Super Soldier

Chapter 849: Goofy is gone

Xiao Bing came back home, and everyone immediately rushed out of the room, but not to meet Xiao Bing, but to meet the new baby who joined the big family, Xiao Mingyue.

In addition to similar guards and maids, those who have a close relationship with Xiao Bing basically know the identity of Xiao Mingyue. At the beginning, Xiao Bing wants to keep secret. After all, the identity of Ghost King is too special, but Later, I thought that everyone would have to live together for a long time. This secret should not be kept up sooner or later, especially Xiao Mingyue will never grow up, which will make everyone feel incredible.

As for other people, such as maids, it’s not a big change for a year or two. Of course, like Liu Xiaofeng’s kind girl who came to work in Xiaofu to save her mother, Xiao Bing’s heart is not too I can't help but quit, just wait until later when everyone's feelings are deeper, and the secrets can't be kept, then I will talk about it.

When eating at night, the small flower took the initiative to give Xiao Mingyue dinner. At night, when sleeping, wheat Qi, small flower and Xiao Mingyue slept in a room. Before going to bed, the small flower gave a story to Xiao Mingyue. The small flower is only better than Xiao. The moon is three or four years old, and even the time in the world may not be as long as Xiao Mingyue, but the small flower has experienced so many things, obviously more mature than the children of the same age.

With the small stamen, Xiao Bing and the leaves can finally sleep alone in a room. Of course, this is also thanks to Maggie, or else two small children in one room alone, Xiao Bing will not rest assured.

Xiao Bing and the leaves had two words in the evening, and they talked until the middle of the night that they were asleep.

The next day, because it was Sunday, so I didn’t need to get up early. Two people waited until 9:00 to get up. The little girls were still sleeping. Xiao Bing didn’t knock on the door and told them to get up and eat with the leaves. After breakfast, Gao Fei suddenly found Xiao Bing. Xiao Bing and Gao Fei went out alone and walked outside the courtyard. Then they asked: "Gofei, what's the matter?"

"Well." Gao Fei looked serious and serious, "Help me take care of Maggie."

Xiao Bing listened to this and couldn't help but be surprised. He asked strangely: "Take care of Maggie? Are you leaving?"

Gao Fei said with emotion: "I have probably left for a while, mainly to hone myself. By the way, I look for some opportunities around the world. You know, I have always heard that this land of China is actually the core of the whole world, in this world. There will be countless opportunities, so I want to go to Tiannanhaibei to see."

Xiao Bing thought for a moment and said, "When are you going? I will send you."

Gao Fei smiled and said: "I have already said to Maggie. If you finish talking with me, I will leave. There is no need to send me. Boss, now in this world, you are already a supreme, it is difficult. Find a master who is stronger than you, so give Maggie to you, and I can rest assured."

Xiao Bingdao: "Actually, according to your current strength, it is already strong enough."

“Who doesn’t have a strong heart?” Gao Fei said with emotion. “Not to mention, this is my dream, but for some special reasons, I need to protect Maggie before you grow up completely. I don't dare to leave here. But now that your strength is stronger than mine, I don't have any peace of mind if I leave, naturally I can go around."

Xiao Bing seriously said: "I look forward to the next time you come back, you can break through again."

"This is a certain!" Gao Fei said earnestly, "Boss, I am also looking forward to your continued growth. I thought I was the most anti-Japanese existence in the world, although my strength has not really reached humanity. The peak that can be reached is almost the same. The most important thing is that I thought that my progress speed.... Later, I discovered that there are still two people in the world who I can’t understand. One is the Buddha son. One is you. Your growth rate is beyond the limit that humans can imagine."

Xiao Bing knows that Gao Fei is right. In the history of mankind, I am afraid that there is no such thing as Xiao Bing’s promotion so fast. In just a few months, it is a new step. Xiao Bing sometimes even thinks he is a freak.

Gao Fei said seriously: "But this is a good thing for me. I can meet you, it is my luck. You have stimulated my good heart. Boss, I will go first. We will continue to see each other in the future." See, take care of Maggie for me!"

After that, Gao Fei took a long step, his first step appeared a few tens of meters away, and there was already a vague shadow in the second step. Xiao Bing knew that this Gao Fei wanted to ascend to break the peak of the void. Realm, otherwise he will not come back.

Xiao Bing can also understand the last sentence that Gao Fei said. In fact, Xiao Bing did not think of this idea. The existence of the Buddha son became a driving force for Xiao Bing’s strength to continue to improve. Let Xiao Bing know that this world There are still people who are stronger than themselves. They still have a lot of room for improvement. They still need continuous improvement. Just like there is a devil who spurs himself at the moment, as long as he slows down a step, a machete will land. On his own head, Xiao Bing can only continue to never stop.

