Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1720: A detail

They can combine light and dark to fight, which is very powerful.

It is precisely because of this that Zhang Feng will lead them out, which is much easier.

Half an hour later, Navera came in and dressed Zhang Feng.

Zhang Feng's clothes are a bit dirty. Originally, Navera wanted to help him wash them and then dry them, but Zhang Feng said that he could not move his clothes.

Because there are many weapons in the clothes, such as the saber.

When he arrived in the lobby, Yu Zihua had already waited here, and there was the boss sitting in the counter.

Zhang Feng knew Yu Zihua's combat effectiveness by seeing the boss's ruddy complexion.

Zhang Feng still has this insight. The boss looks like he is in his thirties, but he is well maintained. In fact, he is nearly forty years old. That is the age of a tiger.

"Yo, sir, you came out, are you still satisfied with our Navera?" The boss smiled.

"Very satisfied! Come on, this is for you!" Zhang Feng said and gave out several hundred dollars.

Navera was overjoyed and caught the money: "Thank you boss!"

All the hard work and hard work are worth it.

Then Zhang Feng went to the counter to check out: "Boss, how much is it, the two of us!"

"Two hundred and fifty dollars, your friend's, it's free!" The boss smiled.

Zhang Feng looked at Yu Zihua in surprise, then looked at the boss, he seemed to understand something, but he still asked: "Why don't you? Do you think I am like someone with no money?"

"Ho ho..." The boss smiled: "Sir, you have misunderstood. I asked him. Is there any problem with this?"

"Haha, no problem, no problem!" Zhang Feng laughed loudly, then gave three hundred dollars to the boss and said, "No need to look for it, I don't like the number two hundred and five!"

"Okay, sir!"

After paying the money, Zhang Feng came over and patted Yu Zihua on the shoulder, and said with a smile: "It's okay, right?"

Yu Zihua was still very shy and a little embarrassed.

"It's okay, when will we come?" Yu Zihua asked Zhang Feng like a child.

"Haha, soon, soon!" Zhang Feng smiled.

Before leaving, Yu Zihua looked back at the boss, but the boss didn't look at him, which made his heart aching.

Zhang Feng saw this scene in his eyes.

Let Zhang Feng sigh, the maturity and growth of a man depends on the experience of a woman.

Now Yu Zihua is experiencing it.


"Boss, Dr. Loves Frank is still going to the cafeteria for dinner after class. Every evening, after dinner, he will take a supper back. This is a habit he has cultivated for many years because he sleeps every night. It's late, so I have to eat supper, everyone who knows the doctor knows!"

The brother staring at the doctor said so.

It has been two days since Zhang Feng came here, and they have all the same information, no change.

"So before his son disappeared, did he pack a supper every night?"

Zhang Feng thinks this is a good point. The doctor is a middle-aged man with a slight fat. His son is only a teenager and he is in middle school. He married a girl in his 20s when he was in his forties. Down.

Then his wife died of dystocia.

In fact, Zhang Feng has doubts about this. Who is Dr. Loves Frank? With the world's top technology, will a wife die if she gives birth to a child?

But there are always surprises, this is not something Zhang Feng cares about.


"Do you eat so much every time?" Zhang Feng asked the details.

"No, he has hit more land since his son disappeared!"

"Oh, yes, you don't have to go tonight, I'll stare at him!" Zhang Feng said.

"Yes, boss!"

Zhang Feng has found a breakthrough, and this Dr. Loves Frank is very smart.

Unfortunately, it was still exposed.

In the evening, Zhang Feng came to San Di’an University by himself. Before coming, he went through a simple make-up, made his face white a lot, and put on a wig, yellow hair, a little long, changed his clothes, With a guitar on his back, brown Gaobang shoes on his feet, and 108 small beads bracelets on his wrists, he walked in cool footsteps at the gate of San Di’an University.

There are too many students like Zhang Feng at San Di’an University, and Zhang Feng’s outfit is very low-key.

So when you walk in, no one will pay attention to him. There are thousands of students here, and people from outside the school often come in. As for whether he is a face or something, he will not pay attention at all.

Zhang Feng's eyes are not just looking at the female students, but observing the surrounding situation.

There are many agents around, and there are no fewer than 30 agents within 100 meters of the school gate, including Zhang Feng of course.

Zhang Feng can tell at a glance which one is the agent.

There are all kinds of people and people of all kinds of skin colors, so this provides a good environment for their hiding.

Now the students have not all finished classes. It's only 5 o'clock in the evening, and get out of class ends at 5:30, when there will be more people.

Zhang Feng went to the bench by the side of the cafeteria and took out his guitar to practice.

Yes, it is practice. This is the first time Zhang Feng has touched this thing.

This guitar was bought by him for a thousand dollars. It was considered a high-end guitar, and it was of the stage performance level. It was a pity that there was a strange and messy noise in Zhang Feng's blood-stained hands.

The passing classmates frowned, thinking in their hearts, that's it, dare you come out? Don't feel ashamed.


Zhang Feng played, looking seriously intoxicated.

Just like this, I played for more than half an hour, and Zhang Feng still played when the students passed by after class.

Soon Zhang Feng was waiting for someone, Dr. Loves Frank, holding the lesson plan in him, walking steadily towards the canteen.

There are at least ten agents within ten meters.

Dr. Loves Frank had a thin, slender face, a high-top nose, and a pair of glasses on his nose. He was attracted by Zhang Feng's voice and looked at him, and then passed by Zhang Feng.

And Zhang Feng continued to play.

Ten minutes later, Zhang Feng packed up the guitar on his back and headed to the cafeteria.

After arriving in the canteen, Zhang Feng took out the lunch box from his bag and queued up for food in the crowd. Zhang Feng naturally did not have a meal card. This was too simple for him. Just now when he passed by someone, he touched Once he got the meal card.

And that was a female agent. The female student in the female agent's uniform was exactly the same. Zhang Feng almost lied to it because of her small gesture.

Glancing at Dr. Loves Frank twice, he was also lining up there to buy food because there were more people.

The doctor is usually very close to the people, and did not go to high-end restaurants to eat, but with the students.

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