Super Soldier

Chapter 813: Xiao Bing is the five major countries

The nine members of the committee have not forgotten the enchanting scorpion of Feng XIII, and even a casual look has made them strong like hell. This is a little later, Feng Thirteen actually Already dead, died in the hands of the dragon son. ?

At this time, they have only awe of the dragon son, and sincere fear.

At this moment, a sense of crisis suddenly shrouded everyone. Almost all of them who came to Tongtian Tower were well-known strong people in the dark world. They had a keen awareness of the crisis, and almost all of them were moving toward Looking at the East, it seems to be able to bring them a life threat that cannot be said.

Xiao Bing sighed in his heart, and he came after all, but he did not expect that he had killed Maple 13, but they still refused to let go. If so, then I would not be able to sit still, anyway, China has already Withdrawal from this action, Xiao Bing will not have the slightest psychological burden even if he confronts the remaining five major countries.

Xiao Bing reached out and shouted: "The knife is coming!"

In the dark world, a knife master ran over with some excitement, and handed the knife in his hand to Xiao Bing. Xiao Bing pulled out the scabbard and was stunned. He couldn’t help but admire: "Good knife, good knife!"

After that, Xiao Bing looked at the other side and said, "When I run out, I will pay you back!"

"Nothing, don't need to do it, don't need it!"

This person seems quite excited, as if Xiao Bing can use his weapons is already his great honor.

The four inside the dragon gate will all be surrounded. Liu Zhen looks at Xiao Bing, who is bloody. Some worried, he said: "The doorman, what happened? Now you can no longer use force. You see that you have suffered. Such a heavy injury, even if it is bleeding, can drain your blood. We must now find a place to deal with the wound."

Xiao Bing shook his head and said: "It’s too late, rest assured, I can’t die!”

The strength of Xiao Bing's body is constantly running, the wound is healing little by little, his body has many falls, there are multiple wounds, and even the deepest can see the bones. The real injury is actually on the landing. When he fell, he said that he had realized some mysteries that he had never realized before falling into the ground, but that would only guarantee that he would not be killed. It would not be possible to avoid injury.

But fortunately, Xiao Bing seems to be the time when the wounded, the mysterious power in the body will be revealed, automatically repairing the injury inside his body, so now look at his bloody, as if the whole person has changed It became a blood man, but in fact the wound is no longer bleeding.

Xiao Bing’s gaze looks like a knife in the distance. He can’t retreat. It’s even more impossible for the other party to hurt anyone in the Dragon Gate. Otherwise, he will kill the four people in the Dragon Gate, which is equivalent to selling himself. These brothers.

In the general command, the brains of the security departments of several major countries are in the midst of shock. They took a look at each other and took a breath.

Jonathan Els, the director of the MI5 of Eagle State, said in a fluent English: "This Chinese person... I have never seen such a powerful warrior. He is the king of the world special forces. I am convinced. ""

Germany’s National Security Bureau Director Clausen also said with emotion: “I can’t imagine that such a person would withdraw from Longya. If he is still in the Longya Brigade, I am afraid that in the next few decades, the Chinese special forces will crush everything. That is not just an advantage, but an absolute crush!"

The Germans have always been very rigorous and direct, although the security departments of other major countries do not like to hear such words, but they are unable to refute them. They have to admit in their hearts, Crowson said All are big truths.

A stone in the heart of the old class is also completely grounded. There is no pride in saying: "Now you know, the real powerhouse is able to bring the power of destroying a city and a pool. If you are really It is not difficult to force such a group of strong people to be in a desperate situation. It is not difficult to eliminate them by the power of the state, but you think about how many innocent lives are sacrificed in this world?"

Edward, the director of the National Security Agency of the country, suddenly said with some excitement: "Tell the front line, immediately mobilize the missiles, kill them all, Maple 13 is dead, and now they are all basically gathered under the tower, it will be The best time for them to go all out."

The face of the old class changed, and the face looked angry: "Xiao Bing has just killed a maple thirteen for you, now you cross the river so quickly to break the bridge?"

Anping Jiro smiled beside him: "The class director, you don't have to be too excited, Xiao Bing of your country... Well, it should be said that it is a dragon son. He has indeed done a lot of things in recent years. Guided the dark world, there is not much trouble, he is also a meritorious minister. But this time is indeed a great opportunity to eliminate the dark world, even if there is his guidance, as long as the dark world exists for one day, obviously there are hidden dangers. It’s better to wipe out the cleanliness. Although the Buddha did not come, this time the Tongtian Tower at least gathered 80% of the power of the dark world, and the rest of them could not afford any big waves."

