Super Soldier

Chapter 788: Buddhism third

Balang is like a giant with no power, striding toward the ghosts, the ground violently shaking, and even the shaking makes these people stand unsteadily.

The Dan Jin masters around the ghosts have their eyes wide open, and the heart is dark, God, is this guy’s body cast by steel, how is it like a tank, every step of the way, it’s so moving, it’s not He needs to be shot. If anyone is accidentally hit by him, it is estimated that he will be crushed by his body.

At this moment, although the ghosts are said to be the top masters of the Buddhist Gossip, there are some bottoms in those people's hearts. Will the ghosts be the opponents of this terrible person?

Not only those masters of Dan Jin, but even Liu Wei’s heart is a bit remorse at this moment. She feels that she is too small to look at the strength of Kun Peng. She really did not think that Kun Peng’s men were so strong, and his men actually returned. There is a super strongman who can fight the gantry with a single shot. Barang is really hidden too deeply. If it is not according to Liu Xin’s mind, she will not be so rushed. At the very least, she must remind the Buddha to send a few more. A top powerhouse, it is best to send more than a few Buddhas, so that nothing can be lost.

Now she can only count on the sinister old man next to him to deal with Balang. If it is not, today, not only the Buddhas will have to get in, but the most important thing is that she is very difficult to live from here.

Kun Peng smiled a little smugly. "I didn't expect it? Liu Wei, I want to thank you. When you come this way, I will become the savior of other major forces, just after I killed you. Then push all the things to you and unify the entire Golden Triangle. When I see who else dares to be against me, even if the Buddha wants to be against me, I will kill them as well! Hahahaha!"

Liu Wei’s face is ugly, and he’s a big move today.

Seeing that Barang and the ghosts are going to fight, a few people around Liu Wei hurriedly brought her behind, and Wacker whispered: "This level of strong opponents, even if it affects you, you will be the same. Will have no life!"

Liu Wei took a nap and his brain was blank. He didn't expect the mortal's strength to reach this level. He saw a deep pit on the ground that was stepped on by Barron. It took a lot of effort to get a foot. The deep pit that you just stepped on?

Balang is like a Hulk, and in a blink of an eye he rushes to the front of the ghost.

"There is such a King Kong body, I am afraid that even the bullets can not penetrate this body, you are already invincible!" Ghost's mouth made a very high evaluation of Barron, but Barang's fist whistling His head, but he did not even have eyes, even did not hide, if not seen.

At this moment, a hand suddenly emerged from behind the ghost animal, and before Baron’s fist fell on the head of the ghost, the hand was already shot on Baron’s chest.

The hand seemed to be so gently patted on it, and after the hand fell on Baron’s chest, it trembled gently, like a lover’s stroke, but Baron was as hard as it was, as if He was not a hand, but a hill, and then his whole person flew out completely, and slammed into the ground.

Kun Peng was still yelling before, but he couldn't help but open his mouth. Liu Wei was already yelling there.

A middle-aged man came out from behind the ghosts. They found that even after the man appeared, even the eyes of the ghosts could not help but reveal a certain degree of awe.

The man is over forty years old, cut a small flat head, he is very old, wearing the most popular dilapidated military coat in the Kyoto Red II of the last century, the clothes Sew a few pockets, wearing a pair of worn-out black shoes on his feet, how to look like a century-old man in the 1920s, if this military coat is put into the last century, even if It is those who come out of the giant gates to wear this body, it seems that it is very powerful, but if it is put into today, this dress looks like a dumpling, a joke.

The man was wearing it but no one dared to laugh. He stood there casually, and he took a big master's head. His waist was straight and straight, his eyes were very resolute, giving people a feeling. It is like an iron soldier.

When he came out from behind the ghosts, the ghosts were also very respectful and said: "Mr. Reddust, you finally shot."

This person faintly sighed and walked to the front of the crowd, both with the military temperament, and a generation of martial arts masters.

Balang climbed up from the ground. His strength has been infinitely close to breaking the virtual realm. He believes that he has been difficult to compete in the hard-working period. He did not expect to be hit by a palm, and there are some internal injuries in his body.

In his eyes, he showed a dignified color that he had never seen before. He looked at the man in his early military coat and asked, "Who are you?"

The middle-aged man replied in a word: "The third place in Buddhism is ranked third, and it is red!"

Barron’s pupil began to shrink. The two most powerful organizations in the dark world are the Dragon Gate and the Buddha Gate. Among the Buddha’s gates, the most mysterious is the top three top players. Even the top three masters are male. Women don't know, I didn't expect to appear in front of myself today, and the strength is still so horrible, and I have overturned myself. Has the strength reached the legendary degree of breaking the void?

Balang’s heart has an unprecedented sense of crisis.

Liu Wei’s face reappeared with a smug smile, and the attitude was respectful: "Mr. Red Dust, you can help me kill these people."

"It’s natural to take people’s money and loyal people.” The red and dusty tone is flat. “Baron, I’m hard to find your strength, give you a chance, if you can be within three strokes. Let me leave the ground with my feet, then I can let you go."

