Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1710: Come find the difference

"No, no, no, it's our mistake, I'll change it for you right away!" The waitress was very nervous. The ingredients in the store have never seen this before, and I don't know what happened today.

This is a very long hair. It is impossible to say that Zhang Feng put it on, because it is under the seasoning, not on it.

And it has long hair, it can't be the two guests, but it looks like the waitress.

Li Hongan did not speak, nor did he eat. He felt that there was something strange about this. He had been here twice, and it had never happened before, and it has not happened since the store opened.

Seeing Zhang Feng's harmless human beings and animals waiting to eat, Li Hongan understood that Zhang Feng must be doing a ghost.

But I didn't see him start just now.

"Drink some sake?" Li Hongan asked.

"If you don't drink, it's better to drink boiled water. If you want to drink, drink our liquor, Wuliangye, Erguotou, etc.!" Zhang Feng took out a cigarette and smoked.

Li Hongan frowned: "No smoking here."

Zhang Feng ignored him and continued to smoke his own. Li Hongan thought in his heart, what kind of person is this, can he do great things? So uncut.

All of a sudden, Li Hongan lost confidence in Zhang Feng.

Now that I smoked a few puffs, the small restaurant was filled with smoke, which seriously affected the dining of other people.

Someone was dissatisfied and spoke out, shouting at Zhang Feng: "&*……%……"

Zhang Feng could barely understand the Japanese language because he had been to the Japanese country before.

But Zhang Feng pretended not to understand and was indifferent. Not only did he not stop to put out the cigarettes, but he also suffocated the cigarettes and finished smoking without a cigarette.

And Zhang Feng took out three more cigarettes and smoked them all.

The three cigarettes were smoking at the same time. When Zhang Feng sprayed out the smoke, a lot of smoke suddenly appeared like a chimney, covering Zhang Feng's own head with poison.

This is not the most important thing, the most important thing is that Zhang Feng inhaled very hard and exhaled smoke.

The waitress came with the dishes, she frowned, but her good professionalism kept her smiling, because the table was relatively short, she knelt next to Zhang Feng to put down the plate, but she was kneeling When I came down, I met Zhang Feng's smiling face, and then I saw white smoke from Zhang Feng's mouth.

Cough cough cough...

The waitress suddenly inhaled a lot of white smoke, choked on her throat, and the delicate food in her hand fell from her injury, fell to the ground and dispersed, followed by her violent cough: "Cough cough..."

The cough was so bad that he couldn't get up at all, and fell to the ground, knocking down a table beside him.

Li Hongan wanted to go up but was held by Zhang Feng. The next few men who were dining over there couldn't help it. They came over and picked up the waitress to give her a few strokes. She could breathe normally, but her face was pale. , She felt death just now.

Several men stood behind Zhang Feng. One of the stronger men pointed at Zhang Feng and said angrily: "You, get out!"

Zhang Feng was indifferent, as if he didn't understand the same thing, but Li Hongan had already seen just now that these men are masters!

"Hong An, did you hear that?" Zhang Feng asked him.

"What?" Li Hongan was curious.

Zhang Feng said: "The dog is barking!"


Li Hongan is choking, this is clearly looking for fault.


The people behind were furious, and then they shot, and a fist came to the back of Zhang Feng's head. This was a killer move.

If he didn't agree with him, he would kill others, so Zhang Feng didn't show mercy.

Grabbing the chopsticks on the table and flicking it back, I didn't hear the chopsticks submerged into the body. This is not the same as in the movie. What sound will the sword make when it enters the body.

Of course there was a voice, and the man behind screamed: "Ah..."

Then he fell down. A chopstick was inserted in his heart, and the whole chopstick was half of it. The others attacked Zhang Feng very quickly, and Li Hongan also shot. He took out his hidden weapon, but there is no more His business.

Because Zhang Feng had already solved the battle, a chopstick was broken into three sections, and then thrown out, using it as a nail.

The four fell to the ground under a few breaths and died.

There was already chaos in the restaurant. Everyone stepped aside. Li Hongan stared at the people on the ground in a daze. He found that his brain was not enough, and his face was sweaty. How do you solve this?

Everyone at the restaurant came, including the lobby manager Akiyama Toshi.

Zhang Feng stood up and walked to the back, standing in front of a boy. The man was frightened and took out a dagger to defend himself. He could not speak Chinese.

But the action has shown his nervousness.

"I'll give you a thousand yuan, will you give me the video you just made?" Zhang Feng said in pure English.

"Dang, of course! This phone is also for you, I don’t want it, don’t do it!" The boy was terrified. He cherished his life. He saw all the scenes just now. This person is simply killing gods. Four people were killed, and a pair of chopsticks were used.

Zhang Feng took out a stack of money and gave it to him. The boy didn't want the money, but Zhang Feng gave it to him, and said, "You deserve it. The phone is mine. There is nothing important about you in it, right? Just the video, or I will save the video to my phone and return it to you later!"

More than one thousand yuan, at least two thousand yuan, when replaced with domestic money, it is more than ten thousand yuan.

"Yes, it's yours, now the phone is yours!" The boy took the money and said repeatedly.

"Thank you!" Zhang Feng took the phone and said.

The boy ran away, and Zhang Feng watched the video on the phone.

Zhang Feng smiled.

"Hey, you, why did you want to kill? We have called the police!" The lobby manager Qiu Shanli can speak Chinese, which is barely understandable.

Zhang Feng sat in his seat and said, "Then wait for the police to come! Where's my food? Why isn't it coming?"

The lobby manager Qiu Shan Li is a person who has seen the world. He is very calm. Although his men are lying on the ground, they come here to eat as guests.

To outsiders, they have nothing to do with the restaurant.

Qiu Shanli asked the clerk to protect the scene and wait for the arrival of the police. This kind of thing should be solved by the police. Moreover, the identity of this person is a Huaxia agent. It is best for the police to solve them. It is a pity that a few people have been sacrificed.

They are all elites, it is still equivalent to change these two Huaxia agents.

Especially this Li Hongan!

Agents in Area 52 will not let them go, they will be removed after the police.

"Go and prepare food!" Qiu Shanli said.

"Hi!" The waitress agreed.

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