Super Soldier

Chapter 815: The hero of the dark world!

Xiao Bing sat down and there was a panicked voice in the intercom in front of the correspondent: "Hurry up and tell the elders that the man has already rushed over and should soon rush into the general headquarters. We can’t stop him, three. The tank was cut in half, and more than a dozen r national warriors died under his knife. ΔΩwww.."

Anping Jiro almost vomited blood, his face rose and the color of the eggplant. He brought a total of twenty r national warriors. They are all true elites in the special forces of the r country. I don’t know how much resources can be cultivated. One, the result is more than a dozen are hacked to death? Anping Jiro does not know how to deal with it after returning to China.

Xiao Bing was Shi Shiran sitting on the chair and tilting his legs. Edward sighed and said: "Tell the other side and say I already know."

The correspondent glanced at Xiao Bing and then trembled to the mic: "Know... I know."

All the long gaze fell on Xiao Bingdu. When Xiao Bing’s eyes looked at the past, they evaded one by one. Xiao Bing smiled and said: “Don’t you all want to kill me? I’m sitting here, Why don't you kill?"

Among the six major countries, it is obvious that Edward is the country. Edward is a serious saying: "I still call you Mr. Xiao Bing, respected Mr. Xiao Bing, I think you have some misunderstandings. Our real purpose is It is necessary to encircle all the members of the Diablo World and build a safe world. You have always been a hero who guards this land in our minds. The reason why you are shooting missiles while you are there is really helpless. But since you are safe now, please cooperate with us to encircle the dark world."

Edward wants to understand that all the waves of attack have been destroyed before. I am afraid that it is almost impossible to destroy all the people in the Tongtian Tower with the power they have transferred this time, but if Xiao Bing can cooperate They, they have just seen Xiao Bing's terrorist strength. With the strength of Xiao Bing and their army, it is easy to kill everyone who attended this meeting.

Edward smiled and said: "Moreover, I also know that the reason why Mr. Xiao Bing entered the Diablo World is actually to carry out the task. He wants to ensure that the Diablo World is within the controllable range. If Mr. Xiao Bing can cooperate with us to complete this. Once you act, you are the biggest hero in the world, even if it is the Nobel Peace Prize, it is a matter of course."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "You don't think it's ridiculous to use the killing in exchange for the Nobel Peace Prize?"

Xiao Bing looked at the old class, and the old class looked serious: "I have already withdrawn from this action on behalf of China."

Xiao Bing nodded.

The old class said again: "However, I think if you can cooperate with their actions, it may be a good thing, it will be very beneficial to you."

Xiao Bing smiled and suddenly said: "This time I came over, representing the entire Diablo world and negotiating with you. I promise that in the next five years, the Diablo World Exhibition will satisfy all major countries and will not bring it to you. The world’s serious destruction, everything remains within the controllable range, and you have to retreat immediately, cancel all this action plan!”

Edward frowned, and Xiao Bing suddenly stood up and raised his long knife. The old class reached out and shouted: "No!"

Then I saw Xiao Bing slashing, and the conference table of more than ten meters was instantly turned into two halves.

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Do you think that your head can still be harder than this table? Can it be harder than a missile? Can it be harder than those tanks?"

Anping Jiro angered and said: "Eight teeth road!"

Xiao Bing’s knife flashed and slammed out, and he saw that he had cut through the head of Anping Jiro. When everyone was almost exclaimed, Xiao Bing’s knife just touched the neck of Anping Jiro. All the positions stopped, and then a smell of urine came, Anping Jiro urinating his pants.

Xiao Bing said coldly: "I am a soldier, at least it was! I don't want to wave my knife to my colleagues. I always think that my body should be used to protect the country." It should be used to protect the people of Lebanon. That is my duty. So don't force me!"

Edward quickly waved his hand and said: "Mr. Xiao Bing, you are going to put the knife down. You should know how much the consequences will be if the knife is cut down."

Xiao Bing sneered: "Have you ever thought about it? If the three missiles that have just been blown up really will have much consequences, the strong people in the dark world are all powerful. Have you not seen it yet?" Although Tongtian Tower has gathered more than half of the top players in the Diablo World, it is not all. If you let the other dark world masters know that the country wants to kill them all, if you are them, what will they do? They will die and die!"

Xiao Bing sneered: "Imagine if you are such a master to go to the dead network, how many people will you die? How many people will die in the world? Yes, the state machine is always the most powerful, and the evil is invincible, but Is it that the charcoal is the result you want to see?"

