Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1357: Golden Wolf Co., Ltd.

I don't know how Hu Xinting is now, what are they doing?

People are sometimes very cheap, and Zhang Feng is like this now. The best is what he can't get.

He will never forget the school flower he saw at the school gate that year, which touched his inner world of the street gangster who only thought about how to live, and then came back to life.

Let him feel that this world still has a very beautiful yearning.

But the reality is cruel, and often the first person cannot be together and will never forget it in his lifetime.

Perhaps it was the heartbeat at that moment.

Zhang Feng didn't know what the relationship between herself and Hu Xinting was. It was unclear. She said that she liked a man, that was herself, and kept the most precious thing to herself, but she said that she couldn't be with herself now.

At the beginning, she said she wanted Zhang Feng to work hard, and she waited up there, but later she was engaged to the son of a small wealthy businessman, and she didn't know why it stopped.

What does she think?

Is she still waiting?

These questions are hidden deep in Zhang Feng's heart.

...... On the other side of the earth, hundreds of kilometers away from the northern outskirts of Wanda, Africa, a large group of buildings was built here, covering an area of ​​hundreds of acres, surrounded by high walls of more than ten meters. There are high-voltage electric travellers and countless


Every fifty meters there is a 20-meter watchtower with two people on it in shifts. The watchtower is surrounded by 12mm steel plates to prevent RPG rocket launchers.

The soldiers in each tower are equipped with short-range and long-range weapons, as well as submachine guns and so on.

An infrared detector is installed on the board, and an alarm will be triggered as soon as there is something within 100 meters.

In addition to the 50 private armed forces transferred from the country, there are also 100 fighters supported by the Wanda government, and defensive equipment has replaced a large amount of manpower.

Because the cost of hiring personnel is very high, especially for the domestic armed forces, each person has a monthly salary of 50,000 yuan, and there are various subsidies, injuries, and even deaths. Each person's budget is no less than one million.

Not to mention the equipment, almost all of them are fully automatic and do not require people to go down the well. These are astronomical figures.

But compared with the harvest, these investments are drizzle, and the Zhuo family has strong financial resources.

Moreover, if most of Zhuojia's business is abroad, it has mines all over the world.

In this respect, it can be said to be rich in experience. There is no company in China that is more suitable for this.

A few words were written on the gate: Golden Wolf Development Co., Ltd.

At the moment in the general manager's office, several people are discussing.

A middle-aged man with a square face sitting in front of his desk said: "This first batch of gold must be shipped back to China, and there should be no difference in the way!"

"General Manager, I am worried about the Death Scythe Mercenary Group!"

A strong man wearing auspicious clothes said that he is the security captain of Golden Wolf Zhuo Chaoguang, Zhuo Chaoyun's cousin, and a veteran.

This general manager is naturally the Zhuo family, Zhuo Chaoyun's cousin, Zhuo Yongxin.

But here he is the general manager, and Zhuo Chaoguang must respect him as the general manager.

"Well, this is to take precautions. They don't even dare to tear their faces away from the Wanda government. What's the situation with the Resistance?" the general manager asked.

The captain said: "The resistance forces are currently only making terrorist attacks and explosions in Wanda City, and there is no sign of a large-scale attack on Wanda City!"

"This batch of gold will be sent out secretly, just our people, to the port, remember, if we are attacked, we must show our national flag! Show our identity." said the general manager.


"Go and prepare!"


The captain withdrew, and the general manager looked at the people present. Among them was a very beautiful girl.

"Engineer Hu, are there any problems with the current progress of the project?"

The girl is Hu Xinting. She works here as an engineer and also a supervisor.

"There is no problem, everything is normal!" Hu Xinting said.

"That's good. At present, our mine has officially entered the state of mining. There can be no difference in the pool, otherwise it will be a huge loss. Remember, what we are digging here are only ordinary mines!" said the general manager.

You can't tell the outside that this is a gold mine, but an ordinary mine, so that you can avoid a lot of troubles, and some people are jealous.


Everyone responded.

The general manager continued: "Huayao, you are not familiar with this place when you first came here. You are responsible for the safety of the mining area. This time you will deliver the gold back to Zhuo Chaoguang and you will come again!"

This is very polite, because of Hua Yao's identity.

"Yes, general manager!" Hua Yao responded.

He didn't come here to be a young man, but a soldier.

"Very good!" the general manager asked Hu Xinting: "How much gold can we have in our current exploration?"

"Preliminary calculations will not be less than 100 tons, and some rare earths have been found!" Hu Xinting said.

"One hundred tons, one hundred tons!" The general manager got excited, and said after a long time: "This is top secret. You can't let people outside, let alone those from big countries!"

Hu Xinting's expression was still cold, her complexion darkened a lot after coming here, but she was still very beautiful, and her eyes had the fortitude that a woman rarely found.

"General manager, this is a conservative estimate, but mining is more difficult!" Hu Xinting said.

"This is a problem. Safety comes first. Safety must be done first, and then work!" said the general manager.


Hua Yao spoke very little, and he was silent a lot. After arriving here, he cooperated with Zhuo Chaoguang to strengthen the protection here many times. If there is an enemy invading, at least five hundred people and heavy weapons will do.

But now he speaks: "That group of blacks is difficult to discipline, we can not use them!" The general manager said: "No, no, Hua Yao, you just came here, but they are not worthy of use, but what do you say here It is still the boundary of the Wanda government, at least outside the wolf den. With this group of people, we are tied to the Wanda government.

We invited not only these people, but the entire Wanda government army! "

The wolf den is the entire mining area, the area where the blood wolf mercenary group was located.

"It turns out that this is the case, General Manager, I was the one who worried too much!" Hua Yao said.

"It's okay, it's good for you to have this idea. Our Golden Wolf's defense depends on you! I can rest assured with you!" said the general manager.

Hua Yao is very strong, and has returned from training. He has reached the world's top level in all aspects. With such a person, Golden Wolf is safe. "I will do my best!" Hua Yao is neither humble nor utterance.

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