Super Soldier

Chapter 845: Old class meeting

After the plane landed safely, Xiao Bing left Xiao Mingyue to leave the plane. When the plane was off, the flight attendant felt blushing when he looked at Xiao Bing. Several passengers kept snickering there.

Waiting for the plane, Xiao Mingyue glared at Xiao Bing's arm, and asked with a milky voice: "Dad, what are the uncles and aunts laughing at?"

Xiao Bing smiled bitterly: "Nothing, let's go, live in Kyoto for one night today. I tell you, now the land under our feet is the real motherland of your father. This city of Kyoto is the capital of your father's homeland."

"Oh." Xiao Bing blinked stunnedly and nodded. "I know."

"Well, since then, you are also Chinese."

"Of course, I am my father's baby, my father is a country, and I am the country."

Xiao Bing sighed. During this time, Xiao Bing had already accepted Xiao Mingyue. Even after the two people signed the spiritual contract, they exchanged feelings with each other. Although it was not blood thick, it was a further feeling. Not at all like the father and the daughter.

Xiao Bing was originally planning to stop a taxi, then went to a hotel to stay, and left tomorrow. I didn't expect to just walk out of the airport. On the way, I went up with a soldier in military uniform. This person directly confronted Xiao Bing with a standard. Military ceremony.

Xiao Bing also subconsciously returned to a military ceremony, curiously asked: "You are?"

This soldier looks respected: "Mr. Xiao is good, I am Zhang Tianding, senior general of the National Security Bureau, and the rank of colonel."

Xiao Bing did not expect this soldier to be an imposing colonel. Although the colonel is still a lot worse than himself, it is necessary to know that Xiao Bing is retired now, but his major general rank will not be erased at will, but will With lifelong.

The ranks of Huaxia are divided into generals, lieutenant generals, and major generals. These three levels are the ranks of the generals, and they have a pivotal position in the military of China.

Under the general, it is a school official, divided into a large school, a colonel, a lieutenant colonel, and a major.

Under the school's army are eunuchs, namely, Shangyu, Lieutenant, and Lieutenant.

The **** is a grassroots officer, but the school official is already a very powerful military official. Usually, the lower ranks of the school and the majors in the school can serve as the head of the team. You must know that the strength of a regiment is at least one thousand. People, the highest reinforcement group can even reach 3,000 people. As for the highest-ranking university, the highest-ranking university can serve as the division commander or even the deputy commander. They only say the commander, and the strength of one division can reach 6,000 to eight. The extent of thousands of people, this is already a very powerful force in modern warfare.

As for the current colonel, it is usually the position of the head or deputy commander in the army. It is already a senior general.

I returned to Kyoto City, and I was personally picked up by a colonel. This treatment is also very good.

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "General Zhang is really polite. How are you here? Is the old class letting you pick me up?"

"Yes." Zhang Tianding’s eyes are all respectful. He said, "The Secretary asked me to meet you personally and send you to the Capital Hotel. The room has been arranged. It is the Presidential Suite. The Secretary said that you want to live for a few days. Just stay for a few days, if you have time, you can call him and ask him to drink."

Xiao Bing laughed happily. "If you drink, even if you drink it, but your heads sent the church to meet me personally, and even opened the best room in the highest level hotel in the capital. I really don't really care for this kind of treatment." Habit, will not be asking for me?" Zhang Tianding said with a smile: "When you come, the head said that you will definitely say this, he told me to tell you that you are the pride of China, so whether it is the head or the top The higher level leaders are very optimistic about you, and let me tell you a word, no matter what happens in the future, China will always be behind you."

Xiao Bing listened a little excited, which at least proved that Xiao Bing’s efforts to leave Longya have finally been affirmed.

The reason why Zhang Tianding respects Xiao Bing is also because for this reason, China is always behind you. What level of support is this? At least in the political arena and the military, Zhang Tianding knows that every sentence mentioned above is usually carefully considered, so every sentence is not casually said. Since Zhang Tianding said this, it proves an attitude above. It is definitely not just a verbal commitment.

Throughout China, there are absolutely few people who can make such a statement from the central government. From this aspect, Zhang Tianding has to remain awed by Xiao Bing!

Xiao Bing hides the emotions that are really excited inside, pretending to be calm and said: "Oh, I know, let's go, start together."

Zhang Tianding took Xiao Bing on a red flag car. This car is not an ordinary car. It is modified, even if it is a grenade. The bomb is hard to take effect on this car. The attention of the soldiers.

Of course, according to the strength of Xiao Bing, these protections are not needed at all, but this is an attitude expressed above.

Sitting in the car, Xiao Bing also wants to understand, this is the strength that shocked the world that he showed in the Tongtian Tower, which has attracted the attention of the state. Although it is a bit of an interest, Xiao Bing is a Chinese person after all. It is still very important for Xiao Bing to get approval from his motherland, so Xiao Bing doesn't care about those.

The car slowly opened, Zhang Tianding sat next to Xiao Bing, looked at Xiao Mingyue in Xiao Bing's arms, curiously asked: "Mr. Xiao, I heard that you are still unmarried now, this female doll is?"

