Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1465: action

Seeing Zhang Feng disappear into the night, Alice also went to work. According to the information provided by Zhang Feng, it was enough. Some things were bought on the black market. Although it was cheaper, it was also money.

At this time, Zhang Feng had already drove to the riverside, a river running through the center of Roman City, and there was a villa area in the upstream area where the rich lived.

Zhang Feng went up along the river, stopped near the gate of the villa area, and watched here.

He still didn't know which villa belonged to France.

We must first solve him.

Waiting until the next morning, Zhang Feng heard from the car's radio about the shooting that took place last night, which shocked the whole city, and even the world, and exploded in the Chinese circle.

Those who understand the events before and after think of France, but this case is not that simple.

The embassy moved quickly. There was a small press conference when he first went to work in the morning. The ambassador said he severely condemned the culprits and said that they must be caught and deal with the aftermath of the dead.

Last night, Feng Jian was on the way to the hospital. This was something Zhang Feng had expected, and he had no choice but to save it.

Alice is very smart. He found the embassy ambassador and said that these were the assets of the deceased, and she was entrusted by Feng Jian to give them to his family, as did the other deceased.

In this regard, the embassy accepted Alice’s help, so that Alice’s affairs have official help, which is much simpler and more transparent.

Zhang Feng in the car was thinking that if he just rushed in and killed them, it would be very cheap for them, and they should be given the punishment they deserve.

Yes, that's it. First, we must find the person who committed the crime, and then find out who is behind the scenes.

It is estimated that the perpetrators have now escaped and are not in Roman City. There is no need to pursue them. Feng Jian said France last night.

Could it be that France was the one who came out in person? Zhang Feng didn't believe it, he was most likely his bodyguard.

Thinking of this, Zhang Feng drove away, returned to Feng Jian's residence, and found their landlord.

When the landlord saw Zhang Feng coming, he was frightened again. Zhang Feng directly said what he wanted, saying that he would look at yesterday's surveillance.

But the landlord said that the surveillance had been handed over to the police, and there was no filing.

Zhang Feng thought about it, so he turned around and left, but the landlord said: "Sir, I know you are their friend. You Chinese people are very good. I like you very much. I regret this matter and hope I can help. You little!"

"Thank you, dear madam, you have helped me!" Zhang Feng said.

"No, sir, I actually have it in my phone!" said the landlord.

Zhang Feng is overjoyed: "Thank you very much, I can pay you, and you will give me the surveillance video!"

The landlord said: "I don't want your money, you Chinese people like money so much!"

Zhang Feng smiled awkwardly, the landlord took out his mobile phone and called up the video to show Zhang Feng.

This is not a backup, but is monitored by the landlord on the phone and computer.

So there is no trace of backup.

The first thing I saw in the video was that Feng Jian came back. Just when they were about to enter their respective rooms, someone suddenly jumped out of the window and shot at them. Feng Jian fell down and the culprits shot. After leaving.

A few minutes later, the landlord came, followed by Zhang Feng. After Zhang Feng had left, the police and paramedics arrived.

The surveillance video is complete, and this is what Zhang Feng wants.

One of those people, Zhang Feng, knew him, and he was one of France's bodyguards.

"Thank you, madam, can you give me this video?" Zhang Feng asked.

The landlord said: "Of course!"

Zhang Feng was overjoyed. He quickly came out of his mobile phone, turned on the Bluetooth, and he came to operate it and uploaded the video. The landlord said: "You delete this video by the way. I don't want to see such a **** scene in my phone! "


Zhang Feng deleted the video.

"Sir, you must catch those people, I hate them the most!" The landlord looked a little abnormal, filled with righteous indignation.

Zhang Feng asked suspiciously: "Madam, do you know these gangsters?"

"I don't know. My husband was shot and killed. For many years, the police have not found the murderer. I know who the murderer is, but I have no evidence for many years!"

The landlord seemed very helpless. It should have been many years ago. The landlord has no children.

In her words, she did not believe the police in Roman City, but pinned her hopes on Zhang Feng. The landlord had a great sense of justice in her heart.

Zhang Feng took out a stack of money to the landlord, and the landlord said: "Didn't I say I don't want your money anymore? I am an old lady, why do I want so much money?"

In fact, the landlord is not old, because she is a little bloated. For her, she does not need too much money. Their social welfare is very comprehensive. She is now supported by the government. The state solves the problem of birth, old age, sickness and death. Real estate.

"No, this is Feng, the rent of a few of them!" Zhang Feng saw from the information in their room that they still owed a lot of rent to the landlord.

The landlord said: "Yes, they owe me half a year's rent!"

Said the landlord received the money.

One yard goes to one yard, and the landlord makes it clear.

Zhang Feng took the video and left, and this trip did not come in vain.

Watching the video in the car, seeing the face of the bodyguard, paused and took a screenshot.

How do you find this person? France must have hidden him.

It seems that I still asked for help.


In Mike's home.

Thinking of this, Zhang Feng called Mike. When Mike took his mother to Kyoto, he left Zhang Feng with contact information. Zhang Feng did not contact him during the few days in Kyoto.

He is needed now.

The phone was connected all at once, this kid might be looking at the phone.

"Brother Feng, you finally called me!" Mike was very excited. He naturally knew about Zhang Feng and the Black Dragon Mercenary Group.

Zhang Feng said: "Don't gossip, you will check me personally later!"

"Okay!" Mike said in a deep voice, feeling inexplicably excited. As expected, Brother Feng had something to find himself, indicating that he was still valuable. If Brother Feng couldn't solve the problem, he could solve it by himself, the bunker!

Zhang Feng quickly sent France and his bodyguard to him. The photo of France was obtained from Alice.

After it was sent to him, a paragraph was marked.

Mike immediately replied: "Five minutes!"

Zhang Feng waited for five minutes and got what he wanted.

The true identity of France is not simple, it is dark. What Alice told him is that France is the president of a company. This is indeed true.

Since he is a black man, it has something to do with the local gangster, the mafia. He is the son of the mafia boss with a lot of weight.

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