Super Soldier

Chapter 891: There are people in the welfare home

Both Erqi and Wuyi were surprised to see Xiao Bing. I didn’t expect Xiao Bing to know about it. The eyes of Eryi were a bit lonely. Wu Yan was shocked and said: "Children, how do you know?"

“When I came, the taxi driver chatted with me casually.” Xiao Bing sighed. “This welfare home is the home of all of us, especially the efforts of your generations. How can you give up and give up? However, we can't let people bully. Here is our place. Why do they say that they are occupied? If you want this place, you have to give us reasonable money, and then let us set aside more. Some time, let us have the money to have time to build a new welfare home. If you want a little money, you can call us and say nothing!"

"Oh." Er said, "There are people who have money, and we can't fight."

Xiao Bingyi said in a proper way: "What happened to someone with money? Second, now is not the time of your grandparents. Now it is Xinhuaxia. It is an era when all the people can be the masters. Yes. There may be times when we are inevitably confronted with some corrupt officials, but after all, it is a minority situation, and corrupt officials naturally have others who can cure him. If those officials do not give us the title, we can go to a larger official response. Ah! I can’t let them take advantage of this cheapness. Then you and a few have worked hard all your life, and finally left nothing, so go home and pension?”

More than two, I said: "I don't care what I can get. We don't care about the ancestors of our family. If you care about money, my grandmother wouldn't take all the money from the family to start this." Welfare homes that are not profitable, we have no income, only expenses, all spent on the poor children, although there will be a small amount of incentives for civil affairs departments every year, and occasionally there will be donations from some public welfare people, but quite In the past few years, in the past few years, some of the remaining antiques in my family have also been sold, and the wealth is basically empty."

Er Zhang Zhang Jinlan said with excitement: "But I believe that my grandmother will not regret it. My father who passed away will not regret it. When I am in this generation, I will not regret Zhang Jinlan. How many homeless children have helped us in three generations? The number of consecutive numbers is unclear, and these are enough. Even if these people are blackened, take a place like ours, and give me a sum of money, which is enough for some of our sisters, though I don’t want to say that Ronghua is rich and rich, but it’s okay to mix and drink in the rest of my life without sickness and sickness, not to mention that apart from your childhood, you have not married yet, and the children of other sisters have already established a family, and they are not jealous. No one took care of the latter half of life."

"But I just don't want it! Why do they say that they have to take up? Why they don't give money, even half of the money can't be given!"

Xiao Bing gently patted Zhang Jinlan's back, some distressed, and also the dean of this welfare home.

The second gasp breathed for two breaths, then said: "I can not care about my later life, nor do I expect to sell this welfare home for the rest of my life, but I can't sell it so cheaply, because even if I put it If the welfare home is sold, you must go to another location and re-establish a welfare home. Otherwise, what about these children? I can't throw away these homeless children, I can't bear it!"

Xiao Bing heard some excitement in his heart, and then went to see the five scorpions. The five scorpions were also a large number of years old, and the same indignation seemed to be the same as people.

Xiao Bing sighed: "Good people have their own good news, the wicked have their own hardships, and the two sorrows and the five sorrows are relieved. The black heart will not have any good endings, and the corrupt officials who cover them will not have a good ending."

Erqi shook his head and looked a little desperate. He said: "Small soldiers, you don't understand, people don't fight with the officials. Don't worry about this matter. Big deal, we have to fight our own lives, you want to forcefully occupy, That is impossible, unless I am dead here, Zhang Jinlan, otherwise, I don’t want to take up my welfare home, or else I will kill my life!"

Xiao Bing’s heart is murderous, although this kind of thing may not be played here only, but after all, it’s all of Xiao Bing’s relatives. What’s more, there are so many homeless children here, these black hearts are actually open. I don’t even want to give the money that I should give. They have considered it for so many poor children. It’s **** it!

Xiao Bing comforted the two verses and the five verses, and did not mention this matter too much, but the mind has already made plans for it. This matter is equivalent to his own affairs, and it is impossible to leave it.

Next, Xiao Bing no longer mentions this matter, just chatting with them about the happy things of the past, some interesting things that I used to be here when I was young, and after the time of eating, I have to go to the children to eat. Then they gave them a nap, and everyone came to the restaurant to start eating.

The scorpion smashed two bottles of white wine and a bottle of juice. Xiao Mingyue and Xiao Bing and several women sat on the table. The scorpion sat down with Xiao Bing, and after lovingly watching Xiao Mingyue, he handed the juice to Xiao. In the bright moon, Xiao Mingyue said very sensiblely: "Thank you, uncle."

The blind man smiled and said: "Don't call my uncle, call me my grandfather."

