Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1449: We are waiting for you at home!

Chapter 1449 We are waiting for you at home!

Kimura's screams spread far away, and no one came at this moment, except for Kimura's screams, it was quiet.

The intense pain caused Kimura's cranial nerves to suffer tremendous damage, and he fainted.

After he fell to the ground, Zhang Feng went up to grab his clothes and dragged it away. There was a pool of blood on the ground behind him. Zhang Feng would drag him onto the car and then drove away.

Kimura knew that his time of death had come and that the mission had failed. It was impossible for him to take himself to see General Wan, so Kimura endured the severe pain and said nothing.

He didn't know where Zhang Feng was going to take him, why didn't he kill him.

In the car, Zhang Feng continued Chen Wanru, saying: "There are still some of Kimura's subordinates in Kyoto. Take them!"

"Don't worry about this, I've already watched them, how are you?" Chen Wanru was very worried.

Zhang Feng said solemnly: "Don't worry about me, I will be back soon!"

"Oh! We are waiting for you at home!" Chen Wanru hung up as she said.

Zhang Feng immediately turned off his mobile phone and the speed of the car increased.

A few hours later, Zhang Feng arrived at the east estuary and tied Kimura up in an empty corner. Then he went to the supermarket and bought a lot of things, as well as the drugstore on the roadside.

Zhang Feng has more than one bank card, as long as he can swipe the card, he can consume it.

Afterwards, Zhang Feng drove to a more deserted suburban mountain, closed the car door, and then turned the music to the maximum.

At this time, Kimura was dying, he lost too much blood, and he had nothing to eat, his face was pale.

Flatten the seat in the car and let Kimura lie there. Kimura finally spoke in a weak tone: "You, what do you want?"

"I want you to see how big a mistake you have made with your black dragon!" Zhang Feng said in a deep voice.

Kimura can understand Zhang Feng's words. He wants revenge, but how to revenge, is he alone?

And why didn't he kill himself?

"Kill me!" Kimura said.

This is his current wish. He is not wronged if he can die in Zhang Feng's hands, and he will not commit suicide like that.

Because if you want to commit suicide, it also requires a ceremony, which is his ultimate glory.

Everything he did was for the king of heaven.

To be loyal to it is glory.

"Don't worry, I won't let you die so fast. I said I want you to see you and your mistakes!" Zhang Feng's voice was cold, without a trace of emotion.

Even hatred is not seen, this is the most terrifying.

Zhang Feng took the saber in his hand and picked Kimura's hamstring.


Before Kimura's screams stopped, Zhang Feng picked his other foot again.


After Kimura screamed, he passed out again!

Zhang Feng won’t let him die like this. To take care of him, the first thing to do is to treat his wounds, give him a little saline and glucose injections, etc. These are the basic knowledge of nurses. Zhang Feng also knows a little bit, and is in the field. Necessary knowledge for survival.

If he is injured and no one can help him, then he has to come by himself. These are life-saving things and naturally cannot be left behind.

During Kimura's faint time, Zhang Feng went to do two things, in fact, one thing, the first one was to complete the second.

Go to the road and get a box of cash, then go to the dock. As long as you have money, you can do everything.

If it can’t be done, it’s just because there is not enough money.

After half an hour, Zhang Feng came back and saw that Kimura's face was better, but he was still fainted. Zhang Feng didn't care about him, so he stuffed smelly socks in his mouth.

Originally, he had to cut off his tongue in order to prevent him from making a sound, but thinking about that he might not survive, that's it, just stuff things in.

After dark, a trailer parked here. There was a container behind the trailer. In the dark, after a few simple words, Zhang Feng dragged Kimura into the container, and this car was very simple, Zhang Feng After dealing with my own traces, a barrel of gasoline will be done. The police will soon come to see them. They will not find anything after Zhang Feng's processing.

The next day, Zhang Feng was already deep in the Pacific Ocean.

Zhang Feng couldn't stay in the container. This container had a hidden compartment. Even if the maritime police or the international maritime police came to open the container, they could not find Kimura.

At this moment, Zhang Feng is sitting on the bow of the boat smoking a cigarette, looking at the vast sea, whether he has any feelings or thoughts, etc., and groaning without illness. Some just want to resolve the matter quickly and return to Kyoto. , And train with them.

Speaking of this, Zhang Feng was very calm in his heart. It would be okay if this was not pursued by the above. If it was pursued, Zhang Feng would not be guilty. It should be what it is, and we will talk about it at that time.

How can we look forward to doing things?

"Brother, come one?"

At this moment a man came over with a pack of cigarettes in his hand.

Zhang Feng didn't need to look, he knew that he was the first mate, a middle-aged man in his fifties, who called him brother Zhang Feng, and gave Zhang Feng a lot of face and was equal to him.

But Zhang Feng didn't look at him and was indifferent.

The chief mate asked himself for being boring, and did not say anything to turn around and leave.

After many years of walking away, a chief mate like Zhang Feng is rare, but he can also see that he is a dangerous person and cannot be offended.

Since it was dangerous, the captain decided to take the job. The only people who knew about it were the captain himself and the first officer, because Zhang Feng gave them a reward that they couldn't refuse.

They can't make so much money after a hard trip around the world.

And the money is just a way, why not do it?

They do this business, the risk is inherently high, it is hard work.

It takes half a month from the port to Wanda, Africa, and Zhang Feng can ensure that Kimura can live for one month.

Every day, Zhang Feng went to the container to see him twice, that is, once in the morning and evening.

Feed him and defecate.

Zhang Feng doesn't care about these tasks. What kind of work has he not done?

When he was a child on the streets, in order to survive, he did not go to the stinky water ditch of the city less, and even lived there. What's the big deal.

While still on the bank, Zhang Feng bought enough medicine to continue Kimura's life.

When Zhang Feng was hungry, he went to the kitchen to find food and didn't talk to anyone. After two or three days, everyone on the boat got used to it, only knowing that he was brought by the captain.

It was very calm on the sea, Zhang Feng's body couldn't get off, training on the boat, he would come for anything that could lift weights.

After such a week, a few guys were brought to work out, but Zhang Feng didn't speak, and they couldn't communicate with him.

But you can also watch to see how he works out.

In this way, half a month passed, during which there was no maritime police to inspect. Fortunately, the ship docked!

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