Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1669: A group of beasts is not as good

Of course, there is also a murderous look in Zhang Feng's eyes, and he clenched his fists. He has never been so angry as this time.

Even when he was a kid on the street, he robbed people for money and was beaten. Zhang Feng was not so angry. The big deal would be to get the place back. But if the scene inside is as Zhang Feng said and thought, how to find this place back ?

How will you face Uncle Liu?

This trip to Southwest City was a failure, the stain of this life!

Although it was not all Zhang Feng's responsibility, he was just a small assistant policeman, but Zhang Feng is now at the forefront.

This thought flashed through Zhang Feng's mind at this time.

At this moment, the door of the other room opened, and a man came out with a comatose child in his hand. He saw Zhang Feng here, and he was stunned for a few seconds. At the time, Zhang Feng dealt with him silently and hugged the child before he landed.

Zhang Feng glanced at the unconscious child. He was one of the missing children. He was just unconscious.

"Why didn't you hug it? So long?"

At this moment, the sound came from inside the wooden door, Zhang Feng had a wicked smile at the corner of his mouth, and he just came to open the door, very good, then die!

Zhang Feng held the child in one hand and waited behind the door.

"Look at it in the past, you can't wait any longer, the goods are rushed over there, and the data doesn't need to be so accurate!"

Said another person inside.

"it is good!"

But a person with a foreign accent said in poor Chinese: "No, no, the data must be accurate, so as to achieve a perfect match and the price is high."

"Mr. Ma An, the problem is that the delivery has already been urged over there, and the police have already taken action, I am afraid they will touch here!"

"Don't worry, they won't think of this place even if they want to break their brains!" said the man named Ma An.

At this moment, Zhang Feng heard footsteps, he was about to come and open the door.

As he approached, Zhang Feng attacked with a big mouth, and a fist broke the wooden door. There was a loud bang. The people inside hadn't reacted yet. Zhang Feng changed his fist to his palm, pinched the man’s neck precisely, and twisted. , Kaga, let go, the person fell down.

Before this person fell, Zhang Feng broke into the door. His power was overwhelming, and the people inside were stunned at once, unable to react for a long time.

When they reacted, it was painful and screaming.



Inside is an operating room, the room is very large, there is an operating bed in the middle, there are seven or eight people, three of them are wearing white coats, the other is the clothes of bodyguards, the person whose neck was pinched by Zhang Feng at the door is the bodyguard.

Zhang Feng didn't kill them, but scrapped them all. A steel nail was nailed to the joints of their limbs. They were more able to move, but they had lost the ability to attack.

"If you don't want to die, just stay there!" Zhang Feng said coldly.

At this time he had calmed down, and the unlucky ghost at the door had already relieved Zhang Feng.

The seven people were already lying on the ground, shouting in pain. After Zhang Feng’s shout, they were anxiously quiet. They looked at the one who died at the door, whose neck had been broken, and the back of their heads were against their backs. Very infiltrating.

Even after seeing a lot of bad things, the bodyguards and the so-called doctors who killed people were also frightened.

And the terrifying lethality of this man is unbelievable, it's terrifying.

Who is he? He really dared to kill.

He is a killer!

These people have never seen such a murder before.

Zhang Feng didn't care about their thoughts. He sent Feng Gao a message: Send a position!

Feng Gao's heart trembled, his own time has come!

He sent a message to Captain Gu Changhang: "Captain, found it, right here!"

After a few seconds, he called again, and Gu Changhang naturally did not dare to answer it. Feng Gao had already thought of this.

Then he called the director and asked him to report Jiang Wenyuan immediately.

The director was so naturally excited that he finally found it. I hope that those kids are fine and his opportunity comes, just like his predecessor.

Feng Gao called Jiang Wenyuan again. Zhang Feng told him this. What was this step for?

Stand in line!

That's right, it's just to stand in line. This is not a bad thing, it's good for everyone, and it's a means of self-protection to have to do things for the people.

Zhang Feng saw that Jiang Wenyuan was a tree that he could rely on, which was very suitable for Feng Gao.

"Bureau Jiang, I need support. I have already reported it to the director just now, but I am not at ease. I need all the police that can be dispatched, as well as an ambulance!"

"You are Feng Gao, very good! Protect yourself first!"


"By the way, Jiang Ju, the captain of the long flight did not answer my call!"

"I see! You did the right thing!"


As far as Zhang Feng taught Feng Gao's words, Jiang Wenyuan has almost blackened Gu Changhang, and this trick is hateful and accurate!

Jiang Wenyuan hung up the phone and picked up the phone on the table: "Go!"

The location coordinates have been sent down, and all the persons in charge have already received them, and they rushed towards the target.

The dispatch of the huge police force ignited the attention of the whole city. Those reporters with sensitive sense of smell became excited as if they had beaten three catties of chicken blood, and followed them with their equipment.

At this time, Zhang Feng had already controlled the entire building, and he attracted the surrounding security guards and bodyguards.

Yes, bodyguards and security guards are not the same, the security guard is in the back and the bodyguard is in the front.

Zhang Feng doesn't know who these bodyguards are now? Are those Malaysians?

But these are not important. The important thing is that the dozen or so children in it are still alive. Yes, Zhang Feng knows this guarantee, they all have signs of surgery.

And it's not just one place.

Zhang Feng is angry!

Keeping the children's life is not a conscience, but they are afraid, the murder case will be solved!

Besides, there are so many children!

The courage is really daring.

Zhang Feng didn't kill these people because they couldn't be cheaper. Who would dare to protect them?

"Whoever dares to move a little try..."

Zhang Feng said coldly.

There are more than 30 bodyguards and security guards. All of them are strong men. They have these weapons in their hands. Of course they are not guns.

Whether they have guns or not is not certain, but they do have them if they want to, because they have guns in such a big scene.

Zhang Feng has been paying attention to one of the bodyguards. The head of his bodyguard has his eyes floating a little, and his hands are moving slowly.

There were many people lying on the ground. They were very miserable and couldn't move. Zhang Feng made heavy moves, as long as they didn't die.

Even if they are treated later, they will be disabled. That's it for the rest of their lives.

The bodyguard's hand went to the back, Zhang Feng sneered, just waiting for you to take it out!

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