Balang’s eyes lit up and asked: “In the three strokes, are you really not leaving the ground?”

After listening to the red dust, I laughed and said with pride: "I am really true when I say what I say."

"Good!" Baron said loudly, "I will kill you within three strokes!"

Kun Peng was still very nervous. At this time, he also sighed and laughed. "I was still worried. I didn't expect you to be so stupid. Even if you don't leave the ground, you want to survive the three moves of Mr. Barang? Sir, you don’t want to be merciful, you must kill him under the palm of your hand. When the other people are not the meat on our chopping board!”

Balang took a deep breath, and his body suddenly became more stout. Under the stunned eyes of everyone, his body swelled like a hill, and then madly rushed toward the red dust. Even Liu Xin and others raised their hearts, fearing that Barang would slam the red dust at once, and Liu Xin was secretly annoyed. He did not expect that the guy from the Buddha’s door would be so big.

Seeing Barron sprinted over, the red dust suddenly showed a posture, the posture of Tai Chi, and then when Balang’s double fists came, his hands were stuck on Balang’s arm in an instant. Barang only felt that the strength of the body could not be completely controlled, and suddenly flew out.

Falling red dust retracted his hand and smiled and said: "This is the essence of Tai Chi Chuan. By taking advantage of strength, this time you are being beaten by me. I have not used a little bit of power, but with your power, you have defeated yourself. There are two more tricks, come back!"

The ghost animal saw this scene, and his eyes showed a deep taboo color. He said: "Mr. Reddust’s Tai Chi, this singer has already won the essence of Tai Chi. Under the heavens, I am afraid no one can give it to the right."

Liu Wei was relieved and patted the towering chest and shouted: "Mr. Red Dust Come on!"

Kun Peng’s face turned out to be particularly ugly, and the nervous way: “Mr. Balang, think of ways to kill him!”

Balang once rushed over again. This time, the power was even stronger. Even several people stood unsteadily and fell directly on the ground by the shaking of the ground. Then Barang clasped his hands and lifted it up, heading for the red dust. When the head squats.

Falling red dust and laughing, both hands to the sky, after catching Barang’s double fists, but did not fight hard, but directly let the other side double fist down, but his power is to drive the baron’s fist The trajectory of the movement just passed by the shoulders of the red dust, and then turned a circle. The force was again controlled by Barron, and even the body of Barron turned around involuntarily. At the same time, the two legs squat together, slamming and falling directly.

The arrogant Baron, who is close to breaking the virtual realm, was dragged into the air and applauded!

Falling red dust faintly said: "You have the last move!"

This time, Kun Peng and Kun Peng's remaining men were desperate. Liu Wei looked at this scene like a cat watching a mouse. His heart began to imagine the moment when he was about to unify the Golden Triangle.

Balang once again climbed up. This time he gave a roar. The double punch actually rubbed a sound of blasting with the air. His large physique, the power was close to the speed of sound, and the blink of an eye The red dust is on the chest, but the red dust is faster, the Tai Chi is not necessarily slow, and the Tai Chi is a quick and slow effort. The two hands of the red dust are placed on the arm of Barang and then twisted hard. Barang’s mouth made a miserable cry, and his two arms were cut off in an instant, and he slammed and he fell directly on the ground.

The red dust sighed and said: "Three strokes have passed, you can go to death!"

Hey, Barang hasn’t gotten up yet, and he was cut off by the red dust, and then the red dust began to walk towards Kun Peng.

Even if it was like Kun Peng, who was sitting on the side of the town, he was scared and shivered. He fell to the ground with a bang. After the card disappeared, he no longer had the courage to resist. While trembled: "I was wrong, I was wrong, I must hand over my site, beg you, spare me a life, spare me a life! Liu Wei, you help me talk, I don't I dare to fight with you, I am willing to give you all my land, even if I am willing to be a cow in this life, I beg you to let me go."

The remaining three men of Kun Peng were also on the ground, followed by a hoe, one of them even scared the urine.

Liu Wei giggled and said: "General Kun Peng, my sister, I want to occupy the entire Golden Triangle area now. If you don't die, how can your sister be relieved? Don't worry, after you die, your sister will take you and your child. Bring it to you, let them all go with you."

Kun Peng’s head was smashed. At this time, when he heard Liu Wei say this, he could not help but scream and shouted: “How are you so poisonous, snakes and women!”

His shouts, in exchange for Liu Wei's smug smile.

The red dust finally came to Kun Peng’s face, and his eyes looked indifferently at this side of the party. For his superpower who has stood at the peak of martial arts, this so-called big drug lord is in his eyes. Just like a cockroach ant.

He was about to lift his foot and stepped on the ant ant. Suddenly, he looked at the front and looked at the front, but he saw a few people slowly coming out of the darkness. A Chinese man headed for a smile was smiling. "It’s finally time for us to play. It’s really live here today!”

The face of the ghost animal changed, and he cried out, "Dragon son?"


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