Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1362: Forbearance

Zhang Feng’s words brought the atmosphere of the audience to a freezing point. Mr. Gusu’s expression was a bit ugly, and he said in his heart: Did you ask that? You are three hundred taels without silver here.

Who is Wang Jingming? Can you fool so well? Mr. Gusu sweated for him.

The faces of the remaining princes were even more ugly, but they didn't dare to say anything. His shot was too powerful and terrifying just now. He could use a chopstick and the tip of his teeth to kill, in front of all his faces, extremely arrogant!

And now it is unbearable to say such a thing.

After dozens of seconds of dead silence, Wang Jingming looked at Zhang Feng and said, "Yes, don't blame you, life and death duel, life and death, life and death, he is inferior to human skills!"

Zhang Feng didn't expect him to say such a thing, and cleverly avoided Wang Xiaodong's motive for killing.

How cunning!

"Thank you Uncle Wang!" Zhang Feng dropped a word and left.

The few people at the dinner table were quiet again for a while, and Wang Jingming said, "Mr. Gusu, please!"

Wang Jingming held up the wine glass, and Mr. Gusu also raised the glass to gesture to touch the glass, and drank the wine with a smile. He thought to himself that the result would be very good.

"Mr. Gusu, in the future, there are many deficiencies in the juniors, and I hope you can advise and advise!" Wang Jingming said to Mr. Gusu humbly.

Mr. Gusu said: "Jing Ming is serious. Although you and I are in different departments, we have the same goal, which is to serve the people. If you have anything, you can just ask me!"

"Thank you Mr. Gusu!" Wang Jingming said very sincerely.

Neither of them mentioned what had happened just now, as if they had made a new year.

At this point, Mr. Gusu felt that he was inferior to him, the city was terrifying, and his brain was particularly good.

As far as Mr. Gusu is concerned, if something happens to Zhang Feng, he will stand up to protect the calf without hesitation, instead of forbearing like Wang Jingming.

Why should he tolerate?

There are two points, one is, he wants more!

The second is for the sake of the overall situation.

Mr. Gusu hopes to be the latter.

In the final analysis, the whole matter was caused by the Wang family and Wang Gan, and it would stop here, otherwise it would be bad for anyone.

"Okay, eat slowly, I still have things!"

Mr. Gusu walked out after speaking.

"Gracefully send Mr. Gusu!"

Only Wang Jingming was able to stand up and send Mr. Gusu away, and the others sat silently and motionless, as if it were a statue.

After Wang Jingming came back, these people finally couldn't help it, and one of them slapped the table sharply.


"Arrogant, too arrogant!"

"That is, they should all be captured and shot!" said a 30-odd man who had served as a soldier viciously.

"I think they killed Xiaodong! This is Zhang Feng!"

"Okay!" Wang Jingming said in a deep voice, "Remember, Xiaodong was shot a few years ago. Who dares to mention that this is a traitor to the Wang family!"

This is serious, what will happen to the traitor of the Wang family?

It will fall from the sky to the ground all of a sudden, from being a person to being nothing, even beggars are not as good as beggars, because beggars can go under the ground to find food, they can't, and they won't die if they want.

They stopped talking with Wang Jingming's roar, and he continued: "Everyone, let's eat. This is the end of the matter. Don't talk about Xiaodong and the old man!"


Everyone responded.

Wang Jingming stood up and was about to leave: "You can eat, if you can't finish it, pack it back and don't waste it!"


Only then did a few people stand up and watch Wang Jingming go.

Wang Jingming went to the hospital to see the two people. The woman was injured more seriously. Her face was pierced by chopsticks and the bones inserted into it. Fortunately, she didn't reach the throat or tongue. It was not a key position, but it would take half a year to get there. , The key is suffering.

There are also men, with their tiny tooth tips in between their fingers, rubbing the bones of their fingers, they can’t be pulled out, they need surgery to take them out, otherwise it will damage the tissue cells in the fingers and cause secondary damage.

The doctor asked them how this was caused, and they all squeaked and said: "It was accidental, accidental!"

"Why are you so careless? I really don't know how you did this!"

"Doctor, don't talk nonsense, give me treatment quickly!"

Wang Jingming saw in his eyes and walked out of the corridor, but his heart became active. Thinking of the scene at the dinner table, Wang Jingming's heart still lingered. This Zhang Feng is so strong!

A chopstick and a tooth tip can kill a person, and Xiaodong is defeated in his hands, unjustly.

Half a month ago, Wang Jingming received an anonymous email with only a few words: I will report the old man's hatred!

Wang Jingming checked the source of the email, and it turned out to be from somewhere in Kyoto. He was shocked at that time. His son came back, and it is estimated that he had already visited the house.

He still has home in his heart.

Wang Jingming deleted the information immediately and did not tell his wife the news.

Half a month later, I saw his corpse, but in order to shirk responsibility, the other party actually staged a scene of hiding the ear and stealing the bell, and burned it like this!

Wang Jingming was distressed, sad, and helpless, because he knew that there was no benefit to dying with them. On the contrary, he would drag the precarious Wang family into the abyss, and he would also be affected. The price was too great.

Another point is that Wang Jingming is jealous of Zhang Feng. This person is a desperate person, so Fuping said something ugly and was punished so severely. If he speaks harder, he really dare to kill.

As for the old man, he can kill it under a careful plan, and retreat completely.

All of this shows that he is a master of art, and it is the most stupid way to be an enemy of such a person.

Furthermore, Wang Jingming heard some gossip that Zhang Feng had a mercenary group overseas.

If such a person wants to offend him, it is simply seeking death.

Such a person wants to offend him, without knowing how to die.

Wang Jingming wisely chose Yin Ren, for the Wang family.

His son, it's not a pity to die!

He overestimated himself too much.

Wang Jingming walked out of the hotel, looking at the gloomy sky outside, his mood was also bad!

He took out his cell phone: "Xiao Zhang, come over by car!"

After a while, an ordinary black Audi stopped in front of him. Wang Jingming got into the car and said, "Go to work!"

"Boss, the weather forecast says that there will be a typhoon in a few hours. The distance is too far, isn't it..."

Before the driver finished speaking, Wang Jingming said, "I will give you a holiday today, I will drive!"

"Don't, boss, I drive and drive!" The driver said quickly, usually called the "boss". This is more convenient when going out, but in some high-standard occasions, the driver respects Wang Jingming with respect.

Wang Jingming did not speak any more, leaning on the chair and closing his eyes to rest, the driver tried his best to drive the car smoothly.

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