Super Soldier

Chapter 784: The dark world powers collectively dispatched

Ps: More than a week of explosions have ended, extraordinary has been tired, and resume the normal update of the two chapters every day, and will be notified in advance if there is another explosion. ??

No doubts can be solved in Xiao Bing’s heart. The red rose’s current injury has healed, but the body is still very weak. It is only able to move normally and freely. It needs to be well rested and wants to truly return to its heyday. At least it takes ten days and a half to recuperate to do it, but it doesn't matter. As long as she can come back safely, everything will be enough.

Xiao Bing let the red rose rest in the room. After walking out of the door, he saw Xiaobai standing outside. Xiao Bing smiled and said: "I miss you Rose sister?"

Xiaobai shouted.

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Go in, but don't bother your Rose sister for too long. She is still very weak and needs a lot of rest."

"Good!" Xiaobai promised, and then went in, although Xiaobai's temper is colder, but Xiao Bing also sees it, the red rose is alive, and the little white heart is actually more excited than anyone else, even if it is Compared with Xiao Bing, it is not bad at all.

Xiao Bing was preparing to go back to the room, but met Gao Fei on the head. Gao Fei said: "Go, go out and go."

"it is good."

Xiao Bing smiled and walked out of Xiaofu with Gao Fei. Xiao Bing didn't have to think that Gao Fei was trying to ask some of his own experiences. For example, during the breakthrough process, he wanted to know how he broke through.

This kind of experience is generally rare in this world. After all, let alone reach the peak of breaking the void, even if it is from the breakthrough to the beginning of breaking the void, it is already the leader of the dark world. It can almost be done invincible in the world.

Xiao Bing told these experiences, the psychological feelings at that time, all of them to Gao Fei know that there is no reservation.

Gao Fei listened, his eyes were a little faint, and the strength of his body was more and more instigating. He could feel that he was getting closer and closer to the day of breakthrough.

After the approximate exchange was over, Xiao Bing smiled and asked: "Gofei, do you think that if I face the Buddha, how strong is it?"

Gao Fei hesitated for a moment, and finally said: "Buddha son."

"Oh? Do you think so?"

"Yeah." Gao Feidao, "I have seen one side with the Buddha before. This person is a rare talent in the millennium. When you break through today, the smell of the body will make me feel terrible, but Still can't compare with the Buddha son."

"Oh, what do you think is the realm of the Buddha's son now? Breaking the great conclusion of the peak of the void? It is not always able to reach the legend or even know whether it exists or not?"

Gao Fei asked: "I don't know if it exists or not?"

Xiao Bing thought of the original, when the country’s martial arts **** Igawagawa’s father was facing the gossip snake, the last move was also the ban on their evil-eyed valley. The rumor was that it was comparable to immortality. The power, but unfortunately he was only able to display it once, and then he died, but the trick at that time even if Xiao Bing now thinks it still feels earth-shattering.

Even Xiao Bing has now reached the peak of breaking the void, but still has no grasp of the ban that can resist the Yi Xie Chuan Valley. It is conceivable that it is really possible to achieve the power of immortality. There is still a realm that exists in this world, but no one has seen it.

Gao Feidao: "I don't know if he can't die, but I think he has at least reached the level of breaking the peak of the void."

Xiao Bing nodded, breaking the initial stage of the void and breaking the peak of the void. Although it sounded like breaking the peak of the void, it actually went a long way. Especially after reaching this level, I want to reach a big one. The difficulty of perfection is no less than the arrival of Dan Jin from the time of the martial arts, and even more than it is.

Gao Fei looked at Xiao Bing and said: "A person who is able to reach the innate realm in his lifetime can be regarded as a person with a good martial arts talent. He can reach the sturdy period, even if he is practicing Wu Qi, he can reach it in his lifetime. If you break the void, it will not be many unique wizards for thousands of years. Almost no one can match it. You can achieve this at such a young age. Boss, I will see you step by step. Today, I can foresee that this world belongs to you one day sooner or later. In the world, the only person who can have the opportunity to challenge the Buddha’s son is none other than you."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "You should not be modest. I think you are not far from the breakthrough."

Gao Fei’s eyes are also faintly expected.

In the chat with Gao Fei, the two big men didn't have much to talk about. Two people returned to Xiaofu. Xiao Bing went directly back to the room to talk with the leaves. He knew that Xiao Bing could break through, and the leaves were also in the heart. Happy for Xiao Bing, she doesn't need how strong her man is, but she wants her man to be absolutely safe wherever he goes.

