Super Soldier

Chapter 881: Grame

Xiao Bing was a little surprised: "This Grammy is a woman? Also, from the name, it is a woman. I want to think of a strange monster. I have such a nice name, and there is such a good voice. It is really not very good. habit."

"Does the son really think that the slave is beautiful?" The sea suddenly tumbling around, and then the whole body within a hundred meters of Xiao Bing and Jin Long’s body turned into an open space. A terrible gas field will bring the sea. The crowd was pushed out a hundred meters away, and there was a woman standing above the open space. This woman seems to be in her twenties. It looks like a Chinese-American mixed-race beauty, a black head, but a blue eyes. The appearance is full of gentleness, and the most important thing is that her skin is white and tender, the chest is firm, the gully is deep, the legs are slender, the waist is long and thin, and the body is naked.

Xiao Bing's eyes widened, and for a moment he forgot the moment, but a thousand-year-old demon who lived a thousand years old.

This can't blame Xiao Bing, which is totally different from the image of the beast of the pig's mouth and fangs in Xiao Bing's imagination. Compared with the ugly guy who chiseled, or the horrible monster with the gossip snake. Compared to this, what is this glamor like a monster? It’s just a beautiful woman, and people can’t help but want to push it down.

Gramei looked at Xiao Bing with affection, and walked nearly two steps. He bit his lip and bite it. The pitiful look is simply to make people's hearts melt, and only see the eyelids slightly Look down, sigh and ask: "Do you want to deal with the slaves with the monk?"

Xiao Bing took a deep breath, just as Grammy felt that Xiao Bing would be confused by her, and even when she was against the water, Xiao Bing took a deep breath and suddenly recovered her life in the eyes, looking coldly and ruthlessly. This pure and seductive woman, who is naked and beautiful to the limit, said in a calm tone: "I came here only to use some of the blood from you."

Grammy was taken aback and looked at Xiao Bing in an incredible way. Suddenly there was a terrible horror in the body. The surrounding seas were all tumbling, and the sea water went up in the sky. Xiao Bing looked up. Originally It is a seawater of 800 meters in height. At this time, it has risen to the sky and reached a height of more than a kilometer. It is like a water wall composed of sea water on all sides.

Gramma's eye waves are no longer gentle, and the eyes are actually shooting out the green light of the monks. The sound is sharp enough to form a sound wave, as if to pierce Xiao Bing's eardrum: "The small human beings, you can resist the living of the demon." Temptation!"

The strength of Xiao Bing was released outside the body, forming a strong protective cover. He looked down at Xiao Mingyue in his arms and said, "I want to save my daughter. I hope you can give me some. The blood in your body."

"Do you dream?" Grammy saw Xiao Mingyue in Xiao Bing's arms. Suddenly his eyes changed and he giggled. "I remembered, you used to be in the temple and wanted to kill but didn't kill it." The man, I have no interest in you, but I appreciate the little girl in your arms and leave her behind. I can let you and the monk leave."

Xiao Bing’s eyes were sharp and cold, and said: “This is my daughter.”

"You mean, Ghost King is your daughter?" Grammy looked at Xiao Mingyue greedily. "If I eat her, I can recover more than half of my injuries. When I get there, I might break through the seal and leave this." The ghost place of the day... Since you brought her to the door, unless you leave her, you can no longer leave."

Grammy spoke, and suddenly a pair of transparent wings grew up, and then tried to fly into the sky, but did not expect to fly to the height of tens of meters, followed by bumping into the invisible mask, followed by She slammed down from the top, and the wolf fell on the ground. Xiao Bing looked at the scene with a stunned look. This flowery, beautiful girl said: "The **** seal!"

Jin Long’s teacher said next to him: “If she is only able to leave her only a few tens of meters away from the depths of the sea, she can even fly above the clouds.”

Xiao Bing looked at the pair of transparent wings behind Grammy who didn't even notice the invisible. He said: "It turns out that she still has a pair of wings. I said why it is called a monster, but if the monster grows up, In this way, even if there is a pair of wings, it is beautiful!"

Jin Long’s teacher said in a dignified manner: “Don’t be confused by her appearance. She existed in mythology. Later she was seriously injured. It didn’t wake up until more than a thousand years ago, and then it was sealed here. It’s already over 5,000 years old.”

Grammy said: "The big monk, you don't have to talk too much. You are an old monk who also said that I am too embarrassed to say that I? The life of the monster is the longest in the world, even if the Protoss and the Mozu are far from our monsters. The longevity of human beings is usually about one hundred years old, and the life span of the Protoss and the Mozu is slightly longer, that is, about one hundred and fifty years old, but among the monsters, even the weakest beasts, life expectancy There are also two hundred years or so, the demon statue can live for at least five hundred years, and the demon sac is able to live for nearly a thousand years."