Xiao Mingyue glared at Xiao Bing’s neck, and his voice was milky: "This is my father."

Zhang Tianding was taken aback and then smiled and said: "I didn't expect this, but it is not a rare thing to have a child before marriage. It's a trifle."

Even so, but Zhang Tianding’s heart is definitely pondering. Who is this child? It’s definitely not Ye Xiaoxi’s. Xiao Mingyue seems to have been two or three years old. Xiao Bing and Ye Xiaoxi have known each other for more than two years. Even if they just met, Ye Xiaoxi was pregnant. Now the baby is just a few months or It’s one year old, and it’s impossible to give birth to such a big baby.

There is no such thing as a gossip in anyone's heart. Even a well-behaved soldier will have some curiosity. Zhang Tianding's heart will also be curious, but he has no more questions.

When I arrived at the hotel, Zhang Tianding accompanied Xiao Bing to get the room card and handed it to Xiao Bing's hand. Then he gave Xiao Bing a contact information. He could find him at any time when he had something, and then he left.

Xiao Bing took Xiao Mingyue to the fifth floor by elevator and came to his door. He pulled out the room card and was about to open it on the door. There was a strange light shining in his eyes, and then his mouth floated. A smile, a bang, the room card was finished, the door was opened, but I saw the old class sitting in the room at this moment to drink tea.

The old class sat on the sofa in the room and sipped tea while looking at Xiao Bing. He smiled and said: "Xiao Bing, I didn't expect me to be here?"

"I did not expect it, but when I was outside the door, I already felt the breath in the room." Xiao Bing closed the door and asked, "How come you are here?"

"Hey, this hotel is very strict. Even in my capacity, it takes a lot of effort to get into this room. Well, you may not know that this room is usually prepared for the super rich or the heads of state." The people who used to live in this presidential suite include President M, Secretary of State M, Prime Minister of the Eagle State, President of South Korea, and even Bill Gates, the world's richest man. If it is not your light, I still can't Sitting in a room full of extravagance, drinking tea. Oh, the child you hold in your arms is Xiao Mingyue?"

Xiao Mingyue’s identity is handled by the old class. The old class naturally cannot know the existence of Xiao Mingyue. However, the identity of Xiao Mingyue’s ghost king is unclear in the old class. He just heard that Xiao Bing met this foreign country. The girl, the girl is very poor, so Xiao Bing took it as her daughter.

The old class looked at Xiao Mingyue carefully and praised: "It is really cute, and her eyes still carry the intelligence that ordinary girls don't have. I was the first time I saw such a reiki little girl, you put She handed it to me, maybe her future martial arts achievements can not be under you."

Xiao Bingxin said that people are the body of the ghost king. Of course, there is a reiki. How can other girls compare with her? However, this is a secret. Xiao Bing will not disclose it to others. Xiao Bing smiled and said: "I don't want to give the moon to others. Then, if you want to learn martial arts, it will be better than your side." Is it better to be around? Don't forget, I am better than blue in blue."

Listening to Xiao Bing, the old class is also speechless. This is true. According to the strength of the old class, it is far from Xiao Bing. The two are not at the same level. Xiao Bing is in Tongtian. Outside the tower, one person can fight against the five special forces coalition forces. This kind of deed is that the old class can't do it. He can't be convinced.

Xiao Bing said to Xiao Mingyue: "Come, call the grandfather."

Xiao Mingyue’s well-behaved milk voice shouted: “Grandpa is good.”

The old class looked at Xiao Mingyue with some affection. He walked over and extended his arm and smiled and said: "Let the grandfather hold a hug."

Xiao Bing handed Xiao Mingyue to the hands of the old class. The old class was holding Xiao Mingyue. Xiao Mingyue also kissed the face of the old class, causing the old class to laugh and say: "Good boy, good boy, Xiao. Bing, I think this kid is really very close to me, I like it very much."

"Cut, people call your grandfather, don't you say a gift for a meeting?"

The old class haha ​​laughed and said: "I know that you are waiting for me here, rest assured, how can there be no gifts?"

The old class said, took a jade pendant from his pocket and handed it to Xiao Mingyue’s hand. He smiled and said: "Mingyue, this is the meeting ceremony given to you by my grandfather. It is the ancestral jade pendant of our class. You put it in, please let it go."

Although Xiao Bing gave the old class a gift, Xiao Bing was shocked when the old class sent such a valuable gift. He couldn’t help but hesitate: "Old class, is this gift too expensive?"

"Not expensive, not expensive, this gift is just right." The old class smiled, but with a bit of awkward words, "I have never married and have children in my life, even my ancestral jade pendant, after I have been a hundred years later, I don't know who to pass it to. I have a relationship with Xiao Mingyue so well, and I treat you as my own child. Mingyue is your daughter. What happened to me?"

When I heard the old class say so, Xiao Bing didn’t say much about it, but he felt a touch of sadness from the tone of the old class...


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