Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1446: He is angry!

Chapter 1446 He is angry!

Chen Wanru smiled and said, "That's right, hey, I will send a message to Yun Qian!"

Speaking of Chen Wanru, she took out her mobile phone to send a message to Yun Qian.

After a while, the message came to light. First of all, he expressed his happiness. Secondly, he said that a widow named Kimura came as a guest. He said he was a friend of Zhang Feng, and he was already sitting in the hall.

Seeing this, Chen Wanru stood up and said: "Something has happened, hurry, go back!"

"Kimura is in the Military Commission compound, and Yun Qian is receiving him!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone stood up, discarded all those who were drinking and eating, and looked at Zhang Feng.

Zhang Feng has already left his seat, his gloomy face is terrifying, everyone knows he is angry!

This is serious.

"Crazy man, don't worry, Kimura shouldn't do anything to Haohao, otherwise he would have done it long ago, he dare not, there is the Military Commission compound!" Yan Wang said.

Zhang Feng calmed down, unusually calm, and everyone was relieved.

But Zhang Feng's next words made everyone nervous again. He said this: "None of you should participate in this matter. If it is my brother, don't interfere!"

After talking about Zhang Feng, he will leave.

"Mad, crazy..." Everyone's expressions were also ugly.

Zhang Feng left without looking back, and everyone followed. At this moment the boss came and he was taken aback: "Hey, hey, you, you guys, you haven't settled yet!"

Zhang Feng, who had walked to the door, took out a card and waved his hand. The bank card was nailed to the dinner table they were sitting on, and then he said: "There is no password, you can swipe it yourself!"

Then I went out.

Yan Wang and the others chased after him, but Chen Wanru stopped him and said, "Don't chase him, remember what he just said, something is going to happen, he doesn't want to affect the Huangquan team, I will help him now to get him out of the Huangquan team!"

"No, it's impossible, you can't do this!" Yan Wang immediately objected, and it happened too suddenly.

Chen Wanru said: "Remember what he said just now, don't let him down, understand?"

Saying that Chen Wanru also left, Chen Wanru's reaction was simply terrifying and she knew Zhang Feng.

Faced with the two of them heading in different directions, Hell was a little dazed.

"What is it?" Li Jian asked.

Yan Wang held back for more than ten seconds before saying: "Go back, get ready for training!"

"Eh? A little conscience?" Li Jian furious.

The jackal also said: "It's the King of Hades. You can't let the lunatic do this alone, and we are!"

"Did you not hear what he just said? Isn't the madman working so long for the Huangquan team? Understand?"

Three consecutive questions made everyone understand, and they were silent, not to mention how uncomfortable they were.

"Go!" Hades commanded.

Everyone had to follow along, suffocating in their hearts, and could only spread this breath on training.

At this time, the barbecue restaurant behind them was in chaos.

The bank card on the table was still pinned there, and there were many people around the table, all employees in the store, and the fat-skinned boss. His heart trembled.

In fact, the bank card is not nailed to the table, but penetrated into the table, the plate is stainless steel.

Although it is very thin, it is stainless steel.

The boss was dumbfounded, and his mind was constantly playing the scene just now. The card that the man flung out randomly was nailed to the table in a perfect arc.

The scene just now was a scene of a superman, how could it happen here?

An employee reached out to get it, and the boss reacted and shouted: "Don't move!"

The employee was shocked and immediately withdrew his hand!

"Don't move anyone, don't move, if anyone does, all this month's salary will be deducted!" The fat boss shouted.

The employees stepped back one after another. The fat boss thought about it and wanted to take out his mobile phone to take a picture, and then said: "Bring out the monitoring. Just when they left, hurry, hurry!"

One employee went right away, and others took out cellphone photos. The fat boss immediately stopped: "If anyone dares to take a photo, I will drop their cellphone and deduct wages!"

Everyone was silent and did not dare to move. In fact, the boss is very good, he speaks well at ordinary times, and his salary is also high. He usually asks for leave or something in one sentence. Once there were too many people who asked for leave, he didn’t say anything. .

It’s just that everyone doesn’t know what’s going on with the boss today, but looking at the bank card on the table is very mysterious.

After a while, the employee pulled a tablet computer and showed it to the boss and said, "Boss, it's all here!"

The fat boss took it and watched it for a long time, especially the person who dumped the bank card. He watched it many times, and every time he saw it, he was shocked.

After a while he said, "Bring the knife!"

An apprentice chef came with a kitchen knife. The fat boss took a large knife and knocked on the kid's head angrily: "What do you want this for? My knife, my knife!"

"But, boss, that is your most precious knife! No one can move it!" the employee said.

"Idiot, if you ask you to get it, get it!" the fat boss yelled.

The employee hurriedly went. He suspected that the boss had something big today, so he didn't dare to be careless.

The boss’s knife was enshrined on the wall of the back kitchen, and the boss gave it incense every day. This was the glory of the boss.

The employee took the knife carefully, the fat boss took it, and slowly took out the table under the bank card on the wooden table without touching the bank card.

After half an hour, the bank came out, and he went to the counter and swiped his card.

There were many digits behind the bank card balance on the computer screen, and the fat boss looked at him with shock.

With a cold sweat on his head, he had never seen so much money before, and he had never taken so much money in his hands.

This person is so rich, who is it?

Although there are all kinds of scary people in this place of Kyoto, it can't be so scary, so close to the people!

"Boss, this is an anonymous bank card, do you want to use it? They spent 750 yuan with us!" said the girl at the front desk.

The fat boss said angrily: "What kind of brush, do you want to die? Call the police!"

"What? Boss, why did you call the police?"

"What do you know? Call the police if you call the police, just say that the account is unknown!" said the fat boss.


The front desk picked up the landline and called the police.

More than ten minutes later, two police officers came to understand the situation and said: "This person is sent to the Information Department to check. Now you can check out and give me the card. Don't worry, I will give the money intact. Will him!"

"That's good, that's good!" This is what the fat boss wants.

It’s not a big deal, but it’s best to leave it to the police.

There is a lot of money in this card, but he dare not ask for an extra point, otherwise it is not certain whether there is a fate, the owner of the card is so scary.

Originally, boss Fei wanted to give him a waiver.

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