Super Soldier

Chapter 927: Sneak attack Xiao Bing

Ps: Brazil belongs to the South American countries. I wrote Africans before. I apologize here. I am very embarrassed and made such a common sense mistake.

Xiao Bing took Musou's hand and stepped on the chain. He took a step forward. Mudu's two legs swayed slightly on his face. His face was white and his feet didn't even dare to leave the chain. When I lifted it up a little, I immediately fell again, picked up my mouth and made a squeaking noise in my mouth.

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "I still send you back?"

"No." Mu Wushuang finally lifted his foot and took a step forward. When the foot fell back on the chain, she was relieved.

Mu Cai's face looked incredulously at her sister. Even if she killed her, she couldn't do it. Even she stood there watching. She felt soft legs, so she saw Mu Wushuang’s battle is not going to ridicule, but she will be incredible about her sister’s courage, even she does not have such courage.

At this time, Mu Caizhen did not dare to say anything. Now Xiao Bing is on the chain, especially if his sister is distracted. As long as he falls off the cliff, it is a broken bone, no suspense, so she Not only did he dare to speak, but he even held his breath and couldn’t even say a word.

Mu Wushuang followed Xiao Bing step by step toward the opposite side. She is no longer as nervous as she was at the beginning, and her feet are no longer sloshing. Even Xiao Bing is surprised. Mu Musou can overcome the fear in her heart, even It is a normal man who can't do it.

It seems that I can only take her with her, this stubborn girl!

Xiao Bing suddenly moved forward to Mu Wushuang, almost attached to Mu Wushuang's body, seeing Musou looked up and confused to look at himself, Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Go, I hug you."

Mu Wushuang’s eyes were ashamed and happy, and then she was held in her arms by Xiao Bing, and then she suddenly screamed and said, “Xiao Big Brother, be careful behind you...”

Xiao Bing’s eyes showed a cold mang, and the corner of his mouth floated with a sneer: "Reassured, I already knew."

In fact, Xiao Bing has already heard that the other side of the cliff has quietly approached the cliff at the other end of the cable bridge. Why is this person approaching here, and Xiao Bing’s heart is bright.

This time, the people who have the opportunity to participate in this operation are basically the kings of special forces in various countries. They are the idols of the special forces of their respective countries. They are famous in the world of special forces, but today they are destined to have Some people will unfortunately fall.

Xiao Bing does not want to kill, but as long as he provokes himself, he will never be merciless.

A yellow-skinned Asian man took a long knife and quickly flew to the side of the cable bridge. The long knife in his hand was lifted high, with a sharp voice, and immediately slammed toward the chain. He knew his strength. Not Xiao Bing's opponent, even want to directly cut off the chain, let Xiao Bing fall off the cliff!

This Asian is of medium build, not fat or thin, and looks very handsome, with a bit of gentle and elegant atmosphere, but the shot is so decisive, quick and accurate, no mercy.

At the same time, a white light flew out from the hands of Xiao Bing, like a meteor, and slammed into the long knife of the Sven, who wanted Xiao Bing’s life. Flying out, falling off the cliff, his face was stunned. And Xiao Bing has already embraced the unparalleled, flying over the past, when the man has not reacted, Xiao Bing has already squatted on his body, this person flew directly out and fell to the dust.

Xiao Bing’s eyes were filled with cliffs, and then Mu Mushuang was placed on the ground. Musou went back to look at the cliffs that were hundreds of meters long. I still can’t imagine that I actually came over!

Xiao Bing patted the clothes lightly, faintly said: "The first special commander of the Han Dynasty in China, Park Enxiu, known as the Han god, actually played tricks behind the scenes and wanted to count me to death. If this is spread out, you say Say you are not shameful?"

Park Enxiu struggled from the ground and stood up. Looking at Xiao Bing in a complicated look, he said with an incredible tone: "How can you be so strong?"

The strength of Park Enxiu has reached the peak of enthusiasm, and it is considered to be the top level in Asia. In the same year, Park Enxiu once dealt with Xiao Bing, knowing that the captain of this dragon tooth is not what he can match. The gap between the two people is really too big, so he has been madly honing himself in recent years, but I did not expect this time the gap between them is even greater. He clearly knows that he is not an opponent of Xiao Bing. So I can only use some despicable tricks, but I didn’t expect that even for Xiao Bing, even this despicable trick would not work. A small hidden weapon flew a long knife in his hand that never came away. The strength of the individual is too great.

