Super Soldier

Chapter 869: a kiss under the stars



After Wei Jiajia left, all the people present at the scene immediately came to think of ways to please the relationship with Ye Xiaoxi. The mouth began to say that Wei Jiajia was not good. On the other hand, there are many people here who are fans of Xiao Bing, some of which are not Xiao Bing’s fans also want to use the identity of the fans to close the relationship with Xiao Bing. After all, the relationship with Xiao Bing is close, which is equivalent to the relationship with Ye Jia, and Xiao Bing’s own identity is very unusual. The young university, the future is hopeful to become a general!

Of course, no one knows that Xiao Bing has another identity. In fact, he has already been a general, but Xiao Bing has never been exposed.

Only in this way, the original ordinary classmates will change their taste. Xiao Bing gave this signature, accompanied the photo, and finally did not sit for a while, the leaves and Xiao Bing found a reason to leave first. Before leaving, Chen Yuanyuan quietly pulled Xiao Bing's arm and whispered a smile: Bing Ge, you are really handsome!

Xiao Bing smiled: That is a must!

And the leaves left the hotel, Xiao Bing drove, the leaves sat in the position of the co-pilot, Xiao Bing did not immediately drive away, but first smiled at the leaves: leaves, you did not see you today, simply gas field Open, like a queen.

The leaves giggled, suddenly leaned over and stretched out his fingers and gently picked up Xiao Bing's chin. His eyes sparkled with radiance, and the smug smile said: Do you want me to go back and buy the whip pepper water?

No, Queen Majesty!

The leaves were a bit of a smile. After two people laughed for a while, Xiao Bing drove away from the hotel because he had just had nothing to eat in the hotel, so it came out at this time. Xiao Bing took the leaves to the night market. After eating a lot of snacks, Xiao Bing has always been obstructed by the road, and no one recognizes who Xiao Bing is.

However, when he was about to leave, Xiao Bing still encountered a little bit of trouble. A group of gangsters blocked the leaves, and then looked at the leaves with the sly look of the head. He laughed and said: Little girl, come over with us. Have a few drinks in the bar.

After the confescation was finished, the other few gangsters laughed, and then they found that the little girl in front of her eyes did not have a little bit of fear, but instead showed a very interesting look.

A few punks looked at each other and laughed.

Big Brother, she doesn't look afraid of you?

Maybe it was conquered by my handsome appearance of my brother, and my heart is unbearable, so better, lest my brother should use it.

The leaves squinted and asked: Are you guys so shameless?

The gangster snorted and asked: What did you say?

I said, I want to play a game with you.

play games? What game are you playing? The mixed-headed man smiled, is it a game on the bed, or a game under the bed?

The leaves looked at Xiao Bing and smiled: Bing Ge, remember the game you played when I first met?

Xiao Bing couldn't help but clamp his legs. He looked at the mixed-headed head with pity and asked: What game is still playing?

correct! Ok, okay?

Xiao Bing smiled bitterly: You are a big boss, you are already a big boss, and you are so naughty and fun. okay then.

Xiao Bing immediately left a shadow on the ground, and the other few smugglers flew out one by one, then Xiao Bing appeared directly behind the head of the mix, twisting the two arms of the mixed head behind him. The head of the mix is ​​a bit dumbfounded. He hasn't figured out what happened, and he has been given some control.

However, he still had too much time to think about it. The leaf suddenly ran up and rushed straight to him and flew up.

Hey! !

Lying in the trough! ! !

The foot kicked solidly in the crotch, and the painful mix of the head screamed out. Xiao Bing loosened the man and watched the man hold the crotch and lie directly on the ground and began to roll. Xiao Bing used to lick the waist of the leaves and said to the boy who said: Today, you should thank my girlfriend, because she has taught you, I will not teach again, otherwise... remember, if there is such a future When things happen, you will not appear on the ground in Sanjiang City. Also, my name is Xiao Bing!

Soldier... Bing brother. This person has been hurting, but he is still screaming with his teeth.

When the man struggled to get up from the ground, there were no people with Xiao Bing and the leaves in front of him. When he thought of the last words of Xiao Bing, he had a cold sweat.

Xiao Bing and the leaves left the night market and walked toward the car. The leaves smiled sweetly: Bing Ge.


