Super Soldier

Chapter 851: A punch, a fool, right?

The same as shit?

These people suddenly showed a very angry expression. One of the black and strong strong men came out and looked at Xiao Bing with a look of provocation. "Boy, why are you talking to us like this? You are not there yet. We are in front of you to show that you can deserve the strength of our chief instructor!"

The shortest soldier next to him said, "Yes, it’s too arrogant!"

At this time, the crowd shouted: "Apologize, apologize!"

After all, these people are carefully selected special forces, all of them are elites among the soldiers. Under the anger of the group, it is estimated that if you change to any one person, even if the psychological quality is good, it will be a bit confusing, but Xiao Bing is From beginning to end, it’s like looking at the excitement of others and watching it all.

When Yan Minghui had the opportunity to be the first person to come out as a thorn, he would stop, but he did not. He just intended to look at Xiao Bing’s attitude and whether he would be scared by these people. If Xiao Bing is frightened, even if Xiao Bing’s strength is stronger, it is estimated that this general instructor cannot be a good instructor, because this general instructor can not only have his own strength, but also have a strong psychological quality, otherwise how to teach others?

Seeing Xiao Bing’s disdainful expression, Yan Minghui’s heart was amazed at the strength of Xiao Bing’s psychological quality. Since he had already tested it, he naturally did not dare to let these people make things big. He knew that these soldiers said that They are well-trained, but they are all very unruly, especially before they have actually accepted Xiao Bing. If they are not standing next to them, I am afraid that they will not necessarily do anything. These stinky boys are sure. I will try to kick Xiao Bing from here. He really knows these people too.

Yan Minghui’s deliberate face changed, stepping forward and pointing at them loudly: “Call what to shout? Shout what? Black bear, you give me back, what, you are rebelling, you? Dare to newcomers. The instructor slaps his arm sleeves? Believe it or not, I am closed to you?"

The black bear that Yan Minghui said was the first black and strong man who stood up and said that Xiao Bing was not worthy of being the chief instructor.

The guy named Black Bear is obviously very convinced of Yan Minghui. He was reprimanded by Yan Minghui, and immediately he was honest. He stood back in the team in a well-behaved manner. Everyone else was pulling his head and showing his head down.

Xiao Bing smiled in the heart, what kind of person Xiao Bing is, how can you not see that the reason why Yan Minghui is interrupting now is to test his own meaning. Since you want to test, then I will play with you a big one. What's more, if you don't tidy up these unruly stinkers today, they won't be willing to let themselves be their instructors.

Xiao Bing waved his hand and said: "Don't worry about them, Captain, I just thought that these people seem to have such a little masculinity. From a group of big girls to a lord, you have given them a management. Look at these little people. Look at what these people are like? Don't blame me for talking. If your lion special forces want to get a place, they should return these people to their hometowns. It’s time to go back and put the sheep on the sheep. They are not the material for the soldiers."

These people heard that all the eyes had to spurt out the fire. In the eyes of Yan Minghui, how did Xiao Bing say this? There was a little anxiety in the side. These players did not catch Xiaobing. If Xiao Bing still said this, these The team members may be difficult to accept Xiao Bing.

Yan Minghui kept his eyes on Xiao Bing, but Xiao Bing did not seem to see it. He continued to say: "I haven’t seen you like a man since I just came here. Yes, you are very good. When you are tidy, when the captain asks you to scream, you are also very vocal. But what about your spirits? The special elites should have the kind of domineering who I am, do you have them?"

Xiao Bing sneered: "The real soldier, there should be self-confidence, faith, and domineering in the bones, but I think you are like three products, just like this, even if you stand neatly, shout again. Being neat, it’s just that you have a watch, you can’t use it!”

Xiao Bing said that Yan Minghui’s eyes were brighter. In fact, he never understood why these people’s physical conditions were not worse than those of other special forces. However, they were better than others. Now, after Xiao Bing’s saying, he immediately I understand that, yes, it is the lack of the three things that Xiao Bing said, self-confidence, faith, domineering.

Yan Minghui has always been the captain of these people. I haven't found a problem for so long. I didn't expect Xiao Bing to be here. It took less than two minutes to get the problem. Yan Minghui suddenly felt that hope had increased a few points. I am more convinced that it is right to find Xiao Bing as the chief instructor.

What kind of person is Xiao Bing? Any member of the dragon tooth that Xiao Bing led before is more powerful than Yan Minghui. It is not that these people can compare. It is able to lead a group of people. Xiao Bing still can’t see What are you thinking about wearing these guys? They are too young in front of Xiao Bing.

