Super Soldier

Chapter 895: Hard 闯 Changping Real Estate

Xiao Bing asked: "Do you still want to catch me now?"

Zhou Cang itself is also one of the big names in Changping City. At this time, his face was green and white, and he smiled and said: "I just don't know the situation, I hope Mr. Xiao will not blame."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "I am sorry for you, the black-hearted developer is dead. I just hit him yesterday. It is normal for you to take me back to investigate."

Zhou Cangchang sighed and felt that Xiao Bing was still a good talker and said in a hurry: "Mr. Xiao can understand, next time I will pay attention, I will pay attention."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "I don't have any opinion about you catching me, but it doesn't mean that I really don't have any other opinions about you. The night before, some people set fire to it here. Yesterday, there was a triad here. Let's make trouble, don't you care about it? Are you the captain of the Interpol Brigade, just serving the wealthy businessmen? Even the heads of the country know that they are serving the people. Is it only in the eyes of your captain, only the wealthy businessmen? It’s the people. We are all ordinary people who have no power and no power. They are not people.”

Xiao Bing’s words are already very serious. Zhou Cang scared a sweat. He just called him to reprimand him for the leadership of the provincial public security department. He knew that he was only a local city’s criminal police captain. And the provincial public security department, but there is a long way to go, the leader of this provincial department, he was only seen twice in the provincial city when he met, had the privilege of passing two cigarettes, he is in the place A very powerful official, but compared with that leader, a heaven and a ground, when people pinch him, it is as easy as playing.

Now the leader said, he must apologize and must obtain the forgiveness of Xiao Bing. Although he does not know how much Xiao Bing’s identity is, he can make his big leaders feel nervous. It is estimated that he must be completely untouchable. The big man, who dared to be slow, quickly replied: "I know it is wrong, I must correct it next time, I must correct it."

A few of the neighbors did not expect that Xiao Bing might be so powerful. A phone call would scare this person into such a situation. The expectation of keeping this welfare home is even greater.

After all, these things are not the same as Zhou Cang, and the real collusion with the black-hearted developers is not Zhou Cang, and the second time I saw that the other party will not catch Xiao Bing, and I don’t want Xiao Bing to offend Zhou’s captain, plus She did not hate this week's captain, so she advised: "Small soldiers, even if it is, the captain of the week is a routine, and the weekly captain's reputation in the city is still good."

Xiao Bing looked at the second squad, and saw several other crickets nod to himself, so he no longer intends to continue to pursue this week, coldly: "This thing is fine, I will say above. If you don't make them embarrassing you, but this welfare home is my home. I don't want to see those things happening in the future. What are the arsonists, what mixed up and provoke things, you are not colluding with others, at least Your job is not in place."

"Yes, yes, Mr. Xiao said that it is too right. This place is a place for children. In fact, I have always admired a few aunts. I have heard a lot about this welfare institution, hey, for The recent experience is also very sympathetic. That, I will definitely focus on protection in this place in the future, and I will never let similar things happen again."

Xiao Bing said: "The thing is the first thing like this. Right, tell me about it. What happened to Changping Real Estate?"

Zhou Cang said: "When I came, I heard that Changping Real Estate had been taken over by the former chairman of the board of directors, Zheng Jiahe. Zheng Jiahe was also the second person of Changping Real Estate after Zheng Jiaqing, but this Zheng Home and personality are more..., anyway, if there is no accident, they will continue to insist on buying this place at a low price. This is indeed unfair, but it is not within my scope of responsibility, but Mr. Xiao’s energy is so great, it’s not as good as Mr. Xiao...”

"Reassure, I will naturally take this matter. Where is Zheng Jiahe now, do you know?"

"This... It is reasonable to say that it should be in the company. Don't watch his brother die, but the most important thing for him is definitely to take over the company, so he must be busy in the company now."

Xiao Bing promised.

Zhou Cang tempted and asked: "So I am bringing people back now?"

"Well, go back. Also, I can tell you, I am definitely not pressing this thing, although I said that yesterday I was in conflict with the gangsters sent by Changping Real Estate, but Zheng Jiaqing is not me. Kill, you can go back and investigate on your own, see if there are any other enemies in Zheng Jiaqing, don't put your energy on me, so as not to delay the business."

Zhou Cang seriously said: "I know, then I will go first. Receive the team!"

When Zhou Cang left, the second whispered, "Child, that Zheng Jiaqing..."

