Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1707: Short trip

How many people in the world have access to the things he has come into contact with now? More than ninety-nine percent of people will never reach it in their lifetime.

For example, things in the dragon's den.

Take a pistol, he already knows how to shoot, knowing that by pressing that trigger, bullets will go out and kill the enemy; he already knows how to dismantle the small pistol, although it is very slow.

Of course, Xiao Haohao touched real guns!

He did not go to those shooting venues.

When he grows up slowly in the future, he will be able to come into contact with more levels, and then it will be his own.

His future destiny is the same as that of Zhang Feng. He is a firefighter, and he will move wherever he needs it.


When Zhang Feng returned home, he received a message from the old beggar, saying that he was going to North America in three days.

In three days, Zhang Feng had three days to play at home.

Zhang Feng told Yun Qian about the news, saying that he was home for three days, or where to go to play.

"Really?" Yun Qian became excited.

Seeing Yun Qian's excitement, Zhang Feng felt a pain in his heart. He was very sorry for her.

Zhang Feng nodded.

"Yeah..." Yun Qian was excited: "Great, I will send Haohao to his grandmother, OK?"

"This is fine, but will your mother agree?"

This is a serious matter that must be faced, because the two of them gave birth to children out of wedlock, let alone the wedding, they didn't even register.

Yun Qian has not returned home for nearly five years, although her hometown is less than 500 kilometers from Kyoto, in the city on the north side of Kyoto.

Her family already knew that Yun Qian eloped with a man and gave birth to a son.

Zhang Feng has never seen her family, and she has never mentioned it to Zhang Feng. Zhang Feng is very sorry for her.

The abducted daughter is to give them an explanation.

How to explain? Zhang Feng's identity is very special, and they can't know Zhang Feng's identity.

Yun Qian understands this very well.

"Forget it, don't send it away. I will leave it to Sister Wanru these few days. I will ask if she is free!" Yun Qian said.


Going to Yunqian's house is not enough now, it is not the time yet.

Yun Qian called Chen Wanru, and Chen Wanru said he had time.

In fact, Chen Wanru spends most of her free time, she will only ask about important things, mostly just answering the phone.

Soon Chen Wanru came back personally to pick up Haohao.

He didn't cry or make trouble, just asked: "Godmother, are you taking me to see beautiful sister?"

"Yeah, there are so many beautiful sisters, they all miss you!" Chen Wanru smiled.

"Ok, ok..." Hao Hao became excited.

Such a little guy happily followed Chen Wanru away without even looking at his parents. Zhang Feng was stunned and cursed, "This kid, who taught him?"

"Isn't it all you?" Yun Qian said grimly.

"I haven't taught like this before, I like Miss Sister even at such a young age!"

Seeing him say this, Yun Qian didn't fight with anger: "Who made comments on the beauties on the street when he took him out?"

"Oh this, if he can soak, that's his ability!"

"Is there a father like you? How old are they?"

"Age is not a problem!"

"Well, I won't tell you this, I'm going to play, you take me there!"

"Willing to help, dear wife!"

"Poor mouth, I'm going to pack things! Hey..."

"What else to take, just go!"

He picked up Yun Qian and went into the room.

"Ah, what are you doing? Don't you want to go out?"

Yun Qian struggled symbolically.

"We have to have a short meeting before going!"

What else can Yun Qian say? Needless to say, this is what she thought.


To travel, for a short three-day trip, Zhang Feng did not bring his mobile phone, nor did Yun Qian.

Without any luggage, Zhang Feng drove there.

Yun Qian said that if he wanted to go to the prairie, then go to the prairie. Three days is enough. Camping on the prairie for two nights.

In the evening, they arrived on the prairie. They lay on the grass and looked at the stars. There was a fire beside them, and there were lambs bought from herders on the fire.

"Zhang Feng, thank you!" Yun Qian said quietly.

Zhang Feng said, "Why do you say thank you?"

"Thank you for letting me meet you, thank you for loving me, thank you for everything!"

"In this case, I would like to thank you very much. You saved my life at that time. I can't live without you!"

"Really? Then how do you want to thank me?" Yun Qian sat on Zhang Feng's lap, um, he rode on it, the word is more appropriate.

Zhang Feng said: "You can make any request!"

"Really?" Yun Qian leaned down and kissed him.

"Of course it's true. What I Zhang Feng said will come true. You know my abilities!"

It's not that Zhang Feng is arrogant, but that he is really capable. There are really not many things in this world that he cannot do.

Yun Qian said, "Give me all your inventory for these three days!"

"What?" Zhang Feng was taken aback, as if he didn't understand.

"What? Afraid?"

"You are trying to squeeze me away!" Zhang Feng smiled and didn't expect her to make such a request: "How could I be afraid, come here!"

So the two had a meeting on the grassland.

Early the next morning, they had to have a morning meeting before they were able to eat. Yun Qian was tired.

Zhang Feng went to get breakfast. There were goat's milk, mare's milk wine, mutton, etc., all hard dishes.

"Well, slacker, get up to eat!"

Yun Qian got up and kissed him, then ate, and ran on the grassland after eating. She was already resting.

Women are like this.

Zhang Feng should be tired, but Zhang Feng is not an ordinary man, how could he be tired?

Yun Qian’s figure is even more difficult to say. After giving birth, her figure is not out of shape, she looks more charming, and her figure becomes very firm. Although Zhang Feng does not often develop at home, he develops vigorously every time Zhang Feng comes back. , Such as this time.

Before Zhang Feng met Yun Qian in Waguo, she was a student, petite and cute, and now she has become mature.

There was a river where they were camping. The water was so clear that Yunqian jumped down.

Zhang Feng was smoking a cigarette and watching.

This is an enjoyment for beauty bathing, especially in the wild.

When Zhang Feng smoked, he never let Yun Qian or Haohao Chen Wanru and others smell the smoke, or didn't smoke beside them, because it was not good for their health.

"You come down and wash, too!" Yun Qian cried out in the water.

"it is good!"

Zhang Feng three times, five divided by two, and went down smoothly.

This is the moment of happiness.

But this moment of relaxation is short, three days soon passed, they have to return to Kyoto, and Zhang Feng has to undertake the next adventure mission.

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