However, these players are obviously not convinced, but Yan Minghui is next to them, they are holding their breath, but they are all screaming at Xiao Bing.

Xiao Bing looked solemnly: "I know that you are dissatisfied, I understand. After all, you think that I am too young, I feel that I am not worthy to lead you, then good, then I will give you a chance, if my strength does not reach you. If you ask, then I will leave immediately, and will never stay as your instructor, but if you want me to be your instructor, from today, every word of mine will be unconditionally obeyed."

Yan Minghui has full confidence in Xiao Bing. Even he is not an opponent of Xiao Bing. These players are even less likely to compare with Xiao Bing, so he is also worried about watching the lively.

Seeing that Ming Minghui did not seem to intervene, the players looked at each other and each gave their eyes to each other, followed by a young man who looked like the youngest, about twenty-five years old, from the ranks. Out of this, this person seems to have a kind of self-confidence and pride in his body. At first glance, he is stronger than the people around him, so he has accumulated a sense of superiority. Of course, Xiao Bing can also feel this person. The strength of this one is the strongest among the 100 people, has reached the peak of the enthusiasm, only a line distance from the Dan Jin period.

When the man came out, he immediately said: "Instructor, if you can defeat me within three strokes, all of us will serve you, and will accept your training from now on. If you can't, you are not qualified to be us. Instructor."

Yan Minghui’s brow wrinkled and reprimanded: “How could it be three strokes...”

Although Yan Minghui believes that Xiao Bing’s hopes are great, he is not willing to take risks. After all, even if Xiao Bing is very strong, if this team member does not want to hide, he may not be able to escape the three moves. At that time, Xiao Bing will not leave. What? This is not what Yan Minghui wants to see.

Who knows that Xiao Bing has already interrupted before Yan Minghui’s words have been said: "Well, what is your name?"

"My name is Xie Tiansheng."

“Xie Tiansheng?” Xiao Bingdao, “You stand back in the team.”

Although Xie Tiansheng was puzzled, but still stood back, other people are also puzzled. Does Xiao Bing know that there is no hope to defeat Xie Tiansheng within three strokes, so he took the initiative to compromise? But they don't care about those. If you can't make us convinced, if you can't do this, you can get out of it right away.

They use this to make it difficult for Xiao Bing because they know that if Xie Tiansheng does his best to defend, their captain wants to defeat Xie Tiansheng. At the very least, after ten strokes, if Xiao Bing really defeats Xie Tiansheng It proves that Xiao Bing’s strength is much stronger than their captains. They have nothing to do with Xiao Bing’s special training. The soldiers themselves are more powerful.

Xiao Bing seemed to see what they were thinking, and said calmly: "Don't think too much, I am afraid that I will take too much shots, and if I accidentally hit you, I will break it. There are still two months to go. In the national special competition, if you can't get up at that time, it will be a big loss for the Lions Special Forces."

There was a buzz in the crowd, and even Yan Minghui felt a little disappointed. Even if you compromised, you can't find an excuse for such a lack of standard. Why can you not get the bed for Xie Tiansheng for two months? If you are not reliable, who believes?

Xie Tiansheng is even more contemptuous and disdainful. I didn't expect this person to see other things, but only bragging.

Who knows that Xiao Bing suddenly looks into the distance. In the position more than 100 meters away, there is a rockery of three or four meters high, which is made up of a pile of stones. Xiao Bing suddenly pointed to the rockery and said: "You Look there."

Everyone’s eyes, including Yan Minghui and Xie Tiansheng, all looked at the rockery and looked confused.

Xiao Bing looked at his right hand, and then a horrible power was saved in his right hand. The horrible energy fluctuations made everyone look at Xiao Bing again. They could even hear Xiao Bing’s hand. There was a crackling sound.

Then I saw Xiao Bing take a shot from the air and shoot it in the direction of the rockery. All the players have an idea in mind at this moment. Are you trying to hit the rockery in the air? Or do you want to shake the rockery in the distance? You are so funny, you are thinking that you are a person, a few hundred meters away? Do you think that you are Wukong in the Dragon Ball? Nima, the momentum is quite good, but this is not a movie, so far away, you want to play, even if it is noisy, there is no such thing!

They still thought there, suddenly slamming in the distance, like a big bang, the ground even began to shake, some people stepped in a squat, and then everyone looked at the sound with a look of horror, exclaimed Some people were so scared that their legs were soft, and some people almost jumped out of the chest, but everyone was full of surprises and screaming.

Three or four meters high rockery collapsed? No, it’s broken! !

Xiao Bing glanced at them, still looking at the wind and the light of the master style, but his heart was secretly thinking, this is the punch of Lao Tzu, stupid forced? 8

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