Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1703: Fire hero

After a while, a bowl larger than Zhang Feng filled with steaming red hot chili and a lot of meat rice noodles was placed in front of Zhang Feng.

"Do you want to pack the last one or wait for your friend to come?" the boss asked.

"I eat here!"

"Okay!" The boss was a little surprised, can you finish eating? It can't be wasted: "Is it half a bowl? I can't waste it!"

"It's okay, just go, if there is a piece of noodles left, I will pay double the price!" Zhang Feng said.


Zhang Feng took the chopsticks and ate. He was really hungry. He didn't eat dinner last night.

While eating rice noodles, Zhang Feng kept receiving messages from them, and they all went well.

Specifically, Zhang Feng doesn't care. What he wants is the result. If some gangsters run away, just run. The rest will be left to the police. I believe the police will find them.

Fifteen minutes later, Zhang Feng sweated profusely and took out the money to settle the bill.

The boss came to collect the money and saw two bowls of noodles, not to mention the leftover noodles, and there was no soup. The boss was taken aback, swallowed his saliva and said, "Little brother, good stomach!"

"Haha, do you have anything else to eat?" Zhang Feng said, passing the money over: "Get some, let's count!"

"There are xiaolongbao, rice noodles, braised duck feet, etc.!" said the boss.

Zhang Feng walked over to see that the thick and dark soup in the pot was boiling duck feet and chicken feet and so on.

"You don't need to find money, I will pack all the chicken feet and duck feet!" Zhang Feng said.

The boss was taken aback: "Little brother, the two bowls of rice noodles cost 30 yuan, so do you want 70 yuan for the lomei?"

"Yes, hurry up, put more peppers, oh, just cover the peppers, put some peppers!" Zhang Feng said.

"Good!" The boss was busy with a smile.

This order made fifty to sixty yuan, and the hard work in the morning was earned back, and he gave Zhang Feng a lot more.

After a while, Zhang Feng took a big bag and left, filled with lo-mei, and walked while eating.

After Zhang Feng left, the boss took out a cell phone and took a picture of Zhang Feng’s back, as well as two empty bowls on the table, and sent it to the circle of friends with the text: This person swept my stall. I've seen someone who can eat so much once, and come here more...

Zhang Feng didn't know that he had become popular soon, the most handsome background.

Someone in the police force took pictures of Zhang Feng's back. Someone gathered photos of the boss and police officers and concluded that this was the policeman who saved the kidnapped child. He is indeed a capable man!


Jiang Wenyuan didn't sleep all night, nor did he sleep the next morning. His eyes were bloodshot, but his expression was full of excitement.

Ling Ling...

The landline on the desk rang again, and he answered: "Well, good, what are you doing well? Someone escaped? We will block all passages and must not let the fish slip through the net! Several gangsters were killed, then Just shoot it, are any of you injured? Well, this police officer gives the best treatment!"

"Okay, you go back to rest! What? You don't need to find him, you just go back to the army! Tell you Commander Xing, I will give you best wishes at that time!"

Jiang Wenyuan was very excited. He has been in the police for more than 30 years, and this is the first time he has handled such a case.

Time is short, cross-domain, and multi-faceted coordination is very successful.

The case is the largest and involves many people. It is estimated that there are several thousand police officers, plus the local police force that cooperates, and more than 10,000 people are used. This is a conservative estimate.

If Southwest City had not eliminated them, Southwest City would have deployed most of its police force.

Almost all the orders were sent by Jiang Wenyuan, and then the orders were directly issued from above. The coordination was very strong, and the leaders above did not sleep. I guess they were very excited.

The earthquake is an earthquake.

Ling Ling...

The phone just hung up and it rang again. Jiang Wenyuan won’t let the phone ring a second time, so he immediately answered it: “I’m Jiang Wenyuan! Lao Xing, haha, these dolls are excellent, they are all yours. Soldier, you have a face now!"

"Lao Jiang, you are wrong. It's not me, it's his soldier, he brought it, he is a top general! He has moved such a big case all at once, and he can end it perfectly. Jiang, can you?"

"I am ashamed! But he will leave soon!"

"I really want to see him again!"

"I guess not, there are tasks on the other side above, I think!"

"Is he a firefighter?"

"Yes, firefighter, go wherever there is fire!"

"You can implement his training in your army! Think about it."

"I have already asked my superiors about this. This time they have completed the task very well, and they will consider it!"

"In that case, our fighters will be even better. Every fighter can be like them. We will stand on top of the nations of the world!"

"Come for a drink at night?"

"No, I'm so busy here!"

"Well, next time!"


"Xiaofeng, your case is over now, right? There is a piece of news that I just got last night. Dr. Loves Frank's son is gone! People in District 52 are also looking for him!"

This is the old beggar who called Zhang Feng himself, and did not say anything about Zhang Feng here.

"Does our intelligence personnel also know where he went?" Zhang Feng asked curiously.

"Yes, I don't know. This incident has already disturbed Dr. Loves Frank. He sent us a request to find his son. He doesn't believe the people in District 52!"

"So, do we have to find his son before we can invite him?"

"Yes, that's it!"

"The world is so big, where can I find it?"

Such a key character, how many people are looking for him, and he has been stared at by people in Area 52 before, and he can slip under their noses, showing that this kid is not easy.

"I suspect it was taken away, not from Area 52!"

"Why see?"

Zhang Feng is curious, is there a third group of people who need Dr. Loves Frank?

Although he is a treasure, his talents require powerful resources to be used, such as those in Area 52.

Ordinary organizations can't accommodate him.

"At that time, he was going to school in the school. The school organized an extracurricular activity. Then he slipped away and found that he was taken away by a man with an Asian face. Then the people in District 52 mobilized hundreds of people and still couldn't find it. No one was found!" said the old beggar.

"Asian face?" Zhang Feng was curious.


Zhang Feng said weakly: "That's still looking for a needle in a haystack!"

"No matter what, we must find him before Area 52 and live!" said the old beggar.

"Old guy, are you giving me a death order?"

"Yes, it's a death order!"

"Okay, no one can be found, come and meet you!"

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