Super Soldier

Chapter 893: Violent wicked

Looking at Xiao Bing with a look of two faces, he asked: "Xiao Bing, can you really have a way for this child? If there is a way, you must help us. This is not to help us, it is to help the welfare home. All the children, I can't watch them homeless."

Xiao Yan was excited next to him: "Oh, my second sister, do you still ask this question, the small soldiers have already said this, can you still have no way? The small soldier is the national public servant, we are not always holding no one to help. Do you know that the small soldier must know a lot of people, and maybe someone can give a little face. Whenever there is no corrupt official to protect those black developers, we will not be fine."

Everyone looked at Xiao Bing with gaze and Xiao Bing seriously: "Reassured, I must have a solution."

The eyes of these sisters all showed excitement, and even Zhang Jinlan, who was the dean, almost cried excitedly.

At this time, suddenly some children ran in from the outside, and shouted in their mouths: "The second grandmother, the five grandmother, the six grandmother, the little grandmother, the bad guys are coming, the bad guys are outside the door."


Several sisters all stood up, and at the second stop, Xiao Bing hurriedly said: "Two sisters, you just woke up and rested in bed first."

"No." Erhao shook his head. "I just want to see for myself what these evil people can do for us. In the light of the day, do they want to kill us all?"

Xiao Bing sighed and saw that the second scorpion was so stubborn, so he no longer tried to persuade him. However, he himself was here, and no one could hurt anyone in the welfare home. He also helped them to do things. Let's solve it.

Everyone walked out of the building together, but many people jumped out of the fence into the yard. The blind man was standing in the middle of the yard, holding a shovel in his hand and blocking it among these people.

These people are all in their twenties, and they are still holding baseball bats in their hands. They shouted in their mouths: "All the old ones are coming out! Skunk, don't roll a little, let's take another leg." Also interrupted!"

Xiao Bing heard this, and a cold light appeared in his eyes, but the person who spoke was a 20-year-old mixed-haired blonde with a machete in his hand.

In this welfare home, everyone is like the loved one of Xiao Bing, and the feelings between Xiao Bing and Xunzi are more above others, because when there are things, the scorpion and the little scorpion are the most protective to him, even the scorpion His eccentricity is almost personally visible.

Xiao Bing loosened the arm of Zhang Jinlan, and walked over to look at the golden hair. He asked coldly: "Just you want to interrupt the legs of the donkey?"

The golden hair was about to talk, and suddenly noticed the gaze of Xiao Bing, and some of them were shocked, but I think there are so many brothers around me, the other is just two men, and one of them is still old. Hey, can you still be afraid of him? Jin Mao immediately smiled: "What about what I said? But it is just a blind man. It doesn't make much difference between breaking one leg and breaking two legs... Ah!"

His words had just been finished, and immediately after the eyes spent, even did not see what happened, I felt that the cheeks were like tearing the general pain. With a bang, he was directly drawn out, and the slap was almost torn. His cheeks didn't even know if he had damaged his eardrum, and his eyes were almost bursting out!

Xiao Bing took a slap in the air and flew him coldly. "This slap is to educate you for the scorpion. It’s not big or small!"

Xiao Bing’s hand is too fast. Suddenly, no one can react. When other gangsters discover what happened, their bosses have already been drawn out. These people are just street gangsters. Changping Real Estate Company wants to intimidate and intimidate a small welfare institution and does not need to ask for any talented people. The welfare homes are old and weak, and these little gangsters can easily solve the problem, but where do you think of the welfare home? There are such awkward people, they are violent to start with a word, and the strength is completely incomprehensible to them. These gangsters are hesitant to do it or not, and they are stupidly standing in the same place.

Jin Mao fell to the ground, his mouth continued to bleed, struggled to stand up, looked up, Xiao Bing appeared in front of him again, he was scared and shivered, wanting to resist, Xiao Bing has stuck his neck, will He lifted it directly, and then slaps it on the same half of his face. His head is dizzy and flies out again. He hears the monks cold and cold: "This slap is because you are scared. A few of my aunts."

Jin Mao fell to the ground, struggling to climb, top-heavy, and even a little blurred in front of her eyes, Xiao Bing grabbed his collar again, Jin Mao scared and cried, crying and shouting: "Don't fight, don't fight, I know Wrong, Zheng Jiaqing, the boss of Changping Real Estate, paid me to hire me. Let me scare and scare the people inside the welfare home. I am embarrassed."

"Oh?" Xiao Bing sneered, "killing people, paying back debts."

"I... I didn't kill anyone!" Jin Mao looked terrified. "Forgive me, forgive me."

Xiao Bing slaps again on his same cheek, while he is flying, cold and cold: "This slap is for the ants that have just died at your feet, whether it is human or insect. Everything is life."