Xiao Mingyue spit out his tongue, and some did not know whether it should be called. Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Nothing, you will call it. If you feel that your grandfather is too rude, you can call Grandpa directly."

I heard Xiao Bing say so, Xiao Mingyue said sweetly: "Grandpa."

"Hey!" The scorpion was so screamed, it looked very happy, but then he smiled bitterly. "Unfortunately, there is no gift for your grandfather."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Okay, scorpion, you have nothing to give a gift."

Er Zhang Zhang Jinlan looked at the blind man and said with emotion: "Hey, have you been here for more than 20 years?"

"Well, there is." Scorpion’s eyes were deep and said, "It’s been twenty-five years."

Zhang Jinlan sighed: "Yeah, I still remember very clearly. Xiao Bing was originally put in the door of the welfare home. When he saw the old six in the morning, he brought him in. The time was not over. Days, you have come to apply for it. Since then, for more than 20 years, you have been the guard here."

Scorpion sighed: "So I am very kind to Xiao Bing's child, because we almost enter the big family at the same time."

Zhang Jinlan said: "If one day the welfare home is not open, your legs and feet are not convenient, and for so many years, you are alone. No one will take care of you. At that time, I will definitely give you more money and let you spend the rest of your life. I have a guarantee."

The blind man smiled: "I don't want money."

"That can't be done, it is for you, for the welfare home for more than ten years, the salary has not been very high, but you have never complained, this is what you deserve."

At this time Xiao Bing’s Xiao Yan also said: “You should find a wife, don’t we go out to help you pick two? Or a blind date?”

The nephew shook his head and smiled: "Where like me, there are women who are willing to marry me, and I don't want to get married, so a person is also very good."

For this question, everyone has advised the scorpion how many times, and even helped the scorpion pick two good women, but the scorpion is not willing to deal with, and finally had to give up.

At this time, I looked at Xiao Bing’s Xiao Yan and said, “You don’t just say scorpion. You are already about forty now. When you are young, you are much more beautiful. At that time, you are not looking for an object. We ask you to find it, you don't look for it, and say that you haven't touched it properly. In fact, everyone knows that you are putting all your energy into this welfare home. I am giving you a delay."

"No, if I come across the right one, I will definitely find one, but now I still want to focus on the children. The welfare home is not enough. I don't want to delay the children because of my own affairs. ""

Zhang Jinlan frowned and said: "How can you say this, the children are children, you are you, you can't affect your lifelong events, you are almost forty, and it's really too late to find them. ""

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "I want to find something like Xiao Xiao, let me tell you, I will help you pick and choose. A beautiful woman like Xiao Yan, even if it is almost forty, it looks like it is in its early thirties. It’s too easy to find an object."

Xiao Yan smiled and said: "You are a child who can talk, that line, there is a chance that you can help Xiao Xiao find it. If you really like it, and you still introduce it to your child, rely on your love, I will also Give it a try."

Several other sisters heard Xiao Xiao’s mouth sighing, and one of them was overjoyed. They expressed their feelings that Xiao Bing’s power was even greater.

At this time, Xiao Bing stood up and opened the liquor bottle. He poured white wine on himself and his nephews and Liu Yao. Others could not drink alcohol. Even the Six Miles, because they were old, they could only drink two or two at most.

A few people who had been drinking had a cup, and then everyone ate and chatted. The scorpion was very happy today. Gradually four or five glasses of wine went down, and Xiao Bing also accompanied four or five glasses of wine. After drinking a glass of wine, Liuyi ate a little meal and went back to the room to rest and rest. The two older two and six sisters stayed together for a while, and they were tired and went back to the room. Xiao Mingyue After eating and drinking, Xiao Yan took her out to play, and now there are only two people in the restaurant.

Xunzi and Xiao Bing haven't seen each other for a long time. The former nephew didn't really like to talk, but today's nephew seems to have endless words, and Xiao Bing is saying that he has not been so excited and excited for a long time. I haven’t drunk so much wine for a long time. When everyone is half a catty of white wine, even if it is according to the amount of wine, this time can not help but a little more, kneeling on the table, muttering in the mouth: "Good boy, good boy ,Indeed……."

Muttering muttering, then snoring and falling asleep.

Xiao Bing was also a little confused, looking at the blind man like this, haha ​​smiled, stood up, put the donkey on his body, swayed out of the restaurant, walked out of the hall, came to the yard, toward the blind every day Walk in the direction of the guard room at night.

Xiao Bing just walked to the door of the guard room with his nephew, and saw the faint fire in the distance, and there was smoke, that is, in the corner of the yard, a black figure jumped from the yard. Going out disappeared.

Xiao Bing was frightened. Someone wanted to burn a welfare home?

Xiao Bingxun opened the door and gave the donkey to the bed. Then he left the guard room and rushed toward the fire!

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