If one day Xiao Bing finds that his strength is actually stronger than that of the Buddha, is he really invincible in the world? What are your pursuits by then?

Xiao Bing didn't even think about it. As long as he thought of that taste, he would feel extremely empty.

Xiao Bing now has some ideas to learn about the Buddha's son. What is the significance of the Buddha's survival in this world? What is he going to pursue?

Goofy is gone, people in Xiaofu feel very sad, especially the wheat Qi, she is still talking and laughing on the surface, laughing and joking, but Xiao Bing can see hidden in the depths from her eyes. Sadness and loss.

After dinner at night, the leaves gave Xiao Bing a look. Xiao Bing called Maggie out and planned to talk to Maggie alone, although it might be better to talk to women. However, in addition to Gao Fei, Maggie's feelings with Xiao Bing are the deepest, so this thing can only really let Xiao Bing come.

The two men just sat down on the stone steps outside the door. Maggie looked at the charming big eyes of a pair of dolls and smiled and asked, "Are you coming to comfort me?"

Xiao Bing smiled bitterly: "What is really nothing to you."

Mai Qijiao smiled and said: "That is of course, who am I, I am wheat Qi. Rest assured, I don't need any comfort at all, of course, flying brother is so gone, I am really sad. Yes, but I can accept it. Maybe you don't know, actually, I advised my brother to fly a few days ago."

"Oh?" Xiao Bing was a bit surprised.

Maggie said seriously: "In fact, this kind of person like Fei Ge should not be tied by anyone. I think my existence is equivalent to tying a shackle to my brother. I don't want this, I I hope he can do what he likes. In the past two years, the flying brother has changed a lot, especially after seeing your strength slowly surpass him, I can feel that his feeling of not accepting defeat It’s back.”

Xiao Bingdao: "You really know him very well."

"Of course, if anyone in the world can understand the flying brother, that person must be me."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "I can have a younger sister who understands and understands him. I think your flying brother must be very happy."

"I can have a brother who is so good to me, so take care of me, I am happy that I am right. Brother Bing, are you still worried about me?"

"Don't worry."

Xiao Bing smiled and touched Maggie's hair. Mai Qijiao said: "Oh, people are not children now, don't always treat people as a little bit."

Xiao Bing originally wanted to make fun of it, but after Maggie reminded me, she realized that Maggie really grew into a big girl. From the time she just met Maggie, it has been more than two years now. Maggie is also fifteen years old. At this time, her height has reached about one meter six or three. She is tall and exquisite, and the most important thing is that her appearance looks even more than those of Chinese and foreign mixed-race girls. To look good, that pair of charming big eyes, anyone who looks at it is estimated to be caught in. At this time, Maggie is getting closer and closer to a little goblin who is in trouble. If it is two or three years later, Maggie will mature again. I am afraid that the title of the first beauty of Sanjiang City and even the whole of China is not hers.

Seeing Xiao Bing staring at himself for a long time, Maggie's eyes flashed a slap in the eye, and smirked: "I will tell the blind man a while later, and say that you use your eyes to make people cheaper."

Xiao Bing only looked at his eyes seriously, although Maggie’s current appearance is already a small beauty that can be dumped by anyone, but every day, Maggie can be seen. Xiao Bing has never changed her. Too much attention, until the sudden reminder was discovered, Xiao Bing has always treated the wheat Qi as a little sister, so even if Maggie is a national color, Xiao Bing naturally cannot be his own. What do you think of the little sister?

Xiao Bing listened to Maggie's words and couldn't help but smile. He said without a word: "You are a little girl with a strange spirit, wait for the next weekend to take you out to play."

"Okay, talk and count."

"Well, talk and count!"

Maggie stood up and asked, "Is it not intended to comfort me?"

"I still comfort you, you can see through the heart, but if you are not feeling well, you can always talk to me."

"Cut, let's pull it down. Hey, I have to go to school tomorrow."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "It is also very interesting to go to school. The students are together, how fun!"

"Take it down, they are very naive, especially as long as they enter the school, there are hordes of boys who are entangled in me like plasters. If they want to pursue me, they will be annoying."

"..." Xiao Bing said without words, "You are narcissistic again."

"I haven't learned from you yet." Maggie smiled a little, and all of them returned to the yard. Xiao Bing's face also showed a smile, and then smiled and walked in.

Only Xiao Bing, who is wandering around anytime and anywhere, can truly understand that being able to stay with these family members is really good...


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