Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1341: Uncle Tower

The black business car went directly to the Kyoto Military Commission compound. Zhang Feng came back again. The guards at the door already knew Zhang Feng, but did not know Caldera and Silgava.

When they took off their glasses, the guard saw that they were murderous and stopped them.

"Don't let us in?" Caldera said, in English.

The guard could understand, but would not let him in unless he had permission from the owner of the yard.

This yard belonged to the old beggar, and Zhang Feng's words were useless, but Chen Wanru's words were useful, and Chen Wanru asked the guards to let them in.

Yun Qian and Zhuo Chaoyun, who had already been waiting for Zhang Feng's return in the yard, and Haohao, who were playing on the ground.

"You're back!" Yun Qian's eyes were full of tears. She was very worried about Zhang Feng and controlled herself not to rush to hug Zhang Feng.

Although she believed that Zhang Feng would be able to turn the danger into a disaster every time, she was still very worried, even if Zhang Feng was injured.

Zhang Feng stepped forward: "Well, I'm back!"

"Wow, Dad is back, it is Dad who is back!"

At this moment, Haohao saw Zhang Feng, shouted loudly, and then ran over to embrace Zhang Feng's feet with both hands and climbed up vigorously.

Zhang Feng smiled, with such a small person on his feet, all the worries in his heart were swept away: "Yes, Dad is back!"

Zhang Feng suddenly found that he had forgotten to bring a gift back to him.

This is a problem, still a big problem! Now Silgarva came up with a small wooden gun in his hand.

"Uncle Silgarva!" Haohao yelled sweetly, "Uncle Iron Tower!"

Haohao did not receive the wooden spear from Silgarva, Caldera squatted down and said, "My name is Caldera!"

The two of them know a little Mandarin.

"Iron Tower, you are Uncle Iron Tower!" Hao Hao said.


Caldera can't help it.

Zhang Feng said: "Called Uncle Caldera!"

Haohao looked up at Zhang Feng, reluctantly but said: "Uncle Caldera, do you have a gift for me? I don't want Uncle Silgarva's wooden gun, that wooden gun is useless!"


This made Zhang Feng laugh. This kid can really say that he is his own son.

Caldera took out the big-finger orange bullet from his pocket. It was a 12.7mm bullet.

"How about this, do you like it?" Caldera laughed.

Haohao's eyes lit up, but his hands still held Zhang Feng, and he wanted bullets.

"I don't want bullets, I want Dad!" Hao Hao finally made a decision.

These words made Zhang Feng laugh again: "Hahaha..."

Caldera was completely helpless.

"Ha ha!"

Everyone laughed, it was so fun for him.

Zhuo Chaoyun walked over and hugged Zhang Feng. She missed Zhang Feng very much. She was relatively low-key and rational. This was a little different from her previous temperament. Before, she was more perverse. The returnee girl was so arrogant that Zhang Feng was hard to live. After leaving her house, it was very unpleasant because of the two people walking together.

Zhuo Chaoyun’s business abilities are better than Zhai Qiang’s, but she is backed by the Zhuo family, and she doesn’t know what the Zhuo family’s gold mine has become after receiving the gold mine in Wanda. It should be of a large scale Since the transfer, Zhang Feng has never asked.

And Zhuo Chaoyun didn't have the right to care about this anymore, she simply ignored it, but she had heard some rumors in the past few days after coming back, and she didn't care.

She is concerned about Zhang Feng's safety.

"I'm fine!" Zhang Feng said.

"Huh, it makes us so worried every time!"

Zhuo Chaoyun said, she still had a little temper, but she was lovely.

"I can't help it, people are going to kill me!" Zhang Feng said helplessly.

Everyone went into the room and talked.

Yun Qian said, "Uncle came here two hours ago!"

"Hmm!" Zhang Feng replied, without saying anything, he didn't even call him.

Their father and son had few words, but they still thought about each other in their hearts.

"He is very worried about you, and often calls to ask about your situation!" Zhuo Chaoyun said.

Zhang Feng was silent, and everyone stopped talking about it.

After a while, the old beggar came, and he immediately cut to the topic: "Xiaofeng, where is the corpse?"

"On the boat, we will arrive in about a week!" Zhang Feng said.

The old beggar nodded. This was something that had been expected for a long time, and he couldn't rush.

"Is the body complete?" the old beggar asked.

"There is a hole in the neck, everything else is fine!" Zhang Feng said.

"That's good!"

Now the old beggar is a little relieved, this is the best result he can achieve so far.

However, the old beggar personally didn't want Wang Xiaodong to live, because he dared to kill Zhang Feng, which is unforgivable.

"What did the Wang family say?" Zhang Feng wanted to know this.

What does Wang Jingming want, do you still need Zhang Feng to settle accounts? Or conspiracy.

However, Zhang Feng believed in the old beggar. No matter what Wang Jingming did, he could not escape the old beggar's calculations.

The old beggar is old.

Although it is the world of young people, **** is still hot.

"Wang Xiaodong will be buried secretly. Everyone must keep this matter secret. Don't say everywhere. Wang Xiaodong was already dead long ago. Although Wang Jingming didn't say that I couldn't tell it, his secret burial can explain this!" Said the beggar.

"Master, we won't talk nonsense everywhere!" Chen Wanru said.

"Yeah, Master, there is nothing to say, everyone has a dead son!" Yun Qian said.

Yun Qian is also called the old beggar master.

At this moment, Hao Hao and Caldera had already played together. Caldera had made several bullets and had a great time playing there.

But Yun Qian was worried to death. This is still an accident. It's worth it, these people are real! Moreover, Zhang Feng didn't say anything about it, he still played this.

Is it so small now, will you have it in the future?

But now everyone is discussing major issues, Yun Qian didn't say anything, just watched all the time.

When something is wrong, she will react immediately.

"There will be no sequelae in my case, right?" Zhang Feng asked.

that matter? Naturally, it was the big thing, the thing that shocked Kyoto, the accidental death of Wang Gan, and the bombing of Huangquan team in an abandoned factory. The upper echelons of Kyoto knew about it, but it was the core news. Outside the peak, there are just a few people.

"Your **** hasn't been cleaned yet. It's not that easy. It's just that I won't pursue it for the time being. In addition to my operation, there is Wang Jingming. He played an important role, otherwise I can't get it down." The old beggar said .

It can be said that this is a shock.

At that time, Zhang Feng wanted to pat his **** and leave. If it weren't for so many people to help, where would he leave? Hu Xinting! It was a good play with her back then!

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