Super Soldier

Chapter 883: This is the dragon among people!

Although Jinlong’s Master is also spending a lot of mana, but after the round of the fist of Xiao Bing, the injury of Grammy is definitely very serious. It is the best time to eliminate Lagmei, but I have looked at Xiao Bing and Xiao Mingyue. Personally, Master Jinlong still stopped the strong thought.

Xiao Bing's life and killing Lagmei, what is it? Normally speaking, the Master of the Golden Dragon will not hesitate to make a decision. In order to kill the banshee of Grame, it is not a sacrifice to sacrifice a soldier. In fact, when he pulls Xiao Bing together, Jinlong Archmage did not think that according to the strength of Xiao Bing, it is likely to be cannon fodder. He never thought that he finally relied on this human being who had not yet reached the realm of Tianzun to seriously injure Grammy.

However, after seeing the recovery of Xiao Bing's injury, and the blood of Xiao Bing let Xiao Mingyue's life breath quickly overflow, Jin Long Master decided to take the two people out of here, if he left here, it is difficult to protect. Grammy will not come to secretly kill the two men in the coma. In any case, it is impossible for Xiao Bing to die here. The value of Xiao Bing in the eyes of the Golden Dragon Master is far more than everything!

Master Jinlong put all the instruments on his back, and then grabbed Xiao Mingyue and Xiao Bing to the shore. He passed the road, and the sea was completely injured. Grammy did not come out to attack the Golden Dragon Master. It is estimated that he was hiding in the depths of the sea and recovering from injury.

After the **** sea, Master Jinlong grasped Xiao Bing and Xiao Mingyue and quickly disappeared into the **** sea.

Just now, the **** sea has been continually set off. At this time, it has begun to restore calm. No one knows that in the depths of the sea, the first Master of Thailand joined forces with the first person in the dark world and the ancient monsters that existed five thousand years ago. The earth-shattering battle.

After returning to the temple, the Golden Dragon Master allowed Xiao Bing and Xiao Mingyue to lie side by side on the grass shop. The life atmosphere in Xiao Mingyue’s body has become more and more overflowing. Even the strength seems to be about to begin to break through. Power is in the body of Xiao Mingyue. I am afraid that if she breaks through, it will definitely not only be as simple as breaking the initial stage of the void. It is reasonable to say that this is beyond the expectations of the Golden Dragon Master. Why is this happening?

The eyes of the Golden Dragon Master looked at Xiao Bing, and it was not Xiao Mingyue who really paid attention to the Golden Dragon Master, but Xiao Bing in the sleepy period. Normally, Xiao Mingyue was a ghost king. After the death gas disappeared, she The life can't be saved. It is the only way to sacrifice with the blood of the ancient demon sage. Now Xiao Mingyue is only infected with the blood of Xiao Bing, and even the Golden Dragon Master has not sacrificed. The life of Xiao Mingyue has already risen to the blast.

So, isn’t it true that the blood in Xiao Bing’s body is stronger than the blood of Grame? More noble?

Master Jin Long was silent, and he did not even dare to think deep.

Looking at Xiaobing in the sleep, Jinlong’s Master suddenly showed his murderousness. He picked up his holy knife. This knife was not used when he was in the depths of the sea and when he was fighting with Grameen. This is The strongest weapon in the hands of the Golden Dragon Master, if it is cut, even the current Gramma can not resist, even the Grammy in the peak period will be injured.

Master Jin Long took a deep breath, his eyes were unpredictable, he was killing, he was sorry, he was struggling, hesitating, he was looking forward to it... He put the knife in his hand down, sighed softly, and gave the knife When I got up, I muttered to myself: "Amitabha, I hope that the old man is not mistaken. I hope that you are the savior of this era. If one day you want to bring disaster to the world, the old man will kill you." Oh, but if it is really the day, how can the old man be your opponent with one finger?"

After that, Jinlong Archmage began to silence, sitting cross-legged on the ground and began to meditate.

Although Gramma hit the chest of Xiao Bing, but fortunately did not touch Xiao Bing's internal organs, even so, Xiao Bing can feel that he is going to die, but gradually, he has a feeling, as if The life that is about to be lost has been brought back again, and all this is because of the mysterious power within Dan Tian, ​​and I don’t know how long it took. Xiao Bing finally came out of the boundless darkness and opened it. Eyes, the moment you open your eyes, the familiar shabby temple.

Xiao Bing struggled to get up from the ground, looked at the Golden Dragon Master next to him, and looked at Xiao Mingyue, who was lying next to the grass shop. He was surprised to see that the life of Xiao Mingyue was full, and it was already The overflowing point, and Xiao Mingyue seems to have signs of breaking through.

Master Jin Long opened his eyes and looked at Xiao Bing. The tone was calm: "Xiao Shizhu, you finally woke up."

"I, how can I be here? I am not dead?"

