Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1594: Ice and fire

After a while, Zhang Feng followed in. There was only a pair of small pants left on him, which made Sharapova dare not look directly.

Zhang Feng found that Sharapova is very cute, so a girl in a fierce wave would be shy. She stood in a corner and was a little uncomfortable with the clothes she was wearing.

When the students saw Zhang Feng coming in, they stood there and didn't dare to move. Zhang Feng said: "You can move around freely. There is a clock at the door. It resets every hour. After resetting, you can go out. It’s okay for anyone who wants to go out if it’s not reset, so you can sit comfortably in Pukan’s office and drink coffee."

When Zhang Feng said this, everyone relaxed, and everyone was immune to Zhang Feng's words.

Now everyone is very comfortable, why would you want to go out? Sauna, I haven't experienced it for so many years, but I experienced it in the harshest training camp in the world. No one believed it.

The staff outside the sauna are increasing their firepower, because it takes a lot of temperature to heat up the bodies of more than 500 people.

According to Zhang Feng's order, it must reach forty-five degrees ten minutes after the trainee enters, and then keep it at this temperature.

Soon after ten minutes, the problem inside rose, everyone became restless, and sweat began to appear on their bodies.

They started to be scared. They only came in for a while. Will they be bored if they have to stay for an hour?

Zhang Feng walked to Sharapova's side and said, "Sharapova, go out!"

"Why? I'm not your student, you don't have the right to order me, stay wherever I love!" Sharapova exclaimed.

Zhang Feng stopped talking and walked to the side and leaned over to do push-ups.

Push-ups are done very slowly, and everyone present knows that the slower they are, the more difficult it is.

But Zhang Feng is doing push-ups in this place, which makes everyone at a loss. Is he going to play dead?

Someone also started to do it, and Zhang Feng said: "I don't ask you to follow me, you can move freely here!"

Zhang Feng's words embarrassed people who do push-ups, should they do it or not?

If you continue to do it, it will be even more unbearable here.

If you don't do it, you will be ashamed.

Hard to ride a tiger!

Zhang Feng didn't care about them, and be himself.

Twenty minutes later, everyone was sweating profusely and their whole body was red, and Sharapova had the most beautiful scenery. The clothes were close to the skin, which was even more charming.

Zhang Feng couldn't help but glanced at it, but it was just a glance. This was his instinct. Sharapova saw Zhang Feng looking at herself, and she felt happy that she was still attractive.

But facing those students, Sharapova didn't think so anymore, and said angrily: "Look at what to see, then look at and goug your eyes out!"

They quickly retracted their eyes and turned their attention to Zhang Feng's body.

The instructor has been doing push-ups, and Jie Min has not changed, which makes them admire and want to have such endurance.

If you want to have such endurance, you must practice with the instructor.

Arriving here has strengthened their confidence. In their opinion, as long as they train with the instructor, they can have the strength of an instructor.

Thirty minutes later, they began to feel uncomfortable, breathing quickly, and they could not afford oxygen.

Under Zhang Feng's detailed arrangements, Pukan had already prepared people to release oxygen in the sauna at this time to ensure that the oxygen would not lower the temperature inside.

It can also ensure that the students have sufficient oxygen.

After a few minutes, they felt a little better, but they faced the heat.

Their bodies have never been exposed to such high temperatures for a long time, as if they were in a steamer.

At fifty minutes, someone fell down and was sent out immediately. He did not hold on for an hour.

At this moment Zhang Feng said: "The person who fell in this training will not be eliminated, but this training will not be reduced. After the body of the fallen person recovers, this training should be continued. , Unless you go to Pukan’s room for coffee."

"Yes, instructor!" They were still high-spirited, because Zhang Feng's push-ups did not stop, Sharapova was deeply shocked.

Instructors can train in this way, what qualifications do they have to not insist?

At this point, it is not the body's endurance that depends on the will, and the human will needs to be stimulated.

Ten minutes passed quickly and they had collapsed because of severe loss of body water.

If they don't add water, they will die.

The time hanging on the doorway was zero, the door opened, and a cold breath entered, causing them to shiver, and the sleepy person was immediately awakened.

Zhang Feng also got up. Everyone didn't go out. Zhang Feng said, "When you enter the lake, will you all swim? Just don't let yourself sink."

Everyone went out, except for their collapsed bodies, they were extremely refreshed.

They are eager to be cold because it is too hot.

The ruddy students jumped into the water with excitement shouting and thumping happily in the water. Some people even drank the cold lake water.

Because I was too thirsty.

Zhang Feng also jumped in, but he calmed down quickly, only exposed his head to the surface of the water, and was there quietly without sinking. He balanced his body with the water.

It's like when swimming, facing the sky, only the face is exposed, the hands and feet move slightly, and the whole person floats on the water.

It is more difficult for Zhang Feng to stand like this, and he doesn't know how he did it.

Everyone was quiet, because in less than two minutes, they had already begun to feel the chill.

It feels cold after five minutes.

They were worried for an hour.

How can I keep on for an hour?

There were two Pukan’s men sitting on the shore of the lake. They were wearing diving suits. If anyone sinks, they will be rescued.

Sharapova was on the edge of the crowd of students, close to the shore of the lake. After ten minutes, her hair began to freeze, which was very uncomfortable.

Even sneezed!

It is not just her who sneezes, but there are also many students who have insufficient resistance.


The sound of Pukan's iron strikes from the lakeshore seemed to be beating the drums of war for them, making them charge forward without fear.

And there are instructors who train with them, which gives them a good example.

Twenty minutes later, all of their hair was frozen, and their eyebrows and mouths were shaking.

Although they can wear a vest for training in the severe cold environment, and take a bath in the cold lake water, they have never been in the cold lake for so long, and they have just come out of the hot sauna.

It was almost hot for the first second, and fell into the ice cave the next second.

It seems that cold is more uncomfortable than intense heat!

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