Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1701: Xia Dawang

The whole case was still led by Zhang Feng.

If you don't want a fish to escape, set up this big net, because the distance between many points is very long, it is difficult to complete coordinated and unified action.

Zhang Feng was sitting here, and the team members came in less than half an hour.

"Contain Li Youmin's body and send it to Southwest City!"

"Look at these ten points. Every one of you should go to this point. You need the cooperation of the local police force and follow my orders. You have to cross-cut when you choose the police force, for example, Wuheng City and Jingnan City. You can’t use their local police force exchange, understand?"

Zhang Feng gave an order.

It looks difficult.

"Wolfhead, we don't have this authority yet!" said the prairie wolf.

Zhang Feng said: "You choose which point you want to go to, and then report it to me. I will give you all the permissions within a day, and you can report your identity there!"


"Also, give me the points here in Ertun!" Zhang Feng said, "Let everyone come here as quickly as possible! Bring that kid to me!"


More than an hour later, all the team members came, and the child was still asleep.

It seems that they use a lot of medicine.

"Talk to the brother who is coming back!"

Zhang Feng sat there smoking a cigarette. This case is already very clear, and there won't be too many problems. Zhang Feng believes Li Youmin.

Can someone who is not afraid of death still cheat?

Of course, Zhang Feng will not break his promise, Li Youmin is a hero.

After the case is over, he can go home.

Ronggui's hometown, this is Zhang Feng's commitment to him.

A list appeared in Zhang Feng's hands, and Zhang Feng simply took the photo and sent it to Jiang Wenyuan.

And call right away.

"Bureau Jiang, did you receive it? I want these people to have absolute authority to mobilize police forces in the corresponding provinces and cities. They will perform tasks across provinces and cities. They are carried out in secret, and there is no ventilation between each province and city."

What Zhang Feng said was not very clear, but Jiang Wenyuan heard very clearly.

"What about the time?" Jiang Wenyuan was very simple.

Zhang Feng said: "They will set off to their respective destinations now. I want them to take away the cooperating police force and resources as soon as they arrive at their destinations! I'll leave Ertun here! "

"Okay, I'll arrange it!"

Zhang Feng hung up and said coldly: "Let's go!"

"Give me the child!"

The prairie wolf put the unconscious child in Zhang Feng's hand.

Zhang Feng said: "It is the shame of your life to leave a gangster. You must first protect yourself in order to complete the task better. Remember, you are very precious. You are selected from more than 10,000 people. Don't teach you. Shame, go back alive!"

They stood side by side facing Zhang Feng.

"Yes!" Fifteen people answered in a deep voice, saluting Zhang Feng, and then walked out side by side, disappearing into the night.

Zhang Feng looked at the child in his arms, smiled, and went out.

He took the child to the township hospital and handed it to the doctor on duty. He showed his ID, saying that he was a police officer in Southwest City, and told the doctor that this was a lost child in Ertun. He checked the child and sent it to them after dawn. In the hands of parents, I can't tell anyone during this period.

Finally, Zhang Feng said: "Doctor, I'm going to clean up the kidnappers. In order not to stun the snake, I must release the news of the child's recovery after dawn."

It was a young female doctor who looked at Zhang Feng's speech in a daze, with very admiring eyes.

There is also the background of Zhang Feng gradually disappearing into the dark night.

"Perhaps the hero is like this!" the female doctor whispered.

Suddenly realized something, and shouted: "Hey, you, what is your name?"

There was no reply, the female doctor whispered again: "Don't need a phone number, Zi Xuan, you have missed a lifetime of happiness again!"

"Hope to see him again!"

At this moment, Zhang Feng has already gone to the waste station on the other side of the market.

Now Zhang Feng will not do it yet, but is waiting, waiting for all the team members to be in place before acting.

It will be fine after dawn.

They will use all the fastest means of transportation available to reach their destination and conduct thunder sweeps.

It was already midnight, and Zhang Feng took advantage of the darkness to go to nearby Ertun to see the family.

The lights are on in their house, only the old woman is at home, and the rest are out looking for children.

The old woman sat there with a dull expression, hoping that her grandson would come back now, but she knew it was impossible.

Two days have passed and there is still no news, she is mentally prepared.

Zhang Feng looked for a while and then left, found a place to rest for a few hours, and the phone was adjusted to vibrate.

Wake up as soon as possible.

Early the next morning, Zhang Feng had a good night's sleep. The phone did not move. Zhang Feng went to the waste station and wandered around. The atmosphere here is a bit the same.

Several tricycles are here, and the doors are closed.

Zhang Feng was able to confirm that they were inside. The trailer that had towed the school bus to the city for repairs came back in the morning and parked there.

The school bus has also returned to the kindergarten, and their speed is very fast. Maybe the driver deliberately damaged the bus.

Zhang Feng hid in a secret place, even in the daytime, no one would find him.

After a while, a message came from the phone: The white bear is in place!

Five minutes later there was another news: the prairie wolf is in place!

Then came news constantly, which made Zhang Feng very gratified. Their abilities are very strong, much better than the armed police.

It's not that the armed police can't do it, but because the armed police are exposed to the atmosphere of society, they are a little hesitant to get things done.

This is not the case for people in the army. They only have tasks in their eyes, and they execute them very resolutely, even at the cost of their lives.

After a little more than an hour, all the fifteen players were in place, and the gangster’s points were not only fifteen, but dozens.

In an area, several points closer together are in charge of one team member.

Therefore, it is not easy for him to complete the deployment task in such a short time.

What is not simple is Jiang Wenyuan's execution ability. It is estimated that he did not sleep all night last night. Ask the highest level for instructions, and then give orders from the highest level. This will be effective.

This action was too big and almost moved the police in most provinces and cities.

All the team members use air vehicles, which is the fastest.

In order to provide them with the best convenience, Jiang Wenyuan made frequent calls, especially Secretary Wei.

Most provinces and cities are undercurrents in response to this action.

Zhang Feng, who commanded this battle, squatted in a pile of junk, observing the people in the room.

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