Super Soldier

Chapter 886: old classmate

When I heard the words of Wu Jinku, everyone was about to laugh, and several executives behind Mr. Yang and Manager Wu all bowed their heads and held back their smiles. Yang Yang has always had a difficult face, apparently still for her brother. The cost of living is as good as that of the little pepper.

Manager Wu’s voice is gloomy: “Who are you talking about? Who is Wu Jinku?”

Xiao Bing said with amazement: "Don't you change your name? Don't you know me? I am a high school classmate, you still can't remember, when you called Wu Jinku, I heard that your father is collecting loan sharks. So I like the words of the treasury. Later in the school, you and your father learned, your father is lending, you are collecting protection, but you are a follower, every day in a school Behind Big Brother’s ass, I’ll collect protection fees everywhere. If you charge ten dollars, you should leave one for yourself. The other nine dollars must be handed over to the big brother. Remember that once you secretly hid two dollars, you were the big brother. I knocked out your incisors, and when I spoke, I still had a leak in my mouth."

Manager Wu’s face is more gloomy and angry: “You close your mouth, I am now Wu Tianhang.”

"Oh, the new name is pretty good, but guess who I am. You also asked me to collect the protection fee, but I am poor and clinking, how can I give you money, and then you find it for the first time. Three or four people have smashed me. I have never beaten you. When I was alone that night, I followed you when I went home. A brick was on your head and I was embarrassed. The face is full of blood, you dare not tell the parents, I will be scared when I see you later."

Wu Tianhang's eyes widened, and his eyes were shocked and angry. Others saw him like this. He had already guessed that Xiao Bing said that he was not true. He did not expect Wu Tianhang to have such awkward name. I thought that Wu Tianhang’s father was a loan shark. I didn’t even think that when Wu Tianhang was studying, he would pay protection fees to his classmates behind his ass. It basically sounded like a problem student.

Xiao Bing continued: "Later your boss heard that you are embarrassed, not forced to ask who is playing, there is no way, you can not hold up your boss's constant questioning, then I gave it out, then the school brother took it I am still in the toilet with six or seven out-of-class boys. I have been playing with you for a few minutes, and I was finally knocked down on the ground and couldn’t climb up. Because of this, you all got Disciplinary action."

"Later, you thought I was afraid. I didn't expect to see me once. I have to play it once. Although you have a lot of people, I just don't accept it. At the beginning, I was suffering, but I will wait until the first half of my semester. At that time, the physical quality is better, more resistant, and more able to fight. Your six or seven people are not my opponents. Once, several people have been beaten into the hospital. The school knows that you are thorns, so there is no punishment. I."

"Since then, I will see you once when I see you once. Every time you see me, I will hide far away. Later, you know that the big brother is looking for a boy outside the school and wants to clean up me. Finally, I am miserable. At that time, when you guys saw me, they were far away. They really had to say hello. They had to be squatted and then called my brother. Do you still remember?"

"You..." Wu Tianhang pointed to Xiao Bing and trembled. "You are Xiao Bing?"

Xiao Bing took the sunglasses off his face and smiled: "Not bad, remember me, but it seems that you are not too long-term memory. I have never told you before. I want to call my brother, my name. Also what can you call it?"

Xiao Bing’s eyes were cold, and Wu Tianhang seemed to return to him more than ten years ago. He was scared to see him in a hurry and said: “Bing brother.”

It’s not right to wait until Wu Tianhang’s call is finished. I’m still afraid of it. Now it’s already in the society. It’s not a student’s time. It’s not as simple as an adult’s fist. If you want to find a fist hard, you can now find a large group of gangsters to pick him up outside, why bother to respect him?

But at this time, look carefully, he only reacted. The big brother in the school that was in front of him was already a movie star in the film and television circle. In fact, he saw Xiao Bing in the Taiji master before, and he also saw Xiao Bing. The name, also suspected that these two people may be a person, but after all, there are too many people in the world with the same name, plus Xiao Bing was taken away in the second day of the second day, they only did one year Half of the classmates, time has passed so long, I can't remember so clearly.

In other words, he did not recognize Xiao Bing at all, but could not believe that the person in the movie was really Xiao Bing. In his opinion, he was a mixed child in school every day, but Xiao Bing was able to How can such a person go to be a big star?

And now the facts are in front of him, and he can't help but believe it.

Not only Wu Tianhang, but other people also recognized who Xiao Bing was, and they were all amazed. I didn’t expect that the most popular big star would be Wu Tianhang’s classmates, and it sounds like there are still many conflicts in the school. Xiao Bing did not miss Wu Tianhang in the same year.

