Super Soldier

Chapter 817: I will settle accounts after the fall!

After waking up in the middle of the night, Xiao Bing felt that the whole person was much more comfortable. He looked at the injury on his body, the wound had already solidified, and the body was half injured.

Xiao Bing obviously can feel that there are two more internal forces in the body. Like the elves, he constantly moisturizes the original injuries in the body. Xiao Bing tries to integrate those two forces into his own body. It is integrated with the original strength in the body, and I feel that the strength of the whole person has once again improved.

However, Xiao Bing's current strength has reached the peak of the void, and it is very difficult to get closer.

In the rumor, the beginning of breaking the void is called immortality, but no one has ever seen anyone who has truly reached that level of realm, and even does not know where this statement came from, so it is even more uncertain that this layer of realm exists. Does not exist anymore.

Gradually, dawn, Xiao Bing turned to get out of bed, moved a little body, muttered to himself: "I feel a lot of energy, but unfortunately the injury has not recovered 100%, but it does not matter, as long as it is not met Buddha son, I can handle any situation. I have... so much strength has been improved in one night, but the ultimate strength is still far away from the greatness of breaking the void, and I don’t know the true strength of the Buddha’s son. I can fight with him now."

Xiao Bing took a deep breath and continued: "But now it is too difficult to upgrade the strength. I can feel that now I want to upgrade, I am not as easy as it used to be. I just want to break through to break the void and complete. I don't know how hard it is, but it doesn't matter. If it is so easy to break through, breaking the void is not breaking the void."

Xiao Bing took a chance to go and wash his face, then went out to have breakfast.

Some of the top powerhouses who also come to eat in the restaurant are also very respectful when facing Xiao Bing.

After eating breakfast, all the committee members gathered in the conference room to meet. Xiao Bing set down some regulations, on the one hand because Xiao Bing is the chairman of the summit, and on the other hand, because Xiao Bing saved their lives, and so on. Strong strength, so almost all the proposals were finally passed. I thought that I would like to discuss the meeting that can be completed in one day. I just got it all in one morning. After the afternoon, the Tongtian Tower had another banquet. It will not end until five o'clock in the evening.

After the end of the banquet, Xiao Bing will leave the Tongtian Tower directly with Longmen IV. Almost all the masters will send Xiao Bing out.

This time at the Dark World Summit, Xiao Bing once again became the biggest winner. Everyone in the original Diablo World still thought that this time it would be a summit of Buddhism that completely slammed the gantry under the foot, but did not expect the Buddha to be fundamental. There is no such thing, people are like this, no matter how powerful you are in the legend, but seeing is a real thing, since I have not seen you, then everyone will be less afraid of you, now the dragon In the eyes of these people, the son is the first person in the dark world.

Walking on the road, Liu Zhen smiled and said: "The doorkeeper, you found no, the peacock's eyes are always staring at you, or you will give her the harem."

Xiao Bing rolled his eyes and said: "What nonsense, do you want me to sleep at night and find that my little ** was cut off by her?"

Liu Zhen smiled and said: "How is it possible, I see that the woman is hooked on you. Right, the door owner, where are we going now?"

Xiao Bingdao: "At this time, at the Diablo World Summit, I have redefined the rules and said that the strictness is not too strict. After all, these people in the dark world, it is difficult for us to restrict them too much. Which one? People are not killing and decisive figures? Some aspects are already unconstrained, but the terms I have set are also to let them minimize the damage to the world as much as possible. In addition, this dark world summit, although I set The new terms came down, but many of the participants in the last Dark World Summit did not follow it. It was not just a big circle of help and a **** of angels, so let’s go to collect debts now, all those who dare to violate the summit’s promises. , must be severely punished!"

Before Xiao Bing came, he had received a list from the ear. The above recorded some major events in the dark world in the past five years. Some organizations or individuals simply did not fulfill the original agreement. Xiao Bing had already Make good plans, wait until the end of this dark world, then all these forces will be leveled, give them a lesson, but also knock on the mountain, so that those who are wild and uninhibited think that Xiao Bing does not dare to kill!

