Super Soldier

Chapter 889: Reunion with relatives

Xiao Mingyue sat next to her, watching her father, and her heart was also a little angry. She was not angry with the orphanage. She was somewhat ignorant of this. Her main reason was that Xiaobing was angry. Angry, Xiao Mingyue’s thoughts are very simple. Those people have made their father unhappy, then those people must be big bad guys and must be punished accordingly.

The car stopped outside the door of an orphanage.

Xiao Bing opened the door and went down first. Then Xiao Mingyue followed. Two people looked up and saw that it was a black iron gate. On the gate, there was a cross on the Changping Children's Welfare Institute. .

Orphanages are generally called folk names. In fact, after the establishment of Xinhuaxia, the institution of the orphanage was named as a children's welfare home, and it is basically led by the state department. It also provides corresponding funds for welfare homes. Daily expenses, but this children's welfare home is not organized by the state department, but is founded by a folk businessman. The founder is Zhang Jinlan's grandmother. Usually, Xiao Bing is called Jin Lan Aunt. She should have more than 60 years old now. Years old.

It is said that Zhangjia was originally a large family in Changping City, but in the chaotic years before the establishment of the new Huaxia in the last century, the horse thief went to the city to burn the robbers. Zhang Jinlan’s ancestors died more than half, Zhang Jinlan’s grandfather, two Uncle and three uncles all died, leaving only his father's pulse. Later Zhang family began to fall. Zhang Jinlan's grandmother believed in Buddha at home, and suddenly one day sold all the assets in the house, founded the orphanage, and waited for Xinhuaxia. After the establishment, it was renamed the Children's Welfare Institute. Until now, it is said that Huaxia's Children's Welfare Institute is basically a national industry, but this child welfare home was founded by Zhang Jia, from Zhang Jinlan's grandmother to her father. Until the generation of Zhang Jinlan, they have been trying to maintain this welfare home. The working capital is basically funded by some caring people. After all, Zhang’s family has spent almost the same time.

Is such a generation of Zhang who is doing good deeds, if it is still being persecuted by the black-hearted developers and the government corrupt officials, is there any conscience in the world?

Xiao Mingyue said: "Dad, have you lived in this hospital before?"

"Yeah." Xiao Mingyue nodded. The plaque on the top has been broken, the wall is dilapidated, and the tall buildings that can be seen by looking up are also dilapidated, but the yard is really big, Changping City. As a second-tier city, although it is impossible to talk about the extent of the inch of land, but such a large piece of land is worth a lot of money, it is reasonable to say that Zhang Jinlan does not have to die to support this welfare home, as long as the welfare home is dissolved Selling this place is absolutely enough for her to enjoy the two generations comfortably and not to eat and drink.

But she didn't, because the welfare home is her life, these lonely children are her family!

Xiao Bing took Xiao Mingyue’s hand and walked over it. He shot the black iron gate of the welfare home. At this time, from the guard room inside the yard, he suddenly came out with a tattered scorpion. The scorpion had a bad white hair. The left leg was a little disabled, so he limped and walked on a cane.

This blind man seems to have sixty, his face is wrinkled, his hair is white, and he has a little hunchback. His eyes are also very muddy, but when he sees Xiao Bing, it shines brightly. It also speeded up a few steps, came over, quickly opened the door, and then looked up and down Xiao Bing, and the emotions were a little excited: "Xiao Bing, is a small soldier, is it a small soldier?"

"It's me, it's me." Xiao Bing's heart was a little excited, his nose was sour, and his tone was slightly choked.

Xiao Bing was particularly naughty when he was a child, and he often fights, but every time he is always defending him, he has always been very good to him, even better than the aunts in the welfare home. Xiao Bing has some At that time, I will treat my nephew as a kind father. I haven’t seen it for more than ten years. Can I not be excited?

Xiao Bing’s eyes were filled with tears and holding a scorpion. He said, "Xunzi, I haven’t seen you for so many years. You are old. Let me go this time. I will give you old-age care. It’s such a big age, don’t want it. Continue to guard the door here."

The scorpion patted Xiao Bing, hoarse and stunned and laughed: "Good, good, good boy, scorpion accepts your filial piety, but don't, scorpion is used to this place, has not moved, do not want to leave. Xiao Bing, after so many years, you are finally back."

Xiao Bing has tears in his eyes: "I should have come back to see you soon, I am not right."

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter. We all know that you are glory for the country. The person who took you away that year is the country. When you took you away, you said that you will be a special person in the country. I am afraid it will be hard to come back. The opportunity, you can come back in the lifetime of the nephew, the nephew is already happy enough, God is good enough for me!"

Xiao Bing said: "Hey, you really have to stay, refuse to go back with me?"

"No, no." The scorpion was excited for a long time, and Xiao Bing was hugged. At this time, I saw Xiao Mingyue standing next to me and asked, "Xiao Bing, who is this child?"