Xiao Bing was surprised: "Where is the grass, then you are not going to die long ago?"

Jin Long’s teacher said with a heavy tone: “The monster family has an advantage. When they are deeply asleep, they will not reduce their lifespan for a while.”

Xiao Bing asked: "Does you sleep without reducing your life?"

"That is not." Jin Long ** teacher said, "The so-called deep sleep is not equal to sleeping, sleep will usually wake up the next day, up to two or three days will certainly wake up, but deep sleep is a state of suspended animation If it was disturbed, she could even sleep for decades, centuries or even thousands of years. She was still young at the time of mythology, and was seriously injured by the Protoss and humans shortly after she was born, and then began to sleep deeply. I have been sleeping for a thousand years before I was awakened, but now I have been sealed for a thousand years. In the **** sea, she fell asleep again, until she reawakened in the last two years, and then she repeatedly wanted to break the seal. Although the seal has been very solid for a thousand years, but the old man wants to suffer from the aftermath. After all, the age of the old man is also big, and there is no new Japanese-level teacher in Thailand. I am afraid that after I die, One day she will break through here, so she wants to destroy her in the **** sea in her lifetime, even if it is the price of jade!"

Xiao Bing nodded, forget it. If you follow the words of Jin Long, the age of Grammy is really not very big. Gramme said coldly: "If I don't sleep now, now it is just three. A hundred years old."

Jin Long’s teacher said in a heavy tone: “A monster like her is likely to live for thousands of years. If she does not kill her, no one can guarantee that there will be any changes in the next few hundred years. This seal will not be washed away."

Xiao Bing promised, and began to understand the fear of the Golden Dragon sergeant. If it was rushed out of the **** sea by such an ancient monster, I am afraid that the world will really never have a day, even if human beings are the masters of this world. It is capable of killing Grammy, and the world must also die for countless individuals.

Xiao Bing asked: "Yes, why not release the atom here? Bomb?"

The Jinlong ** teacher smiled bitterly: "If the situation is not right, the nuclear magazine is just put it and put it on? The nuclear bomb can certainly be razed here, but the whole city is likely to be affected, and the surrounding cities are also It will be harmed by nuclear radiation. If it is a nuclear bomb with too little power, and worried that it will not kill her, but destroy the seal, it will not be worth the loss. Therefore, the nuclear bomb can be released, but there must be no other way at the end. Will be released under the premise."

Hearing the explanation of Jinlong’s teacher and thinking about the dangers released by the nuclear bomb, Xiao Bing also took it for granted. During the Second World War, the two countries released the two atoms of the r country, and it was still decades later. Bringing a lot of follow-up effects, so nuclear weapons are usually used as a deterrent weapon, not a conventional weapon, and cannot be easily used.

Grammy's gaze once again fell on Xiao Mingyue's body, and then looked up. At this time, her eyes showed a gentle touch. Xiao Bing's spirit slightly stunned. Grame immediately broke through the sound and reached Xiaobing. A palm shot to Xiao Bing.

A cockroach suddenly stopped directly between the two of them. Grammy’s hand was shot on the raft, just like a shot on a cotton, followed by the whole squatting toward her. Grammy swept back and opened a distance. Coldly snorted, looking at the cockroach, the eyes showed a bit of alert color, said: "The Holy One, the monk, but unfortunately you can not wave its true power."

Jinlong’s teacher said: “Amitabha, it’s enough to surrender your demon girl.”

Xiao Bing’s eyes have been restored to Qingming, and there is a bit more alert in his heart. It’s obvious that Gramma’s use is illusion, although it’s impossible to let her fall into it completely, but at least it’s okay for him to have a short absence. The entire dark world is now able to do this for Xiao Bing. This is the only thing that Xiao Bing really confronts this opponent. It may be the most powerful opponent he has ever encountered. Only the Buddha and the Buddha This Grammy does not know who is strong or who is weak.

Jinlong ** was instincted, and the package was opened. A drum was taken out from the package. Xiao Bing opened his eyes next to him. Xiao Bing never saw how the Master was doing it. Today is exactly I opened my eyes, although this time I came here to get the blood of Grameen, but as a martial artist, Xiao Bing is curious about any kind of attack defense.

Jinlong’s teacher sat down on the knees and put the drum on his lap. Grammy screamed: “The old monk, the slave is now sending you back to the West!” 8

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