Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1653: Handsome policeman

In the past few days, Zhang Feng has been with Feng Gao all day, and has not said anything except for work.

However, Zhang Feng knew that he was a foreigner, had a family, and his child had already attended junior high school.

In fact, Zhang Feng didn't know.

He doesn't smoke or drink, and doesn't go to those feasting places, except for work, of course.

Generally speaking, it is a braising flask.

On this day, Zhang Feng was on duty at Southwest University and saw Uncle Liu with a sad face. Zhang Feng went into the pavilion and sat down, handed a cigarette to Uncle Liu and lit it by himself, but Uncle Liu held a cigarette in one hand and held a lighter in one hand. Up, with a sad face.

"Uncle, what's the matter?" Zhang Feng asked.


Uncle Liu sighed and said, "Isn't it Jiang Qing's business? I haven't come to school for four days, and I haven't called home. Her phone has been turned off and she can't be found."

Zhang Feng remembered what happened that night. She should be fine, um, yes, fine, and came to school the next day.

"Don't ask her classmates or friends!" Zhang Feng said.

Uncle Liu said: "I guess it's going crazy, and it used to be like this before! But I have never shut down for so many days!"

Speaking of this, the problem comes out, which is unusual.

"Uncle, you can call the police!"

Uncle Liu looked up at Zhang Feng and asked in confusion, "Is it useful?"

"The police will take care of it when it reports to the police, enter the program, and then investigate!" Zhang Feng said.

Zhang Feng is not in charge of this aspect, so he can only be called to the police, and someone will take care of it.

"Okay, then I'll call the police!"

Uncle Liu immediately took out his cell phone and called the police. The police receiver asked him to go to the police station under his jurisdiction to provide relevant evidence and be questioned, and the police did not know where to start.

"Uncle, go ahead, I will help you watch here before your colleague comes to work!" Zhang Feng said.

"Okay, Officer Xiao Zhang, thank you!" Uncle Liu seemed to have a support in his heart, and he was not so afraid.

"Uncle, why are you thankful, it's my job!"

This is indeed Zhang Feng's own business.

In fact, Zhang Feng doesn't care about Liu Jiangqing very much. If it weren't for Liu Haizhong, Zhang Feng wouldn't bother to take care of it. She asked for it, so she didn't love herself.

"Hey, stop, stop, yes, it's you..."

Zhang Feng looked very anxious when he saw a woman riding a small electric donkey outside.

The girl stopped to see Zhang Feng in the police uniform, not an old man, and was frightened and said: "Me, me, I deliver food!"

"Come and register!"

In fact, some people in the school called the takeaway school to turn a blind eye. This is a difficult matter, and many work-study problems have been solved, and no bad things have happened.

The girl was taken aback, didn't she need to register before?

But I can only go through the registration process. The girl looks pretty and dresses very simply, and she knows she is a rural university baby.

The girl is a little shy, because Zhang Feng is very handsome and masculine in this police uniform.

"From the College of Arts? Li, do you know Liu Jiangqing?"

The female classmate's writing is very beautiful. Like her, Zhang Feng has a good impression of such a girl, and of course the kind of very pure good impression.

"Yes, she is my roommate, she is Uncle Liu's daughter!" It seems that this classmate Li is very busy, and Zhang Feng has been here all this time. He often comes here to think that he is familiar with Uncle Liu.

Zhang Feng was overjoyed and really met her classmate.

"Yes, do you know where she has been in the past few days?" Zhang Feng asked.

"I don't know, although she and I are roommates, we seldom talk, and she often doesn't live in the dormitory!" said Li.

"Oh, it turned out to be like this. She has been away for several days, and her phone is turned off. Her father is very anxious!" Zhang Feng said: "If there is news from her, please come here and tell her father!"

"Okay, okay, I will tell Uncle Liu as soon as I have news!" Li said.

"Thank you!"

Classmate Li came back after a few steps. She took her mobile phone and said, "Uncle Police, she updated the Moments three days ago, look at it!"

The update of Liu Jiangqing's circle of friends on the phone is to show off his wealth. The background is a hotel room, and the white bed is filled with many clothes and a few bags. It looks expensive at first glance, with a line of words: The future is before.

"Well, can you give me this photo?" Zhang Feng asked.

"Okay, can you add your WeChat?"

"of course can!"

Zhang Feng already has WeChat. He used that campus card phone number to get it, not many people.

After adding it, Classmate Li happily said: "Okay, I will send it to you now, hehe!"

Classmate Li smiled and left. For her, it was a joy to add a handsome policeman's WeChat account.

Soon Zhang Feng received this picture. There are a lot of information in the picture. First, the address is in the hotel, and secondly, there are a few people.

The hotel is Xitian Hotel, which is a local high-end hotel.

This is enough.


Zhang Feng returned to the police station and took a look. Liu Jiangqing's case has been accepted and two people have been sent to investigate. Basically, there is nothing about Zhang Feng.

However, Zhang Feng still enthusiastically provided this clue to the two senior colleagues.

However, a colleague from Wei Jingchao said coldly: "Xiao Zhang, we can handle this case. You only need to maintain the order in the university town, and the case will come slowly afterwards!"

"This was taken by Liu Jiangqing at Xitian Hotel three days ago!"

It may be a matter of life, Zhang Feng still said.

"Okay, Xiao Zhang, don't worry about this, go ahead and do your job!" Wei Jingchao said disgustingly.

I don't even look at the pictures on Zhang Feng's phone.

Zhang Feng left in a desperate manner. There was no need to tell them about it, but he heard him say from behind: "Hehe, a small back door came, and he didn't understand anything. He wanted to handle the case and thought he was going What?"

"But I think that might be a clue, why don't you take a look?" another colleague named Ernst & Young said.

Wei Jingchao said: "Of course I know. You don't need to look at it. It's Mao Xiaorui's hotel. I have been watching Mao Xiaorui. Liu Jiangqing is so close to him. You don't need to think about what happened, but I didn't expect it to be so serious. !"

"and also……"

"I know what you want to say, there is not enough evidence to say nonsense, otherwise the consequences will be very serious!"

"Is it because of this asshole?"

"Of course not. This is just a small bug. There are big bugs, evil bugs, tigers, etc. behind it. Do you think the eyes above are blind? The time has not come! Understand?"

"According to my instinct, Liu Jiangqing's case was to open this fig leaf."

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