Super Soldier

Chapter 826: The hidden power of M?

Xiao Bing sat on the flower bed outside the hotel, listening to what happened in the cell phone from the recent side of the phone, and what she had done in the company recently. The old guys in the company finally started to make a real hair. Since the heart of the recognition of the leaves, Ye's group is also a year of eruption this year, the momentum is fierce, small to the small flower was praised by the teacher, the leaves were named in the parent meeting.

Xiao Bing has been listening with a smile. Ye Xiaoxi rarely takes the initiative to say who he wants to think about. Although she looks outward and extroverted, she is the easiest person to hide the rich emotions in her heart. Only from a little narrative of the big things in her life, Xiao Bing can feel a deep thought.

The leaves talked for a long time, and the mouth was dry. Then I asked: "Big bad guys, you said, I didn't think about me."

"Think, think, dream all." Xiao Bing's eyes are a bit sour. "Whether I am walking in the ends of the earth, whether it is close at hand or far away, my heart is most thinking of my leaves." ... I don’t have time to spend a lot of time with you..."

The heart of the leaves is also touched, but it is squeaky: "Don't be ruthless, I... I don't need you to be with me every day, as long as our hearts are always close, as long as you It will be fine to let me know that you are always safe outside."

"Reassured, I will go back in a few days. You will wait for me at home." Xiao Bing said with a smile, suddenly the light flashed in his eyes and smiled. "Okay, Baby, go to bed early, and go to the company early tomorrow."

"Well, good night, remember to call me every day."

"Know the lady!"

"Hey, I haven't told me yet, don't ask my lady."

"Follow, my wife and adults." Xiao Bing laughed and hung up.

When the phone hangs up, Xiao Bing's mouth floats with a sneer, a little ridiculous: "Do you all want to eavesdrop on the sneaky people who talk to others?"

In the darkness, a middle-aged man from a suit dressed in a dark man came out from the darkness. He gradually walked from the darkness to the streetlight, and walked two or three meters away from Xiao Bing, slightly lower. The head is very awe-inspiring: "Dragon son..."

Xiao Bing looked at this person. The strength of this person is not weak. It is even considered to be the top powerhouse in the dark world. It has even reached the realm of great success. There is only one step away from breaking the void. Strength, it is estimated that looking at the m country is also a top existence, but how dare he put it in front of the legendary dragon son.

After Xiao Bing looked at it, he said: "Well, the strength is not bad. It seems that you should be very important in the m country. Let me talk about it, what can I do for me? Let you deal with me?"

The man smiled and said: "The dragon son misunderstood, your strength has few rivals in the world. According to our estimation, only the Buddha son can pose a threat to you, even you and the Buddha. The strength of who is strong and who is weak is still a mystery. I naturally have self-knowledge and I dare not be against you."

Xiao Bingdao: "There is nothing to say, let's just say it. This is the territory of your country. I am even strong, and I have the same self-knowledge. M is a big country, even if it is strong. It is also impossible to compete with such a giant."

The man smiled and said: "The dragon son speaks refreshingly. Introduce yourself. I am called Artemis. This time, the government of the m country asked me to say hello to you. In the dragon son, I took a flight to our New York plane. We The m** party already knows that Long Gongzi used to smash the world on the Tongtian Tower a few days ago. In recent days, he has continuously swept through the organizations and gangs in the dark world. We don’t care about these things, even you even deal with the big circle. Help, we will not manage."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Then I am strange. Since they don't care, what does the government of the m country send you to do? Is it just to talk to me? When is the government of the m government so thoughtful and enthusiastic? According to what I know The m country is the only superpower in the world. It is not always strong and overbearing. If you want to fight, you want to kill it. If you want to find a reason, you can invade a small country."

Xiao Bing’s words are not ridiculous. M is a country that advertises democracy. Xiao Bing just said his overbearing and unreasonable side. Artemis immediately felt annoyed, but he The face is still with a gentleman's smile, said: "Dragon son said to laugh, the government is asking me to ask, if the big circle does not want to compromise, what is the dragon son ready to do? Is it necessary to wash the big circle? ?"

