Super Soldier

Chapter 775: Sin deserved

The people who can stand here are basically not simple characters. They are all fine. At this moment, Huang Shaoyu, who is confused, has said two sentences in his mouth, but these two sentences have already been carried. A lot of information, and they almost all guessed what was going on.

Countless glaring eyes all fell on Sun Danni, who was almost naked. Sun Danni himself lifted a rock and licked her own feet. The whole person almost collapsed, and her head was blank.

Zhang Mouzi looked grim and told the security guard: "Take them all, and call the police by the way..."

"Don't!" Sun Danni suddenly screamed, "Don't call the police!"

At this moment, even before everyone is still uncertain, now everyone is sure in the heart, it must be Huang Shaoyu to Bi Tingting to the drug, but did not know how to be eaten by Huang Shaoyu himself, the ugly is not Bi Tingting, turned into Huang Shaoyu and herself.

Everyone is full of contempt, and almost everyone in the entertainment industry wants to climb up, and there are many people who are good at calculating. Many people want to use other people to go to the top, but to do things. People who have done so badly and who are harmful to others have never seen them.

This Sun Danni is really too embarrassed, and it is so sad that everyone who is present is spoiled.

Bi Tingting suddenly said at this time: "Don't call the police, let her put on the clothes, then go out from here!"

Zhang Miaozi's face is dignified, Shen Sheng said: "Miss Bi Tingting's chest is broad, don't care about you, don't wear clothes quickly, then get out of here? Remember, don't appear in front of me in the future, and this is our last time. Cooperation. Also, no matter who is working with Sun Danni or Huang Shaoyu in the future, it will no longer be a friend of Zhang Miaozi, and will not be the partner of Zhang Miaozi again."

As the biggest director in China, Zhang Miaozi said that basically, even if they issued a ban on these two people, it is impossible for any one to offend those who have not yet established themselves in the first line. Zhang Mouzi, especially after this scandal, the two individuals are destined to stay in the first line, and may even fall to the level of the third and fourth line, and years of efforts have turned into the east.

Wang Shijun, the boss of Huayi Brothers, also said with a harsh tone: "Since then, there will be no cooperation with the two individuals in the cooperation company of Huayi Brothers and Huayi Brothers. Who should have these two people again? Cooperation, even if it is just a commercial performance, it is the enemy of our Huayi brothers."

Wang Shijun is a big predator in the entertainment circle. This basically basically blocks the future of these two people. Suddenly, all the executives of other companies present have also expressed their views.

Bi Tingting did not say a word, Xiao Bing just secretly exchanged a glass of wine, immediately sealed the two people's future entertainment roads, they can no longer mix in this business.

However, Xiao Bing did not regret it, nor did he sympathize with them. Sun Danni’s mentality was not correct. If this time she did not give her the road to be cut off, as long as she renewed her future, it would inevitably be calculated to count Bi Tingting. Bi Tingting is certainly not afraid of her, but if Someone always wants to lick a knife behind you, and it is always impossible to prevent it.

The reason why these people blocked these two people is also to take advantage of the trend. After this scandal, even if they do not block, the two people are not mixed in the entertainment circle. The second reason is because these two people are really too sinister. It’s so hot, even those who know more of them can’t stand it. The third reason is because Bi Tingting, this matter involves the days behind the entertainment circle, no matter who must guarantee the position, otherwise you are standing On the side of the two people, otherwise you are standing on the side of Bi Tingting. With the energy and status of Bi Tingting, this is almost a choice that can be made without thinking.

Seeing that things have been completely exposed, this is not to say that I have been ruined since then. I am afraid that unless they leave the country, they will be called as long as they are in the country for one day.

Sun Danni knew that everything was over. There was no chance to recover. None of the people present would sympathize with her because she was too poisonous and everything was taken by her.

After Sun Danni was in desperate situation, she didn't need to care about anything. She put on her own skirt, cried and laughed, and suddenly stood up and pointed at Bi Tingting. She yelled like crazy: "Bi Tingting, where are you? I am strong? I am not as good as you are, why you are sought after by everyone, investors like you, company boss likes you, peers like you, the media likes you, fans like you, why?"

"My Sun Dani has suffered more than you, but I have worked so hard for so many years, and I have even debuted even earlier than you. I can only play some villains now, only the villains will find me. , by what?"