Wu Tianhang’s face changed slightly, and he repeatedly thought of some key information in his head. On the one hand, he has now entered the society. Xiao Bing was very capable of playing in the school, but what counted, the second is now Jidong Province. The department manager of the head office of the largest hotel chain, there are cars and houses, and women have deposits. Of course, these may not be stronger than Xiao Bing, but the big brother he has been following, that is, the boss he followed in school now. It is the vice president of this hotel, Xiao Bing is a big star again, but there are some stars in the aura, ordinary people look beautiful, in fact, in the eyes of the real superiors is just a sleek senior wage earner. What is the comparison with the big brother that he is following now?

You know, the big brother he followed, now as the vice president of this hotel chain, the assets are hundreds of millions, and if it is not the big brother, he can not be the head of the head office, or even the company The general manager is the father of his boss. One day, sooner or later, the whole company will be taken over by his boss. Whether it is as a follower or something, will he be even more ups and downs?

Thinking of the joints, he coughed and said with a strong heart: "Xiao Bing, you seem to be mixed in the past two years, but you also need to know that you are growing up, and our classmates are growing up. It may not be lost to you. You will not be interested in mentioning the things of the year. For example, Yu Lao Da, the entire Yu Group is his industry. He is the vice president of the Yu Group and will become the real boss sooner or later. The hotel chain is just a business of the Yu Group. And you like a big star, it sounds like a scenery, but it is not for the boss to work, so good, take the time to introduce you to recommend the boss You are also good at accompanying the things of the year. After so many years, I think that the boss will not care about it. When the boss and other big business bosses say hello, maybe you will mix in the entertainment circle. It's going to be smoother."

Xiao Bing looked at Wu Tianhang with the look of an idiot. He smiled and said: "Wu Tianhang, Wu Tianhang, after so many years, you are the age, and your head is still not growing as you did in the past, not only does your head not grow, but also It turned into an animal that uses the lower body to think. Today's thing is that two fans come to find an idol, there is no one in the hotel, they will not delay any business, but you are fussing, especially you, even want Taking advantage of the hidden rules, huh, huh, this is a daring, and as an old classmate, I feel shame."

Wu Tianhang said with shame: "You!"

"What are you?" Xiao Bing's eyes were sharp, and Wu Tianhang was once again returned to the memory of the battle in front of Xiao Bing. "You want to find a fight?"

Wu Tianhang’s face was blue and white, hesitated for a long time. After all, he didn’t dare to put too much rumors, because the shadow that Xiao Bing left for him was too deep, even if he united so many thorns in the school. Under the leadership of Yu Lao Da, the end was not the opponent of Xiao Bing alone. When they saw Xiao Bing, they all seemed like grandchildren. At this time, he dared to have a slight arrogance in front of Xiao Bing. what.

Xiao Bing waved his hand and sneered: "Oh, I am too lazy to see you in general, but in the future, it is best not to let me know. You also know that I like this business most, maybe when I will When you come across this kind of thing, I will let you kick off your eggs and let you not be a man in your life!"

Wu Tianhang hesitated for a long time, after all, did not dare to challenge Xiao Bing's bottom line, in case Xiao Bing and the same bastard, and still can play, then what should I do?

His last face was white, and he waited for a long time to say: "Xiao Bing, you can do it, you don't have to argue with your tongue. At 7:30 in the evening after three days, it is the same alumni gathering. It is here. The first floor restaurant, dare you come?"

Xiao Bing thought for a moment. After I arrived at Xiao Bing’s rank, I was basically too lazy to take care of these little people. But when I saw what Wu Tianhang’s actions are doing today, it’s estimated that the surname is not much better. They had a small lesson, or they warned them, so Xiao Bing did not refuse, and the wind was light and empty: "I just live here, what dare you dare?"

"Well, let's see you in three days. Then you will know that you can't be a little movie star. I think you dare not be so crazy at the class meeting, hehe!"

After that, Wu Tianhang screamed away. In fact, he did not dare to stay, because the shadow that Xiao Bing left for him was too deep and deep.

Seeing that Wu Tianhang left, Xiao Bing looked at the fat man surnamed Yang and said: "It doesn't matter if you dismiss them, but the salary must be given to them now."

The general manager of this hotel is the manager of this hotel, and does not want to make things big, especially the other party is still a popular movie star. If the trouble is big, the impact on the hotel will not be very good, so there is no courage. Nonsense, immediately told a middle-aged woman in charge of financial affairs behind her, the woman immediately went to the office to withdraw money.

Seeing this scene, the little pepper looked excited: "Xiao Bing brother, you are so handsome!"

The general Yang is full of anger.

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