Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1398: Controlled them easily

Joseph pretends to be calm. As a hero, he has seen a lot of big scenes, like the current scenes, but not many. He has been able to save himself before, but he understands that not every time is so lucky.

There are probably more than a thousand people around my subordinates here, and there is no movement in other places. What does it mean? The people on the periphery were all killed by a dozen of them, and their strength was too terrifying.

There are snipers and helicopters.

It seemed that they had made complete preparations, and Joseph didn't even know who the other party was, but he must know that he was an enemy.

At this moment, the two helicopters were already above them, and the high lights were shining, making people's eyes uncomfortable.

Zhang Feng came out and said, "Mr. Joseph, I think you should know me!"

I speak English.

"You, you are..." Joseph saw the person clearly, but this person was darkly painted, and he finally understood it when he looked at it carefully. He was shocked: "You are Zhang... Huangquan Mercenary Corps!"

Zhang Feng smiled and said, "Thank you very much, Mr. Joseph, for remembering me!"

Not strictly speaking, Joseph and Zhang Feng are also old rivals. After Zhang Feng and the Wanda army besieged the lawless elements to resist and the Blood Wolf Mercenary Corps, Joseph sent his brother Mayweather over, but before they arrived, The war has become a foregone conclusion, and they dare not advance any further, slowly trying to get it.

Met again today.

"Zhang, I don't think we have any misunderstandings. Mr. Zhang brought your people here. Is there any misunderstanding?" Joseph asked calmly.

How could this kind of thing be a misunderstanding, it's just that Joseph wants to ask, there is only one in his mind, and that is Golden Wolf Company.

It was the big box in front of them, they were looking at this.

"Really?" Zhang Feng asked him back.

Before Joseph spoke, Mayweather said first. He was very angry. They killed so many of them, so why did they be polite to them? .


Mayweather cursed and wanted to take a gun. Before he could finish speaking, he broke his arm when he took the pistol from his back. The hand holding the pistol fell to the ground, and blood spurted from his shoulder.

He screamed again: "Ah..." He covered the wound with his hand, and his body couldn't stand firmly.

Zhang Feng said: "Mr. Joseph, just said it, don't move, he may not understand me, you can say it again in your language, so as not to accidentally hurt him."

accidental injury?

It's because of him that he can speak such words. They killed so many people around the villa, it was really shameless.

Joseph's face was extremely ugly, his brother had an arm scrapped, and he couldn't even say nonsense. Only he knew how uncomfortable it was.

"You, you, I'm going to kill you!" Two of his men walked over to support him, while he was still struggling, and his **** palm drew his pistol and aimed it at Zhang Feng.

"Mayweather, stop!" Joseph shouted.

But it was too late, the gun in Mayweather's hand did not sound, and one of his arms was broken, just like before.

This is a large-caliber sniper rifle, produced by the judge.


Mayweather screamed again and fell to the ground. The two men behind were already squatting on the ground with their heads in their hands.

Joseph closed his eyes and dared not look at it. His heart was so painful that he stopped and couldn't control it.

"What do you want? Say it!" Joseph asked.

He knew that this time he couldn't escape, he was going to die!


Two of the men moved and wanted to run but were killed by a sniper rifle. They shot their heads. Everyone was silent and scared to death. They all consciously squatted on the ground with their hands holding their heads. There are helicopters in the sky, that's not what Apache is!

This helicopter can destroy the entire town, let alone their small place.

Zhang Feng walked to the big box and tapped with the back of the knife in his hand. There was no sound, indicating that the inside was real.

"Mr. Joseph asked what we are going to do? Haha, I think Mr. Joseph should ask himself first?" Zhang Feng said.

"No, you have no right to care about this, you are not from the Golden Wolf!" Joseph said.

He talked about some Taoist rules.

"Why not? I am now an employee of Golden Wolf Company. Do you say yes? I remember, this is our Golden Wolf Company's stuff. You robbed our company's stuff. Do you have the right to manage? "Zhang Feng said a bunch of nonsense.

Joseph expected this, but he was unwilling. It was the first time that someone came to the door like this and was held at the gunpoint.

But you still have to hold your life tight, this place can be retrieved later.

"I didn't know it was Mr. Zhang's thing. If I knew it, I would never dare to get it back. Now Mr. Zhang can take this thing away!" Joseph pretended to say lightly, his heart tingling , I hated this person to death, and vowed to come back later.

This is called losing my wife and breaking down!

"Head Joseph, can't give them..."

A guy next to Joseph finally couldn’t help but jumped out and shouted. He was two steps away from Zhang Feng. He knew that this person was their leader. As long as he caught this person, all problems could be solved. The head was so scared of this person, he was even more about to catch him.

"Ness, stop!"

This man was called Nass. He had already made a move. The one-foot-long knife was pulled out from behind him, and it was going to strike Zhang Feng. The speed was very fast. Zhang Feng didn't even look at him. His body just moved. A gust of wind came from Nass. His face passed, and he stopped moving.

"Looking for death!" Zhang Feng said coldly.

There was another blood stain on Nasi's neck, the knife in his hand fell to the ground, his hands covered his neck, a pair of incredible eyes looked at Zhang Feng, his throat coughed.

When he fell, his entire head was headshot.

A voice came from Zhang Feng's headset: "Put a shot, it's been a long time since I shot it, my hands are itchy!"

"Splash!" Zhang Feng smiled.

The blood floated on Joseph's face, he closed his eyes and enjoyed the temperature of the blood.

This is his capable subordinate, with great skill and good marksmanship. He does a lot of big business. Without him, the Death Scythe mercenary group is a group of stray bandits.

It's dead now.

"Mr. Joseph, you still don't understand what I am saying, ha ha, I will not say what you said, if someone jumps out again, I will be welcome!" Zhang Feng said.

Joseph was wondering how could there be such a shameless person, and what was he saying politely?

"Please let us go, Mr. Zhang, you take your things away!" Joseph said.


Zhang Feng sneered: "How can there be such an easy thing in this world, you can grab it if you want, or ask me to take it away if you don't want it?"

"What does Mr. Zhang think?"

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