"The news media praised you as a fairy every day, but what about me? They said that I am a fairy, saying that I am a slap in the face, I just send a photo on Weibo, and I have to be said to be a heart." I was embarrassed by the media and was stunned by fans. Did they see how hard I worked? How much hard work did I see for the filming every day? When I was the hardest and most tired, for the script, for two consecutive months, every day only Sleeping for three or four hours, I was afraid that the performance was not in place, I was afraid that I could not get the director’s appreciation, but in the end? In the end, everyone still told me that I was a vase that relied on my face. Why is it so unfair? Is it because? I look good, so they can't see my acting? Then you... why don't they say that to you?"

"I am jealous of you, I am jealous of everything about you, so I hate you more, I hate why I can't get it, you can all get it."

"This Xiao Bing, I pretend to give up my feet, and I want to take him away from your side. I originally thought that I would just take the man around you and let you see it. Let others see, I will not lose to you, but what about him? He looks like a hippie smile every day, but I can feel his contempt for me from the heart, he simply does not look at me. I don't care about me!"

Sun Danni cried and said: "This Huang Shaoyu wants to approach me, wants me to be his woman, he is not worthy, what is he? In my eyes, he is just a good looking, able to take young and tender When I was a little bit chilled for two years, he was not as struggling as I was, and he relied on a face, and there wasn’t even a little acting. I simply couldn’t see it.”

"But I thought I could use him to deal with you. He accidentally took the medicine and drunk it. It was not enough to make a mistake!"

Zhang Miaozi sinks into the water and sinks his voice: "Well, Sun Danni, you are almost crazy enough. Don't let me call the police to take you away, or let the security guards blow you out, that's not good. Go on your own!" ”

"I am going." Sun Danni nodded and said, "Well, I am going, but I have to ruin her face before I leave!"

Sun Danni said, like a tigress, she rushed to Bi Tingting. Almost everyone couldn’t catch it. At this time, a slap in the face of a slap in the face of Sun Danni’s face, Sun Danni’s slamming, fell directly on The ground, the half of the face swollen, and the blood is still flowing out of the mouth.

Xiao Bing walked over and squatted in front of Sun Danni, and went to Sun Danni’s ear to whisper with a voice that only two of them could hear: “Don’t give face shame, Sun Danni, you and Huang Shaoyu’s I have recorded the conversation. You want Huang Shaoyu to **, you have already committed a crime, if I provide the recording to the police..."

Sun Danni's face was pale and colorless. When Xiao Bing stood up, Sun Danni suddenly pointed to Xiao Bing and said with a look of horror: "It's you... It turned out to be you... You are so embarrassed, you are too embarrassed..."

Xiao Bing said in a cold way: "I just treat the person with his own way. If you want to harm others, you will always have to pay some price. Also, don't let me know that you still intend to plot against Bi Tingting. Otherwise, ,You understand……."

Sun Danni is completely afraid. She doesn't know why her conversation with Huang Shaoyu will be recorded by Xiao Bing. Because of this, she is even more afraid of Xiao Bing. She looks at Xiao Bing's eyes as if she is looking at a devil. Everyone doesn't understand what is going on, but smart people have guessed something. The reason why Sun Danni's conspiracy is revealed today is that I can't get away with Xiao Bing.

Bi Tingting’s heart was warm, but there was some pitiful Sun Danni, but she was not the kind of person who blindly sympathized with others. Sun Danni was basically deserved of sin, and she did not want to say anything for Sun Danni. She did not report the incident, this is already It is true to Sun Danni and Huang Shaoyu.

Sun Danni’s evidence is in the hands of Xiao Bing, and her future is equivalent to being held in the hands of Xiao Bing. If Xiao Bing will announce the recording, I am afraid she will not only be unable to mix in the entertainment circle, not only in China. The law is mixed, she will be jailed immediately.

Although she said that she had suffered a lot in these years, she was suddenly beaten by everyone from a well-known movie star who had just climbed up. This is already bad enough. If she is caught in prison, she can’t even imagine. .

She was completely scared. Now, besides being soft, what else can she do, especially in front of Xiao Bing, who first felt that the man’s body seemed to carry a force that could control everything, no matter what she did. What kind of tricks can't escape the palm of this man's hand.

Finally, Sun Dani nodded and said, "Okay, I will leave, I will withdraw from the entertainment circle, you will never see me again."

Sun Danni ran out of the hall and lost her life.

Huang Shaoyu was also taken away by the security guards at this time and sent to the hospital.

Bi Tingting has some disappointment: "How can this be?"

Xiao Bing sighed aside and said: "Hey, one is because of jealousy, one is because of the color of heart, you don't have to blame yourself, they all deserve it."


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