Xiao Bing and others first went to the hotel to find a hotel in the nearby city. The next day, the only manor in the capital of a small country in East Asia, the only manor in the area, the guards were strict here, and there were dozens of people in the hospital constantly patrolling, even on the shoulders. With guns, the manor is surrounded by tall walls, and the wall is also the power grid. This is the location of the country’s largest underground world. The underground world is called Gree. Gree’s hands even have an advanced The army of weapons, the forces spread throughout the country, even the president of the country must look at his eyes.

Today seems to be the same as usual, still a calm day, the gang's boss is ridiculous in the villa, although it is daytime, but this gang boss is still grabbing five or six pure female college students, will soon be The room began to enjoy.

These female college students are all forced to arrest, even their family members do not know, even if they know that there is no way, in this country, Gree is the boss, the day is Gree, the night is also Gree, this country is The government and his joint control.

Several female college students were locked in the same room, crying awkwardly, the windows were covered with plastic steel railings. They wanted to jump off the building. There were a few big men at the door. They went out several times and were thrown back. .

Several female college students are desperate, some kneeling on the bed, some sitting on the ground, a big cry, one of the female students is crying and shouting in the language of their country, if anyone can give her from here Saved, she will always be the man who will be a horse, and willing to be the woman of that person!

Unfortunately, they all know that since they were arrested, they never had the chance to leave. Even after being ruined, the other party gave them away, but their innocence was not there, and they did not have the opportunity to take revenge. No chance to be fair.

They used to hear that there was a big man in the city. Whoever wants to catch someone, whoever wants to go, whoever they want to go, and the nickname of the grooming officer at night, did not expect to be put on the booth this time. .

At this time the door opened, and Gree came in from the outside. He was a big man in his forties. He seemed to drink alcohol. He was drunk in the daytime. He was in the dark world in the last two years. Mixed with the wind and water, even behind the big circle to help as a backing, so it is even more self-important, this time the dark world summit he originally received the invitation, but think of the last two years he did It completely violated the rules set by the last Dark World Summit. He had ghosts in his heart, so he did not dare to go.

However, he is confident that as long as he is on his own site, even if he really violates the rules set by the summit, there will be no problem. He does not say that he is now relying on a big circle to help the big tree, and he feels that he does not need to go. Fear of Xiao Bing, and after the big circle helps the Hell Angels to form an alliance, the other members will give some face to the big circle. Generally, they will pass one eye and close their eyes. No member will be there. Come over, I really have to punish myself. As for the dragon son... He hides in his own territory, but I don’t believe that the dragon son dares to come to his own site to find his troubles, then let the dragon son have to go.

And there is a more important point. Longmen has been severely suppressed by Buddhism in the past two years. First, there are several important figures in the Dragon Gate Eight, and there are rumors in the dark world that the strength of the Buddha’s son is still above the Dragon King. This time at the Dark World Summit, it must be the death of the Dragon King, so he was so arrogant in the past two years. In the past few days, he was at home, waiting for the news of the death of the Dragon King at the summit. It seems that no wind and no waves, Longmen lost so much in recent years, Buddhism must be taking the opportunity to dry the Dragon Gate.

After he entered the room, he looked at the female students who were crying. He licked his hand and smiled slyly. "Beauty, have a chance to accompany me. This is your blessing, what are you crying?" Who is doing well, I will give it to someone in a while, and if it is not good, I will **** you and directly bury it in the yard. You probably don’t know how much I have buried in this villa. People?"

After the female students heard it, some of them scared to stop crying, while others cried even more.

Gree went to the most powerful female student who was crying, and gave her a smash from the ground. Then she tore the clothes apart, and the spring was exposed. Only one piece of underwear was worn inside, and Gree would She threw it on the bed and pressed it on her body, laughing in her mouth.

The female student struggled desperately, shook her head desperately and shouted: "Help, don't, don't."

Gree smirked and said: "Struggle, I like this feeling, so it is more exciting! Let you see your brother's power."

Said, Gree began to take off his pants, just when his outer pants had just faded halfway, the window suddenly banged, the plastic steel railings all broke, the window glass became shattered, a figure flew from the window Come in.

Gree was surprised: "Who? Who?"

"I!" Xiao Bing took a slap in the palm of his hand. He even took the Gree to fly in the air. Then he looked coldly at Gree, who was bleeding on the floor. He asked, "Can you still remember me? Oh, you. What's the name? Forgot... Then I will call you a little person."

Gree looked terrified: "Dragon Gong...Long Gongzi???".


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