"Even if you are willing to pay a lot of money and win the final victory. But so many people have died, so many people have been displaced, so many people have lost their loved ones and friends, hatred will be born among them, those If you lose your loved ones, the guys will hate the world, the new dark world will be born among them, and the dark world will be wiped out! Do you still want to continue to destroy them?"

Xiao Bing’s words made them all silent. They obviously didn’t think about this. Especially when the big powers were basically solved by strong force, they forgot that new casualties would bring new hatred, and new hatred would breed. The new dark world, the dark world can be solved by force? ”

Edward looked at other people. A few of them looked at each other and saw the hesitation from their eyes. At the same time, they saw the shake. The old class took the opportunity to say: "Xiao Bing said yes, let alone you don’t think it was before. In the past five years, although many people have died, they have been much stronger than they were five years ago. In the next five years, the chairman of the Diablo World Summit will still have Xiao Bing to serve, and he will still guide the dark world. Although it is difficult to control people in the dark world, but the world wants no harm, do you think it is possible? It is better for him to restrict this dark world on behalf of our official. It’s better than a moment of life. Do you think there is any reason?"

The security chiefs of the Eagle State, Germany and Russia all stated: "I agree."

Anping Jiro’s life is in the hands of Xiao Bing, not to mention the fact that Xiao Bing’s inhumane missiles can be shot down, and the tanks can be cut in half, not to mention that he is such a big living person, he is afraid of Xiao Bing. When he was excited, he cut down his head and said in a hurry: "I agree."

Edward saw that the overall situation had been fixed, plus Xiao Bing and the old class said that it was not unreasonable, but he also sighed and said: "I also agree, so let's fix it."

Xiao Bing took the knife back and smiled. "I know that everyone is the big leader in the big country. It should be able to figure this out. Since everyone agrees, this is the best. We are now blocking. In peace, I also went back to the Tianta to continue our summit. As for everyone, I will not accompany you."

Edward sighed and walked over. He grabbed the correspondent in the hands of the correspondent and said to the other side: "Notify the elites of all countries. All the teams gather outside the headquarters. After half an hour, we will go home!"

Xiao Bing completely smiled, the old class was relieved, and then saw Xiao Bing no longer say anything, went directly to the second floor window, leapt from the upstairs, and then quickly disappeared in the command In the courtyard of the ministry, he was able to advance tens of meters away every step of the way. In the twinkling of an eye, there was only a vague figure left and disappeared.

The old class looked in the eyes, and the eyes showed a bit of complex color. The assistants next to him whispered: "Secretary, is this the strongest special soldier in China's legend?"

The old class nodded and said with emotion: "Unfortunately, everyone has their own ambitions. If he stays in the dragon tooth, can the individual combat capability of China be able to kill the world? But maybe he did the right thing, just he said Those words are actually not unreasonable!"

The assistant nodded and thought that Xiao Bing had single-handedly shocked the brains of the security departments of the five major countries. His eyes could not help but reveal the reverence for the strong, and even thought about when Xiao Bing led the dragon tooth to deter the entire special world. It was all temperament, he thought of it, and immediately felt some blood boiling.

As long as they are individuals, they all worship the strong.

Edward looked a little complicated and looked at the old class. His tone was sour and said: "The class, you have a enchanting Chinese summer!"

What the old class thought of, the smug haha ​​laughed, and only Anping Jiro was stunned by the side, and his face was unhappy.

Xiao Bing returned to Tongtian Tower all the way. He saw that the people who participated in the Diablo World Summit were waiting for him outside the Tongtian Tower. Xiao Bing’s face showed a smile and threw the knife directly back to the person who had been before. Road: "Country, Russia, Germany, Eagle, r, the six major countries have agreed to retreat!"

Under the Tongtian Tower, everyone cheered out the mountains and the tsunami. This is the biggest crisis in the history of the Diablo World. It is not even the people present, even those who have not come to the dark world. For those people, it is also The biggest crisis.

Because everyone can think of it, if the top powerhouses here are eliminated, the big countries will not let go of those who miss the net.

The peacocks are all shining in their eyes, and they say to themselves: "Now the dragon son is not only the president of the summit, but even the hero of the entire dark world. I am afraid that his prestige will never be more and more. ”

The committee members who heard this were next to each other.

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