"You are not dead." Master Jin Long said with emotion. "Xiao Shizhu is a person with great opportunities, big marriage, great fate. The future world needs you to guard, naturally it will not die here."

Xiao Bing glanced at his chest and could still see the wound, but the big hole that penetrated through the chest had disappeared, leaving only a scar. Was it a mistake? Is it a dream? That is impossible!

Xiao Bing looked at Xiao Mingyue again and asked: "Is the blood of Grameen this time? How is my daughter?"

Master Jinlong said: "Reassured, the little donor of Mingyue has basically been out of danger. Then she is a breakthrough. As long as she breaks through this level, she will become the strongest ghost king in history. No, there is no such thing in her body. Ghost's breath, her death has completely disappeared, then she is a living person, but she is not a human, because people are old and sick, these are not for her, her life can even be better than the devil And the beast is long."

It is being said that Xiao Mingyue’s body suddenly burst into a dazzling white light. Xiao Mingyue opened his eyes and sat up from the ground. She felt the horrible energy fluctuations in her body and was surprised: “I am....”

The whole temple was trembled, and the energy fluctuations on her body became more and more intense. Even when Xiao Bing broke through to break the void, there was absolutely no such strong energy fluctuation. Xiao Mingyue looked up and gave a deafening sound in his mouth. The screaming, the power of the crazy power is a burst of air. Finally, the horrible power gradually converges into her body. She looks at her own hands and is surprised: "I feel... I feel mine." The body is full of strength."

Xiao Bing is also full of surprises watching Xiao Mingyue. The power inside Xiao Mingyue's body has not yet completely subsided. The power of terror, Xiao Bing can distinguish, it is actually breaking the realm of the void period!

Master Jinlong praised: "Amitabha, Xiao Mingyue, the little donor is really the Kyrgyz family. Congratulations, Xiao Bing, and now you can rest assured."

Xiao Bing sighed and smiled. "Yeah, rest assured, there is nothing wrong with the moon, I am relieved."

Xiao Mingyue stared at a pair of curious eyes and asked, "Dad, what the **** is going on?"

"Nothing, nothing, everything has passed." Xiao Bing feels happy from the heart. "Master, I have to thank you again this time, we have to go back."

Xiao Bing took a step and felt that the chest was tearing the general pain, and the body was somewhat weak. Although the mysterious power in Xiao Bing saved his life, he even recovered his injury at a speed visible to the naked eye. Xiao Bing has only been seriously injured after all, even if he is not likely to recover 100% immediately.

Xiao Mingyue ran over, grabbed Xiao Bing’s hand and choked: "Dad, Dad, are you okay? It must be that the moon is not sensible, it must be the father of the moon, or how can Dad suffer such a serious injury?" ?"

Although Xiao Mingyue is still young, but after all, it is the body of the ghost king. Compared with other children, the mind is matured. After just thinking about it, I know that Xiao Bing’s injury is definitely related to her previous coma. .

Xiao Bing touched Xiao Mingyue’s head and smiled. “You have nothing to do, Dad feels very happy. Jinlong Archmage, now the strength of Grammy must be seriously damaged. If you shoot her, maybe there is The possibility of killing her, I can't help anything."

Jinlong Archmage nodded and looked very dignified: "This Grammy has a lot of cards. After all, it is a monster in ancient times. Now I am seriously injured. If I want to hide, I am afraid that it is not a thing to kill her." It’s easy, but try it anyway. Fortunately, this time, Xiao Shi’s master made her a serious injury, even if I didn’t kill her in the end, with her current serious injury, not a few decades. I am afraid that I will not want to attack the seal of the blood sea any more, and on that day, there will naturally be a strong person who can deal with her."

Xiao Bing gave a cry, and my heart knew that this Gramme was not lucky this time. It was impossible to hit the seal within a short period of time, and it was possible to hide and hide and sleep again.

Jinlong Grand Master looked at Xiao Bing, his hands were ten, and he said: "Amitabha, Xiao Shizhu, the future human society may continue to rely on Xiao Shizhu, I just want to share with Xiao Bing, a few words, the real Master. It’s not a high-level mana, but a good heart. The true hero is not that you have a martial art, but because you are good-hearted and respected. There is no distinction between people, gods, demons, beasts, and races. Only good and evil."

Xiao Bing’s heart moved, and nodded slightly: “The words of the master, Xiao Bing keeps in mind.”

"Then we have a goodbye."

Xiao Bing smiled and nodded, pulling Xiao Mingyue’s hand and stepping out of the temple.

Looking at the empty temple, Master Jinlong turned around and bowed to the Buddha statue in the temple. He sighed: "It is difficult to distinguish between right and wrong. I only hope that the old man will not regret because of the softness of the moment. Others It’s impossible to guess, only one point is certain, and Xiao Bing’s departure will definitely be going to skyrocket.”

"There is no way to stop him."

"Going to the ground, there will be no one to stop him."

"This is the dragon among people!"

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