Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1404: Hacker code

A hacker who can hack Chen Wanru's intelligence network system cannot do it without a world-class hacker.

Chen Wanru said: "Flying Atlanta!"

The flying Atlanta?

Zhang Feng searched for this code name in his mind, but he did not find it after all.

He doesn't understand hackers.

"Can you find the specific address?" Zhang Feng asked.

"Unable to find out, the IP address changes every three seconds!"

"You can ask Mike to try it!"

"I can't get in touch with him, I have sent someone to see his house, there will be news soon!"

Mike is a super hacker, and his hacking skills rank among the top in the world. He discovered that there was gold in the blood wolf mercenary regiment at the beginning. If the blood wolf mercenary regiment has done so secretly, he can be discovered by him, showing his ability. .

Give him a computer connected to the Internet, and he can see more than 90% of the things in the world.

"Okay, I'm going to search for the whereabouts of the gold now!" Zhang Feng said, "Do you know everything above?"

Chen Wanru said: "Only the master knows about gold, but we don't know about it yet. Master suppressed the news, but we can only find it within 24 hours!"

"I mean the news of Hu Xinting's disappearance!"

"It is not clear whether the Hu family and the Hua family have known it, but there is nothing about the two families now. It is estimated that they have not yet known. Even if they do, they will not be able to do anything. They will only put pressure on you. You are currently in Wanda. The only combatant who can act!"

Chen Wanru has made it very clear that only Zhang Feng and his team will be able to accomplish this.

"Well, I got it!"

Talking about Zhang Feng, she hung up the phone. Before Hu Xinting left the valley last night, she gave Chen Wanru the monitoring authority, and Chen Wanru incorporated it into the intelligence network system.

But it was found and broken accurately by hackers, which is very complicated.

Specifically, there is hope for finding Mike, and the hacker should be found with his skills.

If you find this hacker, you can find the person who steals the gold.

So the key is Mike.

Last year, Mike's mother was seriously ill. At that time, the Huangquan mercenary group evacuated Wanda. He also took this opportunity to go back. Zhang Feng did not bother him, but this time he was forced to do so.

I wish I could find Mike.

A few hours later, at noon, they arrived at the village of Lutna.

This is a village with more than 3,000 people. Because it is near the highway hub, there are oil fields not far away, there are many shops on the roadside, and it is said that there is a red light district.

It's the scale of a small town.

Zhang Feng and others were very careful after entering the village. This is not an ordinary town. There are many forces. There are Alfonso and Black Dragon mercenaries with Death Scythe, which is very complicated anyway.

After buying something casually, Zhang Feng locked up someone and called him into the car with a US knife, because this kid can speak English and he has a pistol on his waist, but there is nothing unusual with his hands on his mouth, indicating that he is not. Shots often, not who they belong to.

"You guys, what do you want to do? I have helped you carry things up!" The black man was a little frightened, reaching out to touch the gun, but why the gun was missing, he was even more scared.

Zhang Feng could see from his eyes that he was really scared.

On the back seat of the car, there was a **** bison leg of about 70 or 80 kilograms. This is what Zhang Feng bought for a hundred dollars and asked him to send it to the car. In fact, the bison is very cheap here, only two or three. Ten dollars only.

Zhang Feng took out another dollar and shook it in front of him, holding a pistol in his right hand, and said to him: "Just ask you a question, the answer is correct, the money is still yours, the answer is wrong, you know!"

Zhang Feng means pistol.

The black man first looked at the pistol and then at the money. The cold sweat came down. He hurriedly took out the wild beef money in his pocket and put it down and said: "I don't want any more, I don't want any more, beef for you, please let me go. ,I do not know anything!"

When he said that he wanted to leave, Caldera pressed his shoulder with one hand and almost crushed his shoulder, so pain that he didn't dare to scream.

"Oh, I forgot to say, if I don't answer, my gun will answer for me, what do you think?" Zhang Feng asked him.

"I said, I said!"

Zhang Feng smiled and said, "From last night until now, has a helicopter passed by here?"

"No, I haven't seen it. From last night to the morning I didn't sleep and kept looking at my cow, and didn't see a helicopter flying by!" said the black man. The bison he caught is still alive and needs to be watched overnight. , They were slaughtered after dawn, otherwise they would be stolen.

Zhang Feng gave him the money: "Take it!"

The black man did not dare to take it, Zhang Feng put the money in his hand, then took out another one and asked: "Second question!"

"Is there a big truck passing by here, or an abnormal car driving from the west to the east coast?" Zhang Feng asked.

After getting two pieces of money, the black man was no longer so scared. He said, "There were many people and many cars passing by here, but they all went to the west, and none of them went to the east!"

Zhang Feng took out another piece of money, two hundred dollars, and said: "Give you another chance! Say it again!"

The black man sweats and wows, and his horrified eyes explain what he is thinking in his heart. What is the right thing to say?

How can we meet the wishes of these Orientals?


The black man said: "It's true. I have always been on the roadside. I have never left. No car went to the east coast."

"Okay, take it!" Zhang Feng gave him the money. He was a little afraid to take it. He looked at Zhang Feng and the people around him, looking at him one by one.

Zhang Feng said again: "This is what you deserve."

The darkness still took it, Caldera opened the door to let him out, the black man fell to the ground with his feet on the air, stood up in a panic, and ran away.

The people in the car were silent for a while, and the king said, "I think his words are credible!"

"I think so too!" said the monkey: "If I drove the gold out, I would definitely not go here, but the desert!"

That's right, someone will look at him if he passes here, maybe he will be robbed and stopped.

"We will go directly to the port and wait!" the student said.

"Okay, let's do it!" Yan Wang said.

So the group of people headed to the east. After they left, someone stared at them. It was a man with a head wrapped in a face scarf and a figure of less than 1.65 meters, only showing a pair of Asian eyes.

He quickly blocked in a small alley. The black man, with a sharp short knife placed on the black man's shoulder, said in bad English: "Who was the car you got in just now?"

"Don't, don't kill me, don't kill me..." The black man was scared again, he was really scared today, the money was not easy.

I was going to run farther, but it was still blocked.

"Answer my question!" The male short knife said solemnly.

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