Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1714: Akiyama's actions

"This person, do you have anything about him?" Qiu Shanli said directly, and took out a photo of Zhang Feng.

It was taken in the store, the front is very clear.


George Kings took out a tablet, recorded Zhang Feng's photo, and started to scan on the screen.

Hundreds of thousands per second came out all at once.

"Come out, this man's real name is Zhang Feng, the soul of the China Secret Special Forces, he is the most powerful fighter in the world, no one, at least no one can defeat it so far. He sneaked into Area 52 two years ago. After the experiment in Area 52, his strength became stronger. The Super Soldier's research was successful on him, and he took away all the research results before destroying Area 52!"

"Back to their country, and now their country is studying super fighters. Not only that, they had a traitor before and gave some of the data to others, and that person took this data to sell money everywhere, so now there are many Every country must do this research."

"They know the importance of Dr. Loves Frank, the key person, and they all want a doctor to do research for them!!"

"You know how important doctors are. A few decades ago, we got those scientists, so we developed super weapons before that, won the war, and led the world for decades until now!"

"And this time is another opportunity. Whoever seizes this opportunity can lead the world!"

George King talked a lot and clarified the complexity of this matter. Akiyama was stunned. He didn't expect it to be so serious and complicated.

And this person is so powerful, it was him who destroyed Area 52! Too shocked Qiu Shan Li.

How many people are needed to defeat him to get revenge?

What's that in District 52? It can be said to be the most tightly guarded and safest place in the world.

But how powerful is he to destroy it and retreat all over his body?

"I heard he came to the Holy Land to settle?" George Kings asked.


"That must be for the doctor!"

Dr. Loves Frank is not that important to the middle game, because their business focus is not on this, but the top said that they must cooperate fully, and if they can help, he will definitely help.

"Do you have a way to deal with him?" Qiu Shan Li asked.

"Hehe, that's too simple. Give him a charge and get caught and go to jail. We have the final say!" George Kings would smile confidently.

This is their usual practice, and it has been tried and tested.

"Okay, just do it!" Qiu Shan Li smiled, this is the most effective way.

No matter how strong a person is, he can never be stronger than the state apparatus, right?

"However, how to convict him depends on your information, give him a trap!" George Kings said: "There is also the 52 area, let them also cooperate, our tripartite alliance, we still do not believe that he can't do it. ."

Hearing this, Qiu Shan's confidence returned.

"Okay, just do it!"

"Come on, drink, your sake is not good, but our red wine is better, come on, drink this!"

The two happily touched the goblet.

Akiyama is an all-rounder. After talking with George Kings, he went to the 52nd district again, Rogier.

Rogier has been here once today.

Akiyama Li’s arrival Alas, Luo Gil’s expectation, he was straightforward: "Who is this person? You have to unite so many people to deal with him, do you know that we don’t have so much energy to help you deal with such trivial matters now Do you black dragons think about these little things every day?"

Akiyama was not angry, but said, "Mr. Rogier, you look at this first!"

After ten seconds, Rogier finished reading and said, "This person is Zhang Feng, haha, very good. He is our number one enemy in Area 52. We will definitely catch him back for research!"

"Yes, Mr. Rogier, it is him who killed the four of our elites, we must kill him!"

"Mr. Akiyama Li, you are wrong. Our ultimate goal is not to kill him, but to get Dr. Loves Frank's approval to return him to Area 52!"

Rogier's consciousness is much higher than him.

"Mr. Rogier is right!" Akiyama said.

"Tell me about your plan, we have to clear the agents of Huaxia first!"

"I went to find Mr. George Kings before, and he said that he had charged Zhang Feng and arrested him!"

"Hehe, this is their usual practice, but it is very effective, so let's do it!"

"Yes, sir!"


Li Hongan traveled all over the city of Shengdi An. In Zhang Feng's words, there is nothing fun here. I really don't want to understand that so many people like to come here.

Then I returned to their dilapidated repair station. A few brothers were watching below. The business was very bad. Although everyone here has a car, even a few cars, they rarely come to repair them. Because they can repair common problems themselves, they can directly contact the seller for major problems.

"What's the situation today?" Zhang Feng asked.

Today, some intelligence is constantly reflected in Zhang Feng's mobile phone, especially the intelligence of Mr. Loves Frank.


Everyone began to talk about today's results. Most of them were people from District 52 and Heilong. They were a group of three people. Every night one person from each group came back to report the situation in person, and then they rushed back to their posts.

"Tell me about Dr. Loves Frank, what did he do today?" Zhang Feng asked.

The ultimate purpose of coming here is to take Dr. Loves Frank back, and of course his son. As for the people in Area 52 or others, Zhang Feng is not interested.

"Doctors are still going to teach students as usual, and have never been at the school gate!"

Zhang Feng asked: "Didn't he know that his son is missing? Is he still thinking about going to class?"

"Yes, he already knows, but I don't know why he has to pretend not to know!"

"Oh?" Zhang Feng was curious: "Pretend not to know, this is a bit interesting."

"Yes, he has a very fulfilling life every day, he can still laugh in class, and he hasn't made any mistakes. It seems that he really doesn't know that his son has disappeared! There are many other agents in his classroom.

Zhang Feng nodded. Loves Frank is a world-renowned scientist who has made achievements in many fields. He is not a simple biologist and chemist, so too many students come to listen to his lectures.

"Have you found the contrast between before and after his son disappeared?" Zhang Feng asked.


"Where is his hometown?"

"He doesn't have a hometown, he lives in the school, and his son lives with him."

"Okay, I see, you guys keep watching!"


Zhang Feng thought for a while, there were many problems in it.

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