Xiao Bingdao: "I really didn't kill me."

When I heard Xiao Bing’s serious denial, several of them all sighed with relief.

Xiao Bingdao: "But according to that Zhou Cang, even if Zheng Jiaqing died, the crisis of the welfare home has not completely disappeared. This is good. I went to Changping Real Estate and went to see it. It was said to be better than that. What is Zheng Jiaqing’s more abominable Zheng Jiahe, and see how his attitude is.”

"Okay, then you have to run around for a while." Ernie said, "but you should also pay attention, don't be so impulsive."

"Well, I know, you don't have to worry about this. Just take care of the bright moon for me. I will go first, and I will come back later."

After greeting them, Xiao Bing left the welfare home and went out to call a taxi. He directly told the driver to go to Changping Real Estate Company, and then began to close his eyes.

Who was killed by Zheng Jiaqing? How could it be so clever? Just sent someone to set fire and make trouble, and the result was killed. Is it that someone wants to kill him by this opportunity, and then just shift the attention of the police?

It is very likely that it is the other enemies of the Zheng family, even the Zheng family himself, for example, Zheng Jiahe, who has inherited Zheng Jiaji.

Of course, all this is speculation, but no matter what, such a bad person will die if he dies. Although anyone in the law has the right to survive, Xiao Bing is not so dull, the bad guy is dead. I want to express my sadness and anger?

What is important now is to see what Zheng Jiahe’s attitude towards the welfare home is. If he is also planning his brother’s plan, then he can’t help it, not just I have to keep the welfare home, but I also want to let it Your Zheng family is very moldy.

Are you Zheng family not just dead, I will add fuel to you!

There are also officials who collude with Changping Real Estate and must pay the price.

The taxi stopped outside Changping Real Estate Co., and Xiao Bing went out after paying the fare. Looking up at the company is not bad. Although it is much smaller than the Yeh Group, it is already a A good middle-class big company.

Xiao Bing walked in and came to the front desk and asked the front desk lady: "Hello, may I ask Zheng Jiahe in the company?"

The front desk lady looked at Xiao Bing and asked: "You asked our vice chairman? He just rushed over and brought all the supervisors and managers to the conference room. I have you and the vice chairman. Appointment?"

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "No, but I want to see him. Can you help me?"

"I am afraid this is not possible." The front desk lady shook her head and said, "The vice chairman has already said that no one is seen today."

"I am afraid that this is not for him." Xiao Bing said with a sigh, "How many layers of the conference room?"

"On the fifth floor." After the front desk lady subconsciously answered, this realized that it was wrong, and then hurriedly asked, "What are you doing?"

"Oh, nothing, go to the conference room and ask your vice chairman to chat. Don't worry, I won't say what you said."

Seeing Xiao Bing heading for the stairway, the front desk lady looked flustered and shouted loudly and shouted: "Come, security, security, someone is going to the hard meeting room!"

At this time, more than a dozen security guards rushed downstairs and saw Xiao Bing on the side. They pointed to Xiao Bing and asked: "Is he?"

"Well, he is going to see the vice chairman, I can't help it."

"The kid!" headed the security captain with a strong muscle, and it seems that it should be at least a bright master. He licked his fingers and screamed and smirked. "I see you are full." , look for death! Brothers together!"

More than a dozen security guards flocked to Xiao Bing and rushed over, but they heard that there were more than a dozen people who were knocked down on the ground.

The security captain bowed and looked sternly: "You turned out to be a master of martial arts? Well, look at me!"

The security captain Zha Mabu, a fierce punch hit Xiao Bing.

The security captain is still a bit of strength. If his fist is hit hard, even a stone can be beaten in half by a punch.

It is a pity that Xiao Bing is not a stone, Xiao Bing is a human being, and stone can only let you fight, but people will fight back.

With a slamming sound, Xiao Bing also punched a fist. After the fist, he first hit the nose of the security captain. The security captain squinted at the bridge of the nose and fell to the ground with a slamming face. The nose began. The blood is bleeding, and the whole person is a little dizzy.

After all these people got up, Xiao Bing had disappeared from the stairs.

The security captain was bloodless, and the front desk lady was also a daze. They were all derelict jobs, so they were allowed to rush up and can only wait for punishment.

At this moment, Xiao Bing has already stepped to the door of the conference room and kicked it up.

A loud bang, a heavy door, directly split!

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