Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1660: Shazi brother trembling

Although it was a big night, Zhang Feng called the landlord out. He went to see the house by himself, and let Brother Shazi and the others wait below, so that the landlord could not see them.

It only took Zhang Feng less than fifteen minutes to take down a house with only one room. Fortunately, there is a bathroom, no ID card, no registration, and the minimum rent is one month. hundred.

They went up after the landlord left.

When Mao Xiaorui saw this room, he was a little desperate, because there was only a bed in the room, the light was dim, the dark curtains of the window were drawn, the air in the room was very muddy, and there was a strong musty smell, which made Mao Xiaorui reticent. , But it’s better than the smelly socks in your mouth.

"You just live here, don't go anywhere, I will bring food and water every day, I will buy some medicine for this brother to heal his injuries!" Zhang Feng said and went out.

When I came back, I took a lot of things, all of which were fast food, cookies and fruits, and a bag of medicine.

"Come, lie there!" Zhang Feng said to the brother.

The kid was a little afraid of Zhang Feng, and glanced at Brother Shazi, who nodded, and he went to bed.

"Don't worry, your injury is fine!" Zhang Feng took out the contents of the bag, sanitary napkins, bandages, scissors, rope, candles, and knives.

They are usually surgical things, but the only thing that is abnormal is that there are firecrackers for children to play. Everyone knows what to do with this.

"How to call it?" Zhang Feng asked.

The younger brother said; "Cheng Jin!"

"Hold it!" Zhang Feng said.

"Can't die!" Cheng Jin said.

In fact, he was shocked, and now he can only believe him because he cannot go to the hospital.

Mao Xiaorui was thrown in the corner, he was rare to be quiet, because Shazi brother had already taken a meal just now, how dare you be honest.

Cheng Jin's thighs were full of blood, but fortunately he was tied up, and there was no wound.

The injury was serious, and the whole chopstick penetrated his thigh, but fortunately it did not hurt the artery.

Zhang Feng cut off his trousers and showed a wound, which was **** and bloody. Zhang Feng wiped it clean with a tissue.

Tighten the belt, there is no problem with any operation under the belt.

"Can you not? Or knock you out?" Zhang Feng asked.

"No need to!"

Cheng Jin grabbed his clothes, bit them in his mouth, closed his eyes, and looked like he was waiting to die. Zhang Feng couldn't help but admire him. The small peasant class could have this endurance.

See how strong he is.

"Light a candle!"

A little brother hurried over.

The candle was lit, Zhang Feng burned the knife, and then cut off the wound. The wounded body twitched.

"Next I want to pull out the chopsticks!" Zhang Feng is a psychological preparation for the wounded.

Use tweezers to hold one end of the chopsticks, and then pull it out firmly.

"Hmm..." The wounded was trembling all over, and Zhang Feng knew how painful it was.

But after only a few strokes, the wounded couldn't bear to struggle. Zhang Feng quickly said: "Hold him down!"

The three people came up and held him down, Zhang Feng took out the chopsticks, blood spurted out, and was covered with sanitary napkins.

The blood stopped quickly, Zhang Feng poured high-grade white wine for disinfection, and then said: "To get the firecrackers out, all you need is gunpowder."

A few of them did it together, and Mao Xiaorui was flabbergasted over there. Could there be such an operation?

Really ruthless!

The wounded had no more pain, and his face was pale, as if only half his life was left, and his consciousness was blurred.

The gunpowder came out soon, quite a lot, dozens of grams.

"Cheng Jin, hold it back!" Zhang Feng said.

When Cheng Jin heard this, he glanced at the gunpowder on the table, struck a spirit, and said, "Big brother, didn't it have been disinfected with alcohol just now?"

"If you want to keep this leg, you need gunpowder!" Zhang Feng said coldly.

Cheng Jin took a deep breath: "Come on!"

Brother Shazi brought gunpowder over to Zhang Feng. Zhang Feng put the gunpowder on the wound little by little. Brother Shazi had already held Cheng Jin and was waiting for Zhang Feng.

Zhang Feng held a candle and lit the gunpowder.


The gunpowder ignited, Cheng Jin's body twitched, and he passed out into a coma.

That's fine, Zhang Feng sutured the wound for him, then bandaged it, even if it was finished.

Cheng Jin's physique is very good, and he will definitely get better soon.

"Next time I buy some medicine, he can still ask for this leg." Zhang Feng said.

Brother Shazi said to Zhang Feng, "Brother, thanks!"

"Don't thank me, just do things well!"

Zhang Feng said and glanced at Mao Xiaorui in the corner.

In a short while, the police are looking for him too, ha ha!

Zhang Feng is now going out to find Liu Pingan, too lazy to care about him, let him dry.

"Look at him, he ran away, and you are all over!"

Zhang Feng reminded before going out.

The people in the house watched Zhang Feng leave, and then they started to eat without giving Mao Xiaorui food. Of course, Mao Xiaorui would not eat such low-level food.

There were two cigarettes in the bag. They started smoking after eating. Four cigarettes smoked at the same time. The room was full of smoke and the smell of gunpowder just now. Oh, plus the unique mold in the room. Taste, Mao Xiaorui is about to throw up, very difficult.

And the window is still closed.

Mao Xiaorui was thinking, don't they feel choked?

After half an hour, Mao Xiaorui really couldn't stand it anymore, she was almost suffocated, Tiao struggled to stand up, Shazi brother shouted: "Mao Xiaorui, be quiet, this will be good for everyone!"

"Huh...huh..." Mao Xiaorui's mouth let out a voice.

Brother Shazi just kicked it up, and it hurt so much that his tears came out. This was a real kick. He didn't dare to struggle anymore, because it was useless.

After half an hour, someone finally opened the window, and Mao Xiaorui ran up immediately, took two breaths at the window, and was dragged back to beat him.

"I'm looking for death, what window should I open?" Brother Shazi went up and slapped the little brother who opened the window.

"Brother Shazi, there is no air!" said the little brother.

"Can you suffocate you?" Brother Shazi said angrily: "Turn on the exhaust fan in the bathroom!"

Brother Shazi recalled what Zhang Feng said just now, if Mao Xiaorui ran away or was discovered by someone, then they were really finished.

So there can be no sloppy.


At this time, Zhang Feng continued to search for Liu Pingan. When it was almost early morning, Zhang Feng received Feng Gao's message.

This made Zhang Feng very surprised and atmosphere, because there was another child missing. They were children from the country. They had been missing for several days.

"Brother Gao, let's have a supper together!" Zhang Feng said.

"it is good!"

Half an hour later, the two sat down at a barbecue stall on the side of the road and ordered a pot of seafood porridge, each with a plate of chili.

"Those people are beasts!"

The less-spoken Feng Gao uttered such a word after eating two bowls of porridge. He seemed to say it casually, but Zhang Feng could feel the violent anger in Feng Gao's heart.

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