Xiao Bing looked at Park Enxiu and said faintly: "You Han is also considered to be an economic power in the world. Although the military is weak, it will not be too bad. Unfortunately, only you are out there. Such a soldier, and it has always been suppressed by our Chinese death. When I was there, you have to bow your head. I am afraid that I will be forced to bow in the years when I leave Longya. Your head is low. If you are low, you can’t lift it completely. You don’t even have the courage to face me. You can only count on the back, lacking that determination, how can your strength reach the true peak of Xeon? You are just the end."

Park Enxiu is complex, but his tone is extremely firm: "The Tianshan old man's cave is blessed by future generations. Maybe there will be hidden treasures inside. Maybe it will help me to improve my strength directly. Let the special forces of our country begin to The world is famous for it. This is the only chance. Even if it’s mean and shameless, I don’t regret it, I just regret that I can’t kill you.”

"Okay, then if you say so, I will send you directly to the road."

Park Enxiu's face changed, turned around, and madly went to the distance. Xiao Bing grabbed Musou, and quickly chased it up. In the blink of an eye, he disappeared from the eyes of Mu Cai and others.

On the 1st, I looked at Mu Cai, and the tone was cold and indifferent: "I will take you down the mountain."

Mucai shook his head and said: "No, I have to wait for my sister here."

Although Mu Xi's temperament is proud, Mu Mu is both a bit and very charming, but the feelings between their two sisters are particularly good.

No. 1 cold and cold road: "The master asked us to send you down, you must go down."

Mu Caiyu looked angry and said: "You!"

No. 1 cold and cold road: "We want to take you down the mountain."

Mu Cai looked at the number one in anger, but she also knew in her heart that she was definitely not the opponent of No. 1 and No. 2, and that the four bodyguards around her had said that the two people on the 1st and the 2nd were carrying Strong murder must be contaminated with countless blood in the hands, do not know how many people have been killed, and finally can be like this, she does not want to even tired of their own bodyguards also lost their lives.

Today’s scene here has already greatly affected her pride in the past. She suddenly realized that her family really has money, but sometimes the money is nothing in the eyes of some people. These people want their lives, and they can keep their bones between them, and they have no life. What is the money?

Especially when I thought of the scene of Xiao Bing’s rescue of them, Mu Cai’s heart suddenly had some more thoughts. If I could marry a man like this, there would be a lot of security in this life. .

Mu Caizhen forced her thoughts out of her mind, and said coldly, "Well, you are enough, I listen to you, go down the mountain together."

"Going down the mountain? Where are you going?"

No. 1 and No. 2 were waiting, and Mu Caizhen was also surprised by the look. He looked at the man who suddenly appeared in front of him.

This person has a yellow hair, a natural roll of hair, a deep pupil, a tall nose, a tall and burly body, and a horrible beast-like gaze in the deep pupil, which looks even better than a wolf or leopard. And the tiger is cruel and terrible.

From the point of view of this person's suffocation and appearance, it is easy to judge that it is Eastern European, but I don't know if it is the two Russian genetic warriors killed by Xiao Bing in the hotel because of trying the little girl. It is a person of the same country.

He stood there casually, and the No. 1 and No. 2 and the four bodyguards all dared not act rashly. Even the moving bombs did not dare to move. They were all suppressed by the horrible momentum.

The man’s gaze fell on Mucai’s body and said in a standard Russian language: “Is your sister just brought by Xiao Bing?”

Others may not understand Russian, but Mu Caizhen is a business woman. Because she has to deal with people from many countries, she will speak the language of three countries, except for the Chinese language and international English. She happens to be Russian, so she replies almost conditioned: "Yes."

This man, who looks like a beast, suddenly grinned. His teeth are very white and sharp. He even seems to be able to tear a beast with his teeth. I don't know why, when he laughs, it gives a cruel feeling. .

"The feelings between your sisters are deep?"


"Great." The man grinned again. "Then you will accompany me for a trip."

As he said, he flew to Mu Caiyu like a leopard. Two people, No. 1 and No. 2, shot at the same time. Even if they knew that they were not the opponents of the other party, they remembered the mission of the master, and they would rather die and not ignore it. .

It’s a pity that they didn’t even have the chance to die. The speed of the other side was too fast and too fast. It was so fast that they couldn’t keep up with the naked eye. When their hands were caught, Mu Cai’s eyes had disappeared under their eyes. They raised their heads, and the man who had already caught Mu Cai appeared across the bridge and then disappeared in front of their eyes.

No. 1 and No. 2 glanced at each other, No. 1 cold and cold: "Chasing!"

Two people grabbed the cable bridge and carefully walked towards the opposite side of the bridge and walked to the friend of, you can search for "", you can find the station at the first time.

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