We haven’t been so easy to walk together for a long time.

Yes. Xiao Bing’s way, I have been busy for so long, in fact, I want to say that the most important thing for me is to accompany you.

I know. The leaves laughed, so I never blame you. People are involuntarily in the rivers and lakes. Just as I have inherited the family business, I have to put most of my energy into the company. I really look forward to it. One day, you don't need to go for those who fight and kill, and I don't need to continue to research various programs in the company every day.

Xiao Bing took a deep breath and said with a serious tone: You believe me, there will be one day in the morning and evening.

Well, I believe in you, if you say yes, then there must be. The leaves smiled, holding me flying.


The leaves looked up at the sky and looked forward to the road: I wanted to experience the feeling of flying again.

Xiao Bing suddenly took the leaves to the waist and picked them up. The leaves smashed and the feet continued to smash.

Xiao Bing smiled: Don't worry, I will take you to fly.

The leaves suddenly reached out and pinched Xiao Bing’s nose. In the eyes, he smiled: You are, more and more bold, remembering that when I first met me, I was embarrassed to hold my hand. Now I dare to be in the street. Hold me on.

That's because I will be nervous in front of you!

In the eyes of the leaves, with a sly smile, I asked: You will not be nervous now, will not be heart-warming?

No, I am more nervous and more heart-warming. Xiao Bing bowed his head and buried his face in the chest of the leaf. He kissed him and kissed him on the white neck of the leaf. He kissed him on the face of the leaf, and then the tone filled the road of obsession, so I will be jailed. Hold you tightly, cherish every moment that hugs you, and remember every moment that can hold you. In this life, the happiest time is to hold your favorite woman in the sky at this moment. Soaring above.

The leaves are about to melt away, and there is only tenderness in the eyes, softly: I also like the feeling of being held in your arms.

Xiao Bing suddenly left his feet and swiftly swept forward. His feet ran wildly and went straight to the direction of the deserted desert. Some pedestrians around him could only see a shadow as if they had passed by, waiting until When they really wanted to find it, they couldn’t see anything. They thought they were spending their eyes. The leaves felt that everything around them passed by them at an extremely fast speed. She widened her eyes and then opened her eyes. With her arms, she enjoyed it and enjoyed this flying scent.

Finally, after reaching the wilderness of no one, Xiao Bing’s feet vacated in an instant and flew directly. This time, unlike once, when he flew forward, he needed to step on the trees repeatedly, and at this moment, He just stepped on the ground with his feet and was enough to vacate for tens of meters. Two people were like a big bird. The leaves looked at the night scene below. They only felt that all their pressures disappeared in a flash.

She muttered to herself: I am... flying again, flying freely.

The two men were opposite each other. Almost at the same time, they felt a current slid over the body, crisp and soft. Xiao Bing couldn’t help but bow his head and put his mouth together.

Under the moonlight, the leaves are so beautiful, so moving, like a fairy in a mythical story, like a fairy above nine days, the beauty is trembled, Xiao Bing’s heart trembles, and I feel that I have never felt before. The tension, and the lips have been printed lightly, printed on the lips of the leaves.

At the moment of kissing, the two people only feel that everything is not important between heaven and earth. The only important thing is that they can only be together, and that is more important than anything else.

Xiao Bing floated with the leaves in the air, and the thoughts of the two people followed, and the two people met for the first time. Until now, the loved ones and the loved ones walked together. There is nothing in this world. This is more important.

The only regret is that Xiao Bing lived in this world with his mission. It is reasonable to say that he has been retired from Longya. He is already free, but there is a kind of person who can never leave his mission in this world because The sense of justice, because of the sense of mission, because of responsibility, even these can not be only for one person, but for a country and a world.

Therefore, Xiao Bing can only go to various places often, often not around the leaves.

But even then, the feelings between them have not faded, and they will never fade, because they have already lived in each other's hearts.

** is your own, but the soul has already been handed over to each other.

Perhaps the only regret in the world for them is just like the poem. Hate is not like Jiang Louyue, North and South things, North and South things, only one thing to follow.

But all this is enough for them, enough...

The leaves are waiting, she is willing to wait, waiting for the day when Xiao Bing really begins to rest.

Xiao Bing’s heart responded in secret, that day will not be too far away.



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