Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1664: Wisdom is almost demon

The old man looked at Zhang Feng’s face and then at Feng Gao. Both of them were wearing casual clothes. The old man nodded and said, “The Big Dipper, the star of righteousness, guides in the right direction, is open and honest, and never changes. Well, you are People from the yamen, what they are asking for is exactly that, very good. You go to my apprentice and say that I let you go. This is his number!"

Speaking, the old man took out a delicate bamboo sign with a series of numbers printed on it.

There is a mobile phone number on this delicate bamboo sign, which seems very contradictory.

But when Zhang Feng looked at the house, Zhang Feng understood that there was a lot of carved bamboo.

"Thank you, old man!" Zhang Feng said.

The old man said: "I have a fate with you. I hope you can be nailed there forever, like the Big Dipper, and be the beacon of the people and the pillar of the top!"

Zhang Feng trembled in his heart. This old man was so powerful, he bowed and said, "I remember it, kid!"

"What about you, with the help of a distinguished person, you will be upright!" The old man looked at Feng Gao.

Feng Gao stood up and bowed, "Thank you, old man!"


Who is Feng Gao's nobleman? The old man knows.

In fact, Zhang Feng also knew that, although he had thought of helping him, Zhang Feng had never regarded himself as his nobleman.

"Boy, just now you were preconceived and dominated the scene all at once. Are you not afraid that I will dare to go out?" The old man laughed.

Zhang Feng said: "Before we came, the old man must have figured out that someone is visiting today and asked your closest star to welcome us in, and you are here facing the chess piece, looking like you don’t want to be disturbed, but you really want someone to be able to Breaking a game with you, in fact, the first **** I played has already broken your game, and how to attack and defend will be futile, even if I change someone who knows a little bit of chess, it is the same!"

"Haha, haha, good one breaks one move, good one breaks one move!" The old man laughed again, and then said to Zhang Feng: "Young man, your future achievements are limitless. There are talented people from generation to generation. well!"

The old man laughed, was happy, and felt. He was defeated in the hands of a young man, and he was convinced. He counted his whole life, and was forgotten by the young man.

What does it mean?

Things are impermanent, there must be demons in the abnormal!

Zhang Feng, this is the demon of wisdom!

Feng Gao never spoke when he came out of Old Man Duanxing. He believed what he said, but he didn't believe Zhang Feng. This was contradictory, so he didn't speak.

The old man said that he would meet a noble person, and he had a plain attitude towards this, as the old man said at the time.

Zhang Feng called the old man's apprentice. After explaining his intention, Zhang Feng went to the address he said.

Half an hour later, Zhang Feng met this person. He is the owner of an entertainment company and occupies most of the share of the Southwest City line. There are also branches in other provinces and cities, which can be said to be a large company.

The boss is naturally not an ordinary person.

Guo Mingwei, a figure who looks slightly fat in his forties, gives a feeling of joy.

He smiled in everything he said.

Guo Mingwei was very polite about the arrival of Zhang Feng and the two, and poured the tea himself.

Zhang Feng handed him the bamboo card the old man gave him. Guo Mingwei was surprised and took it carefully and said: "Brother, the old man values ​​you very much, otherwise he won't give you his things. Let me tell you what you want me to do first. , I won’t do anything illegal, otherwise Master won’t forgive me!”

Zhang Feng and Feng Gao looked at each other. They wanted to come to the old man to be very decent. It is because of decentness that such a decent apprentice can make the entertainment industry in Southwest City cleaner.

The old man contributed a lot to this.

In the entertainment market of Southwest City, the Mao Group has expanded vigorously in the past two years, and Guo Mingwei's situation is also somewhat difficult, and the company's development has been affected.

Zhang Feng showed him his credentials: "It's true that we are from the police station. We have to ask Boss Guo for help!"

"Oh?" Guo Mingwei was surprised.

People from the police come to help themselves? Didn't you commit anything? Could it be that the people below did something dirty?

It shouldn't, who dares! ?

Moreover, the two of them first visited the old man and found themselves through the old man. There was a lot of information inside.

Guo Mingwei asked very carefully: "If you have something, please tell me, there is no other thing within my ability!"

In fact, this is also the order of the father, how dare Guo Mingwei refuse to follow it?

Zhang Feng said: "Boss Guo, this is the case. There is nothing to hide from your eyes on this land boundary in Southwest City. You may have heard in the past two days that a kidnapper has kidnapped several children. Or in other places, are there any new faces coming to our Southwest City?"

Actually, Zhang Feng can pass the branch of Red Star in Southwest City, but don’t be the last moment, Zhang Feng still doesn’t use them, and they won’t know, because their target is the big intelligence and the number of people is small. .

Guo Mingwei understood that he really came to ask for help instead of accountability, which relieved him.

"I know, since you are all here, I will take care of this and give me one night!" Guo Mingwei said.

"Okay, thank you Boss Guo!" Zhang Feng said.

"You're polite, just one sentence!" Guo Mingwei smiled.

He is very willing to do this, first, the old man will be happy; second, being able to make friends with people in the office will make things easier in the future.

The third is to accumulate virtue.

And it is not very difficult for him.

He has no reason not to do it.

"Then don't disturb Boss Guo's work, this is my mobile phone number!" Zhang Feng took out his mobile phone and wrote it down on Guo Mingwei's desk.

"Well, I will call you personally!"

When the two came out, Feng Gao was still a little puzzled. He didn't believe Guo Mingwei could do it. Wouldn't it be a needle in a haystack to find it?

It's just that a little more people are looking for it.

"Can this be useful?" Feng Gao wondered.

Zhang Feng said: "Brother Gao, you can't underestimate them. They are ground snakes. Snakes can be worn everywhere. They are stronger than mice and have a keen sense of smell. They can easily see many things that our police can't see. , And I don’t think the kidnappers are really good birds. They will definitely have contact with some of these people, or have seen them!"

"I hope!" Feng Gao still didn't believe it.

Then the two went back and changed their uniforms and went to the street to check. Every car was checked, and the occupants of those hotels, especially those in small alleys, and unidentified rental houses were checked.

For example, the kind that Zhang Feng rented to Shazi.

Let the kidnappers have nowhere to hide.

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