The golden hair fell to the ground, and a blood spurted out in his mouth. The heart was shy and angry. It was too bullying. Without such a bully, if you trample an ant, you would be guilty. You will not have to go out in the future. I lay down on the bed in my home every day.

On the one hand, he was hurt too much, half of his face was **** and fuzzy, and he was terrible. He was sore and heartbroken. On the other hand, he was ashamed and wronged. His heart was bleeding, direct injury and angry, hard-born. Dizzy passed.

The other gangsters shook their legs and saw that Xiao Bing was so fierce. They didn’t dare to move at all. Some people even almost fainted, and they have never seen such a slut!

Xiaoyan has already brought the children back to the hall, lest the children be scared in the yard. Others have seen this scene, and they are all stunned, just like the first time to know Xiao Bing, but carefully I thought, this is the one in their memory who beat me, I have to repay the ten fists of Xiao Bing.

When Xiao Bing was a child, he was not afraid of being afraid of it. He was not used to anyone, but he was not as fierce as he is now.

There was some excitement in the eyes of the blind man. He looked at Xiao Bing’s figure and didn’t know what he was thinking.

Xiao Bing’s eyes swept over the rest of the gangsters and said: "You have to carry your boss back, remember, who will dare to come next time, he is your end, the next time I am Xiao Bing absolutely not It will be like the same as today!"

These people trembled and trembled in the past, lifted the boss and walked toward the gate. The cockroaches they walked were mainly scared and some legs were soft.

The blind man limped to the iron gate, opened the door with a key, and then opened the door, looking at these people, faintly said: "Go!"

If they were put in the usual place, they had already gone to the scorpion, but at this moment they dared to go and they ran away from the side of the scorpion.

The blind man closed the door, Xiao Bing's face regained the smile in the past, and smiled and said: "It is estimated that after adding last night's things, at least there is no way to use this kind of sin."

Xiao Yan came out of the hall and was excited: "The little soldier is awesome, and the small soldier can really help us out!"

Erqi said: "This, the soldier shot is too heavy, the person was beaten... too scary."

Xiao Xiaodao said: "What is the weight of this, if it is not a small soldier, they still do not know what will happen, the small soldier is not for us."

Xiao Bing smiled, as if he had returned to his childhood, he did something wrong, and he criticized himself. Xiao Yan took care of himself and felt warm inside his heart.

Two sighed and said: "I am not blaming the small soldier, I am afraid that the temper of the small soldier is easy to suffer outside."

Xiao Bing took the donkey and walked over and smiled. "You don't worry about the second, I am now a national, and I am playing the people who fight. Even if it is really broken, no one dares. How about taking me. But these people are getting too much. I don’t want to sell it. I sent people to set fire last night. Today I sent people to intimidate. If I am not there, maybe they will be able to do it. It’s a big deal, I’ve been caught and gone for a few days, and there’s still someone who covers them. It’s not going to take a few days to release them. It seems that they must give them a profound lesson.”

Xiao Yan asked: "Xiao Bing, what do you want, Xiao Yan supports you!"

Xiao Bingdao: "I am not in a hurry. Today, I will accompany a few embarrassors. I will go to their chairman in person tomorrow and have a good talk."

Xiao Bing looked at the second floor and asked: "Two sisters, you just woke up, or go back to rest."

"Well." Two sighed.

Xiao Yan supported the second sister and said: "I help the second sister to go back to rest. You help take care of the children, the small soldiers, you just go out and walk around, or talk with your nephew."


When everyone dissipated, Xiao Bing took the donkey and sat down on the steps, then asked: "Don't you be angry?"

"What kind of gas? Are you angry? You just hit someone?" The voice of the voice was low. "Some people really owe it, especially when they set fire here last night. If you don't find it in time, maybe the entire welfare home will be gone. The child is also..."

Xiao Bing said: "Yes, these people are too much."

The voice of the blind man hoarsely said: "Some people do the wrong things when they do something wrong. If they don't take life as an adult, they should be punished..."

Xiao Bing sighed: "Reassure, tomorrow I will definitely solve the problem here. Before I leave, I will help you solve the hidden dangers. Right, blind, you haven't said it for so many years, what is your name? Why? Just let us call you a blind man? We just forget, people outside are calling you like this, you are not angry?"

"Nothing to be angry, I was originally a blind man." The blind man said faintly, "My name, I have not remembered it more than 20 years ago."

From his voice, Xiao Bing can feel that the blind man has a story that no one can think of. Maybe the story is a little sad, with a bit of sadness, but he still doesn't want to share it with others, maybe he plans to bury it in his heart forever. Together they entered the yellow land.

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