Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1613: How to check?

"That's okay!" Dai'er smiled.

Immediately, Dai Er said to Zhang Feng, "Feng, can you take off your pants? I want to check it! I will have a sample check later!"

Zhang Feng grabbed his waistband and said, "Sharapova, you go out first!"

"Okay, okay, I'll go out!" Sharapova went out reluctantly.

She was very on-site to observe, but in order to make Zhang Feng feel at ease for treatment, she went out.

After Sharapova went out and closed the door, Zhang Feng sat up all at once, almost frightened Dai'er, and took a step back.

"Dai'er, I'm very sorry, and thank you very much for coming to treat me!" Zhang Feng said anxiously, lowering her voice, worried that Sharapova outside would hear it.

Dai'er smiled and said: "Feng, you don't have to thank me. This is my voluntary. I am willing to do anything for you. You saved my life and saved me. I always want to repay you, Feng , Please don't refuse what I do for you!"

Zhang Feng was taken aback, can anything? It was true that she had saved her life, but his grandma had already paid her reward, and Zhang Feng was the lion who spoke.

This is just a deal!

She doesn't need to thank herself at all.

"Miss Dai'er, you don't have to thank me, your grandma has already paid my honorarium!" Zhang Feng said in a deep voice.

Originally, Zhang Feng didn't need to say anything, but after thinking about it, he still said it.

"I know, but you saved me, this fact, I don't care about those rewards!" Dai Er said.

Zhang Feng has noticed that this is a disguised confession.

No, you can't mess with this girl! Zhang Feng said to himself.

"Well, how do you plan to thank me?" Zhang Feng asked.

"I, I don't know either!"

Dai'er hadn't thought about this problem. She thought that if Zhang Feng had any requirements of her, she would do her best.

"Forget it, let's not talk about it, I don't have any disease, I really trouble you to come over!" Zhang Feng said frankly, not wanting to entangle on the matter of repaying kindness.

Zhang Feng didn't want Dai'er to do anything at all, and he didn't dare. He was a princess.

A princess committed to come here, in fact Zhang Feng was flattered, although Dai Er always took the identity of the princess seriously, and even didn't like it because it was too special.

"Is there really no illness?" Dai'er didn't believe it, because Sharapova had already told her very clearly. She believed that Sharapova would not lie to her: "Feng, you have to believe in my medical skills. , I have treated many people and they are all cured!"

Zhang Feng said, "How can I put it? Okay, I can. The reason why I said to Sharapova is because I don't want to hurt Sharapova. Can you keep it secret for me? Don't tell Sharapova. baby?"


Delil didn't understand.

"Do not understand?"

Dai'er nodded and shook her head again.

"Okay, let me make it clearer, you can't say that I'm playing a rogue!" Zhang Feng must be careful when speaking in front of Dai'er. People Bing Qing Yujie can't have any uncleanness, even words.

Delil nodded.

Zhang Feng looked down at his crotch and said: "I am normal here, and I am not sick, and my son was born to Yun Qian and I."

"Huh?" Delil exclaimed.


Sharapova broke in and asked anxiously: "What's the matter?"

Seeing the two standing there, Zhang Feng was still wearing pants.

"It's okay, it's okay, Sharapova, you go out and wait, don't let anyone in!" Zhang Feng said.

"Is it really okay?" Sharapova was suspicious, she saw that Dai Er was a little abnormal.

"Go out, go out, you have affected the treatment of Dr. Dai'er!" Zhang Feng said.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I won't go out now!"

The room was quiet again.

Dai'er had already reacted. She didn't understand why Zhang Feng said this. Isn't this a deception? Lie to Sharapova to go all the way to find herself.

Toss it.

But this is a good thing, isn't it? A smile appeared on Dai'er's face. This smile made Zhang Feng feel uncomfortable when he looked at it, and felt ashamed.

"Sorry, Dai'er let you run for nothing!" Zhang Feng said guiltily.

Dai'er smiled and said: "No, Feng, I am happy, I am very happy that you are not sick, this time has not come in vain, otherwise I am very worried about you!"

In fact, she was already very happy to see Zhang Feng Dai'er, she just resisted not going up to hug Zhang Feng.

There are many rules for them.

"Thank you!" Zhang Feng said.

Dai'er looked at Zhang Feng with doubts in her eyes: "Feng, is there really no disease? I want to check it, otherwise I don't worry!"

" do you check it? Don't you believe what I said?" Zhang Feng was anxious. Why doesn't this girl believe it? Is it necessary to show her?

Can't! not like this! Spicy eyes!

Zhang Feng couldn't stand it by himself.

Dai Er said solemnly: "I want to check if it's normal!"

"How to check?" Zhang Feng asked again.

"Can it wave up normally!" Dai Er said solemnly.

She couldn't see any shyness at all, but Zhang Feng was able to see that her hand was tightly held tightly, probably sweating.

Zhang Feng also asked solemnly: "Does it really want to be like this?"

Delil nodded.

"Okay!" Zhang Feng said helplessly: "How to check?"

"Take off your pants!" Deer said.

"Can you help me?"

Too much, too much, Zhang Feng, you are too much!

It was too much. I could have come by myself, but I had to let someone come.

"Okay!" Dai'er replied: "You lie down!"

When Zhang Feng looked away, Dai'er bit her lip, she was very nervous.

"Oh, by the way, what are you majoring in? Which major are you majoring in?" Zhang Feng asked.

Dai Er returned to normal: "Pediatrics!"

"Uh!" Zhang Feng was surprised. Are you the chief pediatrician to see me?

Not appropriate?

Seeing what Zhang Feng was thinking, Dai'er said: "Actually, I majored a lot. I got a few certificates and certificates, urology, orthopedics, etc. You don't need to worry, if you are sick, I can cure it! "


It's really a talent, he looks beautiful and has a prominent identity, rare!

"Then I'll start checking for you!" Dai Er said.

Zhang Feng nodded, closed his eyes, and couldn't bear to see this scene. Dai'er squatted down and untied Zhang Feng's belt with a pair of white, tender and slender fingers.

It is a pity to wear gloves.

If Zhang Feng opened his eyes and looked, he would see Dai'er's white face turned bright red.

But with the benevolent attitude of doctors, Daier strengthened her belief and comforted herself: This is a patient, a patient, and I am a doctor!

The belt was untied, and Zhang Feng needed to lift his **** to pull the pants down.

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