Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1683: first dreams

During this period of time, all the time was very easy, except for the nervousness when I went to the Mao’s farm. Even when I caught the Shazi brothers, it was very easy. A few small thieves all entered. Can't stop Zhang Feng's eyes.

Also in the barracks, that is also very easy, and they can be dealt with in a few words.

As for the detection team, it takes a bit of brain.

Don't think about this now, because the line has not been released yet.

Zhang Feng left the police station to Southwest University.

I changed my clothes at the clothing store on the side of the road and came out after 00.

He has a low-cut blue Converse on his feet, little jeans, a checkered shirt on his face, eyes without lenses on his face, and his hair is a bit soiled, and his head is still sloppy, but this does not affect his youthful image.

Zhang Feng's change of this outfit is not for any task, but for Southwest University.

Why go to Southwest University?

Be a student for two days.

That's right, Zhang Feng had this idea. This opportunity is very rare, and it was his dream back then.

Besides, I don’t know what to do in the past two days, and I don’t have many friends to drink in Southwest City.

You never played online games, right? Zhang Feng would not do this.

Playing games is just a momentary pastime.

Looking at himself in the mirror, Zhang Feng felt like a student. He lifted up his spirit and murderous hand, with a smiling face on his face.

"My old clothes, you find me a small backpack to put in!" Zhang Feng said to the shopping guide.

"Okay, sir!"

The shopping guide is very small, 17 or 18 years old, and it is estimated that he came to the school to work part-time, with a sweet smile.

After paying, Zhang Feng came out of the clothing store with a small backpack on his back. He saw that the shop opposite was a bicycle or giant. Zhang Feng used to buy one for more than 1,000 yuan and rode to the southwest. University now.

When he entered the school gate, Zhang Feng did not say hello to Liu Haizhong, he did not even recognize Zhang Feng.

Liu Haizhong’s adopted son is still being raised in the hospital. Although there is a full free of charge in the hospital, he also needs a lot of money to raise after he is discharged from the hospital. So he went to work quickly. His daughter Liu Jiangqing was sentenced to three years. Caused a lot of fluctuations in the school.

There is hope for this family as long as Liu Pingan can be safe.

Zhang Feng is not a good person and a good person. Don't care too much, otherwise Zhang Feng will be exhausted. Everyone in this world needs help. Just like those online medical fundraising, Zhang Feng never gives it, because the fittest survive!

Survival of the fittest!

If you can't live, then die, this world is cruel! Everyone is fair in this world. He doesn't care for his own body, and he is still pitiful? Don't kidnap morally!

After entering the campus, Zhang Feng left the Liu family's affairs behind and felt the campus atmosphere.

The feeling of Zhang Feng coming here this time is different from the feelings of the previous visits. He felt that he was an outsider before, but now he feels that he is a member of this school, a student of Southwest University.

Zhang Feng came to the Department of Civil Engineering, which was the major he enrolled in at the time. It took half an hour to get the freshman course schedule.

Then he found the classroom according to the schedule and sneaked in from the back of the classroom.

I took out paper and pen from the backpack I had prepared, no books, and listened carefully.

This is a multimedia classroom with a large classroom that can accommodate more than two hundred people. The teacher sitting on the podium is a pretty decent teacher. He is about 30 years old and seems to be single.

Don't ask how Zhang Feng knew she was single, just rely on Zhang Feng's vision and experience.

"Hey, classmate, haven't seen you before?"

At this moment, a male student next to Zhang Feng whispered.

"Hello, I'm from the computer department, come here to have fun!" Zhang Feng opened his mouth, and Zhang Feng didn't know anything about computers at all.

The male student smiled and said, "Haha, are you here for Teacher Yuan?"

Teacher Yuan was standing on the podium, and it was written on the projection screen.

Zhang Feng smiled awkwardly without saying a word, this is the default.

"Hey, most of us are, originally this is an elective course, if it weren't for Teacher Yuan's class, I wouldn't come!"

That said, this class is a bit boring and not very important, but this classroom is full of people, and more than 90% are boys.

"Haha!" Zhang Feng couldn't say anything.

He listened carefully to the class and took notes, which surprised him a bit. He shook his head helplessly, lowered his head and put on a unilateral headset, and drank pesticides in his new folding screen mobile phone in his hand.

Zhang Feng recognizes this mobile phone for more than 10,000 yuan, and Zhang Feng is also a mobile phone of this brand, only 1,000 yuan.

Just enough.

Zhang Feng also smiled helplessly.

One class is over quickly, and there is a ten-minute break in the second half.

Zhang Feng went to the bathroom and looked at the energetic students, but they were sickly confused.

This morbid confusion is even more serious until the senior year near graduation. Graduation means unemployment.

It is widespread and cannot be solved right now, and Zhang Feng can do nothing.

Here, he is just passing by.

When Zhang Feng returned to the teacher, he found that Teacher Yuan was looking at his notes. This surprised Zhang Feng, and his heart was pounding like a student caught by the teacher.

"Mr. Yuan, hello!" Zhang Feng stepped forward and shouted politely, with a low profile.

This teacher Yuan is indeed a pretty long skirt. She wears glasses but doesn't feel old-fashioned at all. She is more intellectual and beautiful. She has a good figure, about 1.68 meters. She is wearing mid-heel shoes, which is a little over 1.70 meters. .

"This is yours?" Teacher Yuan's voice is very nice, Mandarin is very standard and very magnetic.

Zhang Feng nodded: "I didn't bring the book!"

In fact, there are no books at all.

"Are you from another college?"


"Well, sit down, you can sit in front of my class from now on!" Teacher Yuan said and left, leaving a scent of fragrance.

Although this fragrant wind is far less than Chen Wanru and other women, Zhang Feng feels that it is particularly pure, because this is such a spotless beautiful teacher in school.

"Thank you teacher!" Zhang Feng sat down.

After a while, Teacher Yuan brought a book to Zhang Feng and said, "This book is for you!"

"Teacher, this..." Zhang Feng was a little nervous.

"It's okay, watch first!" Teacher Yuan turned around and left.

"Thank you teacher!"

Zhang Feng's good impression of Teacher Yuan suddenly soared.

Suddenly there was a feeling that the most beautiful woman in the world is nothing but a teacher!

Soon the class continued, Zhang Feng was a little wondering why this teacher Yuan was focusing on himself? Did she sneak into the classroom and was discovered by her?

Zhang Feng was indeed discovered, because the teacher stood on the stage and looked at the students below, and every move could be clear at a glance.

Whoever listens to the class seriously can tell at a glance whoever takes the thought.

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