Zi said that he met you in Kyoto city a few months ago."

Xiao Bingdao: "Yes, Huazi seems to be very resentful to me."

Ding Pengdao: "Hua Zi has always been like that. I don't want to understand what he is thinking about. Don't blame him."

Xiao Bing didn't take it for granted: "When I was in charge of the dragon tooth, he complained deeply about me. As long as he really works for the dragon tooth, he really does things for the country, I will not know him."

"Well, that's good." Ding Peng said in a plain tone: "I still have a lot of things to do, so I will leave."

Xiao Bing did not know what he could continue to say with Ding Peng. He could only let him leave. At this moment, Xiao Bing found that he had a distance between Ding Peng and Ding Peng, but now he has become more alienated. I can't see exactly what Ding Peng is thinking.

Xiao Bing no longer thinks about it. He met the old teammates in the dragon tooth at this time. His mood is a bit complicated. On the one hand, he thought of the days he used to be in the dragon tooth, and he was sad. On the other hand, he saw the strength of Ding Peng’s progress. Fast, and some are happy for the dragon tooth, although he has left, but finally there is a super strong man who breaks the void level to support the scene. In this case, the dragon tooth is among the world special forces. The status of the company will still not change. It is still the special forces king unit standing in the world, and Ding Peng’s strength has reached the realm of breaking the void, and he will be able to control various situations. Xiao Bing is finally relieved.

Xiao Bing excluded those complicated emotions, and then went to the elevator. He took the elevator all the way to the floor where the old class was located. When the elevator came out, the secretary of the old class came over to pick up Xiao Bing. He personally took Xiao Bing. I took it to the door of the office of the old class, then knocked on the door and said to the old class inside: "The Secretary, Mr. Xiao Bing is here."

"Small soldier, come in soon!"

The voice of the old class sounded very exciting and very exciting.

If he is not happy, he will blame. This time, Maple Thirteen has made such a big move in the world, kidnapping so many of the world’s top medical scientists, and almost all the governments of the world are shaking. If these Medical scientists have made three long and two short, I am afraid that there will be a major earthquake in the medical world all over the world, and the loss is difficult to estimate.

However, the result was saved by Xiao Bing. Xiao Bing saved, which is equivalent to being saved by the Chinese government, and Xiao Bing was commissioned by the old class this time. The National Security Bureau is out. A big limelight, Huaxia has made a big limelight in the world. The old class has just been commended. The heart is full of beauty. At this time, I heard the savior coming. Can you be excited, even he Although he said that he would hurry in, but he himself ran to open the door.

The office door was just opened, and the old class took Xiao Bing’s wrist and took him in and walked in.

The secretary of the old class closed the door and then returned to his office, telling the people at the door not to let anyone disturb the director.

The old class put Xiao Bing on the chair and smiled: "Please sit down, please sit down."

Xiao Bing sat down and smiled at the old class.

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