"This is my child. She is Xiao Mingyue."

"Your children are born?" The scorpion was more excited, bent down, looked at Xiao Mingyue carefully, sometimes confused, sometimes admired, sometimes gratified, and finally touched the head of Xiao Mingyue, feeling, "Mingyue is not like you Ah, but she is better than you. Hahahaha!"

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Scorpion, are you aunts?"

"Oh, your big sister and three sisters have passed away."

Xiao Bing was struck by lightning. When Xiao Bing was young, there were a total of seven women and a man in this welfare home. One man was a blind man, and the seven women took care of the daily life of these children. Seven women from the big to the young are Xiaobing. These children are called Daxie, Erqi, Sancha... and Dean Zhang Jinlan is the second child, the second in age.

Xiao Bing still remembers that the big sister is the most severe, but he also hurts himself the most. If she is still alive, she should be over seventy years old, but she has passed away.

That Sancha, I like to weave some things on weekdays. I remember I woven my sweater in the winter, but now I am not there.

Xiao Bing was a little excited: "How can the age of Sanchao pass away?"

Scorpion sighed: "She died last year, and she died just sixty in the year of her death. She did not die. She had cancer. When she was examined, she was already in advanced cancer. No one can avoid it. You also Don't be too sad."

Xiao Bing sighed and said: "Let me go and see a few other tricks."

"Well, your four sisters were taken back by her children, and they went to the provincial capital to enjoy the blessings. When the children came to pick her up, she didn't want to leave. Finally, she was advised by the dean for two days and two nights. Children leave, but a few others are here to take care of the new children."

As the nephew said, he took Xiao Bing to the gate of the welfare home, then stopped and coughed twice. He said, "You go in, I think they will see you coming back, they must be excited, tonight. The donkey will accompany you for two drinks."

Xiao Bing asked: "How do you know that I will drink?"

The scorpion smirked and said: "When you were a child, you sneaked on the wine of the scorpion. After you grew up, did you give up the wine?"

Xiao Bingxiao smiled and said: "It is also true."

"Okay, go in, I will go back to work, and drink two more drinks at night."

Xiao Bing promised, pulling Xiao Mingyue's hand, pushing the first floor door and stepping in.

After entering the first floor, I saw several children running around in the hall, some running up and down the corridor leading upstairs, and two children sitting in a wheelchair, looking at the envious look Little friends.

Some of these children are lame legs, some are deafness, but a few are relatively healthy. Seeing Xiao Bing and Xiao Mingyue coming in, all these children have stopped, one by one staring at Xiao Bing and Xiao Mingyue.

At this time, the floor of a woman’s voice was uploaded and asked: “How are you, these children, suddenly so quiet!”

A footstep was uploaded from the building. Xiao Bing looked up and saw a middle-aged woman who was wearing a pink sweater for nearly forty years. She walked down from above and could see it from this woman. She was small. Some time must be a personally cute little girl, even now, with a charm that can attract any man, looks good, gentle inside the temperament with the playfulness that young girls should have.

After seeing Xiao Bing, the middle-aged woman smiled and said, "This gentleman, may you ask me? Is there anything to come to our welfare home?"

Xiao Bing’s lips were a little trembling. Suddenly, I saw a relative who had been away for more than ten years. How could Xiao Bing not be excited?

When I saw Xiao Bing, I didn’t say a word. I just looked at her with excitement. The middle-aged woman’s brow wrinkled a bit, and her heart was a bit puzzled. However, she quickly looked up and down Xiaobing’s eyes. With his eyes wide open, he rushed to the front of Xiao Bing and grabbed Xiao Bing's clothes. He was excited: "You are a small soldier? Xiaobing, are you coming back?"

"It's me, it's me, Xiao Yan, I miss you..." This is the smallest of the seven sisters, and the one that looks the best. I remember that she was only five years old when Xiao Bing was five years old. Entering this welfare home to work, but also volunteer work, purely because of the love of the children here, then she was only 18 years old, when the youth is young, the children have a good relationship with her, especially Xiao Bing Xiao Bing is particularly naughty, but she likes it the most.

At that time, she was the most favorite of Xiao Bing. Even if Xiao Bing usually likes to fight, she always said that Amoy is good, and Amoy has a future in the future. Every time he sternly punishes Xiao Bing, this little sister is maintaining. Xiao Bing, so she entered the welfare home even though Xiao Bing was five years old, but in the heart of Xiao Bing, her status is not inferior to other few.

"You stinky boy!" The middle-aged woman actually gave Xiao Bing a punch, almost cried out, and then shouted, "The soldier came back, the soldier came back."

Soon, from the upstairs, the back of the building, the aisle... A few footsteps rushed in, Xiaobing’s eyes widened, and I watched the relatives who had been thinking about each other forever. Two 姨, five 姨, six 姨, plus this little 眼 in front of the eyes, Xiao Bing's eyes are red, tears finally can not stop falling.

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