"Almost." Xiao Bing said casually.

Artemis said in a serious tone: "New York is an international metropolis. Any unnecessary bloodshed can have serious effects. We don't object to the dragon's help to the big circle, even to be able to give bloodshed. The control is within the controllable range and is willing to assist the Dragon Son."

Xiao Bing’s eyes flashed a little and smiled. “Mr. Artemis, how can you help me?”

"In the recent period, the big circle of big gangs will go to Situ House to discuss things every day. It is estimated that in order to discuss how to deal with you, we can find a reason to block traffic near Situ House after they enter Situ House tomorrow. No other people are allowed to enter or leave, but you can enter at will. At that time, you can completely wipe out all the high-level gangs. We will block the news, but the government hopes that you can control the bloodshed in the big circle. The upper level, don't spread to the people below the big circle, what do you think?"

Xiao Bing smiled and laughed: "The government of the m country is very concerned about the big circle."

"That is of course." Artemis said seriously. "The people inside the big circle are also people. After all, our country is a democracy. We don't want to die too many people. Although many of them say that. There are no evils, but there are still many people who are not guilty of death."

Xiao Bing listened to Artemis’s statement and suddenly laughed.

Artemis asked: "What are you laughing at?"

Xiao Bing looked at Artemis and smiled. "Aremis, your name is very familiar. It seems to be one of the twelve main gods in the mythology of the country. It will not be as strong as you." There are eleven in your m country?"

Artemis is cold and cold: "The dragon son seems to be off the mark."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Well, we don't study the story of the twelve main gods. You don't want to look at other people's eyes with a kind of god. No one in this world is stupid than anyone else, especially the abacus of you." It’s so fine, but it’s not my eyes. What is your idea, I’m too clear. The power of the big circle is huge, although it’s too easy to say that you want to destroy a big circle. But some things are not as simple as they seem. You don't want to give people the impression of manipulating these gangs. Otherwise, people who don't know will think that the purpose of suppressing the big circle is to support other gangs, plus the big circle. Although it has a bad relationship with the government, there must be people in your government who support the big circle. Otherwise, the big circle will not be able to persevere for so many years."

Artemis asked: "What about that?"

"It's not easy, you can't start yourself, but the big circle is awkward and difficult to control. It's like a stab in your eyes, so this time is also an opportunity for you, just to borrow me. It’s a precise calculation to get rid of the big circle!”

Artemis's face changed slightly. He obviously didn't think of a person like Xiao Bing. He even had so clear minds and thought everything was so thorough.

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "But you can tell you after you go back. My dragon son is not a fool. Don't feel that I am using it. I will be grateful to you. But I will cooperate with you to do this because no matter what. How, this time the big circle must give me an account!"

Artemis took a deep breath and shouted: "Then I will go back first."

"Well, let's go back."

Artemis listened to Xiao Bing’s voice, and there was a trace of anger in his eyes, but he still bowed down with respect and respect. He was not willing to wait for a minute in front of Xiao Bing. After going down, Xiao Bing did not give him any sense of oppression, but from the beginning to the end, he was always suppressed by Xiao Bing in the process of speaking, even if he represented The m-government government, but still being suppressed by Xiao Bing, they have been stunned by Xiao Bing, no matter what abacus they played, he has a whole person who has been completely stunned. The feeling of the light of the other side, nothing can be seen in front of this man.

This is the most terrible!

After Xiao Bing waited for the other party to go, the pupil shrank slightly and said to himself: "Aremis, is it true that there is a code in the government of the m country like the organization of the twelve gods of the West, the most like him? There are at least eleven? If this is the case, the country of M is innocent as the world’s largest country. It seems that the individual combat capability demonstrated by the country of M is definitely not the same as that exhibited in every special world competition. The m country is sure to hide a lot of strength, and there are many unknown killers."

Xiao Bing turned to think again and said: "I hope I think about it. After all, this kind of thing may be coincidence or not."

After that, Xiao Bing slowly stood up and turned and returned to the hotel room.

After Xiao Bing left, the silence was restored outside the hotel, but no one knows whether this is a precursor to the wind and rain.


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