The leaves know that Xiao Bing is destined to be an extraordinary person. It is destined to experience many dangers and hurricanes outside, so the stronger the strength, the more self-protected, especially after contacting the two Buddhas, the leaves The stronger the idea, the more she finally understood how her man was dealing with what kind of existence outside the day, which is unimaginable to most people.

In one corner of the world, a grandmother with a cane shuttles in the middle of the sidewalk. She squats, except for the hand holding the cane, and the other is holding a little girl of seven or eight years old. Full of silver, the clothes are ruined, and there is a very sinister and horrible smell on her body. She walks step by step, almost everyone will hide her far away, even those who do not understand, just look At a glance, she can also feel a sense of uneasiness.

The little girl in the hands of the old woman was wearing two scorpions, her face was red on the plateau, her eyes were big, and she was stunned. When she was squatted by her wife, she asked: "The snake, the summit is what?"

The old woman smiled and said: "That is a good place to fight for power and make a name for yourself. This time I will take you to see it, mainly for long experience, but you remember, you can only see it there, you can only listen. Don't just open your mouth and say, understand?"

The little girl nodded and said, "I understand."

"Well, you are very embarrassed. This time I took you to see for a long time, but after ten years, if the snake woman still lives in this world, I will take you to the name and make your name resound throughout the dark world. ""

The little girl smiled happily: "Great, I want to make a name for myself, I want to be famous!"

The old woman is laughing too. She smiles very gloomyly, including vicissitudes of life. Among them, there are anger, anger, sadness, and mixed feelings. Only the elderly who know her age know that the famous name is the advantage of making a name for themselves. The famous name also means that you have really embarked on this road since then, and you can't go out if you want to go.

In another corner of the world, a scrawny man was kneeling on the floor, holding a pair of scissors in his hand, and was peeling a piece of skin a little bit, then he picked up his foot. A skull on the side, the face was carefully attached, and then he dug the eye of the man, also in the position of the eyeball embedded in the skull that only has the bones of the forest.

While doing these kinds of work, he kept trembled and whispered in his mouth: "Three years ago, you humiliated me, but I taught me to teach me martial arts. Three years later, I not only killed you, but also killed you. I still bring this layer of skin with you, and your eyeballs. I want you to look at me forever and ever, even if you are dead. See how I am famous in the dark world. How do you ever have it? all!"

When he spoke, he kept shaking, but he was not afraid, but excited. His face even had a morbid excitement and chilling, which made people shudder.

After everything was done, he took the skull that had been affixed to his face and eyes, grabbed it in his hand, and then did not take care of the dead body in his hand, and went on the ground. The dead body that has been stripped of the dough will disappear into the world forever. No one will remember him anymore. Even if someone appears here at this moment, no one will recognize him again. He can only see him. The age should be no small, because he is white and is a male old man.

In another corner of the world, Feng Thirteen’s injury has been completely cured, and his strength has completely recovered to its peak state. At this moment, he stood up and called several strengths in the dark world. The top strong, the group began to formally go on the road.

This time, Maple Thirteen is not to make a name for himself. This time he is going to conquer the entire dark world.

Since his strength has made a tremendous breakthrough, his ambition has begun to expand, or he has always had such a big ambition, but he has always hidden this ambition, not letting any People see the flaws, because he is a snake lurking in the grass. When he swallows the snake letter, you don’t know that only when one hit will kill, he will suddenly pop out and then bite. Kill you directly on your throat!

The story of the farmer and the snake is like him and the Buddha. At least he thinks that the story will really be staged in real life.

This time, the real opponent in his heart is not Xiao Bing. Xiao Bing is only a stepping stone for him. He wants to use the death of Xiao Bing to shock the entire dark world. Then he will decide the outcome with the Buddha and finally unify. The entire dark world.

In every corner of the world, things that are unimaginable and even trembling are performed every day.

The strong people in the dark world are like the grass on the grass, and the burning is not enough, because as long as there is injustice, as long as there is a dark environment for growth, there will be a dark world of soil, those who are sad and miserable and hateful will be like A glimpse of the inexhaustible grass seedlings.

Cut off this embarrassment, and the next one will appear.

Wild fire, in spring.

It is getting closer and closer to the Diablo World Summit, and it has entered the countdown stage. The strong people in the dark world are about to gather together! 8

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