Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1428: Blood debt


How is this possible? It is impossible to become a monk, and she will not be a monk anyway.

What about that year?

Sometimes Zhang Feng is thinking whether it is not necessary to count, that is just the initial love, can be regarded as ignorant.

But now it seems to be an ironclad thing.

Zhang Feng's mind is complicated, and he is happy after all.

Now Hu Xinting came to take care of Hua Yao and gave some water and fruit from time to time. Hua Yao could eat some fruit and supplement vitamins.

After walking for more than ten kilometers, they replaced Hua Yao.

After walking for seven or eighty miles, I saw helicopters in the sky and cars on the ground behind them. The team was quite large.

Two helicopters, seven or eight vehicles.

"Come!" Li Jian said.

Smiles appeared on everyone's faces, and the incident was finally over.

The person who came was naturally Alfonso's. Zhang Feng showed a warm welcome to him, and immediately called Alfonso to express his gratitude. Alfonso said generously about trivial things.

For him, this is indeed a trivial matter to maximize the benefits, and this will be a bargaining chip when dealing with Zhang Feng in the future.

Then Zhang Feng called Chen Wanru again, saying that he had joined the rescue team, and now rushed to Wanda City to treat Hua Yao.

Wanda’s medical conditions are limited, but it is necessary to be able to stabilize Hua Yao’s condition and then send it to the best hospital in the world.

What Zhang Feng lacks most now is money.

However, Zhang Feng received a shocking and angry news.

"The Anhai cargo ship was attacked by pirates when it first arrived on the high seas, but our warship came quickly and wiped out the fire pirates. The Anhai was sunk by the pirates. Two people on board were killed. The gold has been moved to the warship. !" Chen Wanru said.

"Also, because the warship crossed the high seas and did not apply for sovereign waters of other countries, it fired over ten nautical miles and violated others. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is now negotiating with them, but the problem is not big, so don't worry."

Zhang Feng exclaimed: "Pirates? How is it possible, how dare they be brazen? And knowing that we have gold on board?"

"Black Dragon, the Black Dragon Mercenary Corps did it behind the scenes. It was our two outstanding members who died! I am thinking about how to explain to their families."

Chen Wanru's words are very heavy, which illustrates the seriousness of the matter.

"I won't let them go!" Zhang Feng said viciously.

Chen Wanru said: "Ask the master about this, he knows the Black Dragon Mercenary Group better than you."

"it is good!"

"Also, Hu Minghan is now in Wanda City, you will receive it at that time."

"it is good!"

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Feng was furious, and his clenched hands burst into blue veins, as if he was about to attack at any time. For Hu Minghan, Zhang Feng didn't care at all, that is, he didn't think about this person.

"What's the matter?" Hades asked.

"The little devil asked the pirates to rob the Anhai, and the two died. The gold has been sent to the warship! The warship has crossed the high seas and is now negotiating with others!"

Zhang Feng explained the situation in a few words.

"I'm doing..." Li Jian violently hit the front seat with a punch: "I should kill them while the muzzle is still hot that day!"

"This is a blood debt, they will always pay it back!" Yan Wang said.

"After arriving in Wanda, we went to destroy them."

Tyrannosaurus Li Jian has a hot temper, he really dared to do it if he could think of it.

Zhang Feng said, "Wait a minute, we will keep an eye on them!"

"Huh..." Li Jian looked reluctant.

At this moment, the sun on the African savannah has set, and it will soon be evening.

The rose-red sunset is very beautiful.

The two helicopters headed towards the sunset, and the convoy following the ground on the ground, headed towards the sunset and finally reached Guangming.


The team did not stop. The helicopter flew directly to Wanda City, a distance of hundreds of kilometers. The fuel capacity of the helicopter could not be supported. The two vehicles on the ground were filled with gasoline and could be refueled at any time.

It didn't reach Wanda until early in the morning. The helicopter where Huayao was staying stopped directly on the building of Wanda Hospital, the only hospital in Wanda, where doctors and nurses were already waiting.

What comforted Zhang Feng and others was that Alfonso was also there. He first asked about Hua Yao's injury, and then shook hands with Zhang Feng: "Mr. Zhang, you have worked hard!"

"Haha, I should have said that it was hard work, Mr. Alfonso, thank you for your help, otherwise we will be in trouble!" Zhang Feng said.

It is to thank Alfonso very much, he is giving charity in need.

"It's not worth mentioning, it's not worth mentioning, as long as Mr. Hua and Miss Hu are fine!" Alfonso said, "Go, I've prepared dinner, and I will take care of you."

"No, Mr. Alfonso, we still have to treat Hua Yao!" Zhang Feng directly refused. Now Hua Yao is still there, how can they eat now? Can you eat it?

"Oh, don't worry, Mr. Zhang, leave it to my doctor, they will take care of Mr. Hua, and I have already invited a team of doctors from Western Europe to see Mr. Hua, they will arrive tomorrow!"

This made Zhang Feng a little surprised. He didn't expect Alfonso to be so caring about this matter.

"Thank you Mr. for everything!" Zhang Feng said.

"You're welcome!"

At this time, the doctor had pushed Hua Yao down, and Hu Xinting was going to receive treatment. Although it seemed nothing right now, he still had to check it.

So basically the dust has settled.

When Hua Yao entered the operating room, Zhang Feng and others did not leave, but waited outside.

Alfonso was helpless, so he had to ask people to bring them a box of lunch, and they gobbled it up one by one.

They can't remember how many days they haven't eaten, and it's so blessed to have food now.

Zhang Feng had nothing to eat anyway, and ate three boxes of lunch in a row.

Alfonso left after standing for a while, but he just walked a few steps and said: "Oh, yes, Mr. Zhang, a Mr. Hu came to me two days ago and asked me to help him find someone, but he Not to mention who to look for, I suspected his identity or fake, so I caught him!"

"Oh?" Zhang Feng suddenly remembered, that should be Hu Minghan.

Being caught, it was indeed a kennel.

"Does Mr. Zhang know this person?" Alfonso took out his hand and picked out a photo.

Zhang Feng glanced at him and said, "I don't know!"

But Hu Xinting behind said: "He is my cousin!"

"Oh, it turned out to be your friend, so offend him, I will send someone to release him immediately." Alfonso said, looking very sorry.

"Trouble Mr. Alfonso!" Hu Xinting said.

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