Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1106: Into the night

Reference 1106

The news of Lozano's death gradually spread under Zhao Qiang's operation.

In the beginning, no one believed it, but it was spread to friends' ears as gossip, and then spread to friends' ears, and it began to spread.

The speed of this kind of spread is exponentially fast, but it still spreads in a small area in the initial stage.

For the gangsters in the underground world of Mexico City, the Godfather of Lozano is more like a legendary character. They all admire Lozano, and want to be like Lozano, becoming a giant in the underground of Mexico City.

Under violent storms and rain, there is always the rarest tranquility, as if it is brewing.


Into the night.

News of Lozano's death finally reached Pedro's ears.

Pedro's face was ugly to the extreme. In a few hours, if a few hours later, everything would be written in accordance with his script, but now the sudden situation broke his plan.

Who the **** is it? Who leaked the news!

The people who were responsible for protecting Lozano at the time were all controlled by Pedro voluntarily. It is impossible for them to leak it. Who else could it be?

Could it be that the person who assassinated Lozano revealed it?

When Pedro thought of this, there were only two targets of suspicion, one was the person responsible for the hands-on, and the other was the secret pusher. The person he suspected was Cerza!

There was a hint of cruelty in Pedro's eyes.

"Boss, what should we do now? Do you want to explain it?" Ilne suggested, "If the news is allowed to spread like this, everyone in Mexico City will know it, and there are already people spying. Is the news true?"

Ilne naturally knew that Lozano was really dead, but he couldn't show it because Pedro hadn't told him.

Pedro did not speak, but frowned, thinking about the pros and cons.

Upon seeing this, Ilne didn't speak, and waited quietly for the order.

After ten minutes, Pedro finally said, "No! This matter can't be explained!"

He knew that the more things were explained, the more unclear the explanations would be. It is better to keep the status quo. At least maintain the status quo, and just let those who are ready to move suspicion, and will not act rashly.

Pedro continued in a deep voice: "You don't need to deal with this matter, just do what I arrange for you to do! Remember, Joule is going to die, the person lying in the intensive care unit is going to die, and he The people behind will also die!"

"Yes! I know what to do." It didn't take long for Irene to return, so he left again and returned directly to his residence. Driving the car and on the road, he got in touch with Sanefo.

"Boss, did you send someone to spread the news?" Ilne asked.

At this moment, Sanefo was also a cloud in his heart. The news of Lozano's death leaked out. On the surface, it seemed to be good for him, but in fact it was not.

The combat power he mastered here is too weak compared to Pedro. If Pedro is forced to jump the wall, the consequences will be disastrous. When Lozano died, he could secretly win over forces that Pedro did not fully control for his own use.

But it's fine now, the news suddenly leaked out, and he was also caught off guard.

"No! This is not in our plan, I naturally cannot leak the news." Sanefo said.

Irene's brows wrinkled tightly. It was not Sanefo or Pedro himself who leaked the news. There is only one possibility left, that is, Mr. Zhao's people leaked it out!

But what good is it for Mr. Zhao to leak this news?

Unexpectedly, Irene said: "Boss, I think you should contact Mr. Zhao on the phone, on the one hand to find out if he will be in a private hospital tonight, on the other hand, to find out why he wants this Things leaked out."

"Okay! I'll do this! Irene, you don't want to do anything now!" Saniefu insisted.

Now Irene can be said to be the most important hole card for Sanefo against Pedro. As long as Irene can win Pedro’s trust, the higher the status, the greater the effect that can be achieved. .

After hanging up, Saniefu called Zhao Qiang.

"Mr. Zhao Qiang, there is something you need to explain to me, why you should leak the death of Lozano." Saniefu asked coldly.

Zhao Qiang raised his eyebrows, and he said in his heart that Zhang Feng was right, and he said according to Zhang Feng's orders: "Mr. Sanefu, I don't know what you are talking about? Why, could someone tell Lothar? Has the news of Nuo’s death been leaked? Huh? Is it possible that Mr. Sanefo, you suspect that I have leaked it?"

This attitude almost convinced Sanefu, but he couldn't coax the past in a few words.

He said coldly, "Mr. Zhao Qiang, do you think I will believe what you said? What is your purpose!"

Zhao Qiang naturally knew that it was impossible to deceive Saniefu by saying this. Of course, these were also in Zhang Feng's expectations.

According to the script given to him by Zhang Feng, Zhao Qiang continued: "Hahaha, don’t get excited, Mr. Sanefu, I just made a joke with you. Of course, just like you said, the news was indeed leaked out by me. , Of course such an awesome thing is to be said, is it possible to rot in the stomach? Besides, you didn’t tell me to keep it secret?

Sanefo was speechless for a while, indeed he did not say that he should keep it secret, but shouldn't this be a customary rule?

It is a customary rule, but there is no way to speak on the table, so Sanefu has no way to refute, and can only say: "Mr. Zhao Qiang, I don't know if you have time tonight, I want to meet you. "

"It's really not very convenient tonight. My brother is in a bad situation. He has to stay in the hospital, or we can change time?" Zhao Qiang said.

"Since it is inconvenient for you, let's make another appointment." Saniefu said.

After the two chatted a few more casually, they hung up the phone.

At this moment, Zhang Feng was sitting beside Zhao Qiang with a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

He said in a cold voice, "Sanefu is really wolfish ambition. After using us, he wants to take Pedro's hand to kill us. It is really cruel! It seems that Pedro is ready to do it tonight."

If even Saniefu couldn't hear it so inquisitively, then I am afraid Zhang Feng would not live today.

Turning his head to the dancer on the side, he said, "Are you all ready?"

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