Others also said: "It’s said that the battles have just been seen. The top powerhouses in the Diablo World are really terrible. The Tongtian Tower is surrounded by uninhabited smoke. It is the best place to send missiles. If it is missed. This time the opportunity, once they are in the big city, there is no way to give the advantage of anti-personnel weapons, it is very difficult to eliminate these people."

Edward from the m country directly picked up the intercom and said to the front line: "I will shoot the missiles immediately, and I will raze those people and the whole tower to the ground!"

On the other side of the walkie-talkie, the voice of the command was heard. The face of the old class became very ugly. Sitting on the chair, I couldn’t stop it. Although he really valued Xiao Bing, even Xiao Bing. It was his greatest hand to cultivate, and he was the greatest pride in his life, but he could not offend the five powers for Xiao Bing at the same time.

In his position, if he is not sitting in this position, then everything can be done, he can do whatever he wants, but now he is sitting in this position is representative of China's position, some things are impossible It is with his mood.

The inner heart of the old class can only pray for Xiao Bing, but don't say that Xiao Bing has been seriously injured now. Even in the heyday, manpower can't be confronted with advanced weapons. That is simply not practical.

Is Xiao Bing destined to fall here? Not in the hands of those who died in the dark world, but to die in the hands of their own people?

When the old class thinks about it, it feels sad.

There was a voice inside the walkie-talkie: "A total of three spear-to-ground missiles have been fully filled, please instruct!"

Edward decided decisively: "Aim at the target, shoot!"

The spear-to-ground missile is the main medium-range missile of the m country. It is characterized by high accuracy and low cost, but even so, the cost of a random missile is also 240,000 dollars, equivalent to one hundred. More than a thousand Chinese coins.

In other words, only three missiles were fired, and basically more than five million Chinese coins were gone.

Of course, this money is a drizzle for a big country.

This time, in addition to bringing three 'spear' ground-to-ground missiles, there are more than a dozen tanks and more than one hundred special forces waiting to be prepared. This time, there are more preparations than this, but because China temporarily quit, So they are equivalent to one-sixth less power, but in their view, this has basically had no effect on the overall situation.

The people under the Tongtian Tower are feeling a strong sense of crisis coming from the east. They are rushing to see what is happening. Suddenly they hear the sound of rumble, like an earthquake, and then they see three meteors flying from afar. Come over, these three meteors will cover almost all the kilometers around the Tongtian Tower, flying toward it with three times the horror of the manpower.

Suddenly someone in the dark world screamed: "That is a missile, someone is going to kill us!"

Suddenly everyone was in a mess, and in front of the missile, even a strong and powerful, it became extremely weak.

The three missiles are just bombing in three directions. Without giving anyone the chance to escape, thousands of kilometers around the tower will become an explosion range.

Xiao Bing suddenly took a long knife and rushed to the sky. His degree was even more terrifying, and he also reached the sound.

No one can think of him jumping so high that he reached a height of more than 100 meters. Then people were in the air, and suddenly they screamed in their mouths. The scabbard in the hand was shot directly like a javelin. That degree has broken through the sound barrier, and even rubbed the violent Mars in the air.

The following people are all looking up and screaming and screaming: "Oh my God, is this manpower able to do it? How do I feel that the dragon's throwing power, even the horror of missiles fired by missiles? What is the strength? How far has the Dragon Son been achieved? Is it impossible for the immortals?"

With a strong air stagnation, Xiao Bing stayed in the air for a few more seconds, and between these seconds, he held a long knife, lifted it up, and slammed it down like a forceful mountain. With the terrifying momentum of the earth-opening, two consecutive smashes, and then saw two white knives visible to the naked eye, which broke through the sky and went straight to the other two missiles.

With a bang, the scabbard just hit one of the missiles and exploded on the sky a few hundred meters away, whether it was the people under the tower, or the missiles in the distance and the special forces ready to go. I can feel the vibration of the air caused by the horrible power. The power of the missile is indeed too strong, but the most terrifying thing is the power of Xiao Bing. With a casual scabbard, it can be thrown out. The same use of missiles is very imaginable.

At the same time, the other two knives also happened to meet the other two missiles in midair, and the two directors also exploded directly above the sky.

The few people who fired the missiles looked at it all stupidly. One of the Americans was still scared to sit on the ground with a sigh of relief. The mouth was mad and said: "My God!" 8

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