Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1728: Ichi Fujita

"Oh, yes, I haven't played with this thing yet. When I was a child, I used a bamboo stick as a sword, wounding and killing many stray dogs!" Zhang Feng said.

Fujita smiled slightly. Not only was he not angry, but he was also very happy. How good can someone who is still enjoying his tongue at this time?

"Hehe, Mr. Zhang is very humorous!" Fujita smiled.

He went to get a wooden sword, but Zhang Feng said: "This is for children to play. Is there no real sword? If not, you can use a steel pipe. Do you have a steel pipe here?"

Fujita Yi had another contempt in his heart, and his skill stayed at the stage of a street fight, hehe, it was ridiculous.

"We have a jade steel sword made from the best materials in the world!" Fujitaichi said proudly.

This is indeed enough to make him proud.

Emiko went to the main hall of the dojo and brought two swords, one for Fujita and one for Zhang Feng.

Zhang Feng gestured with the sword, and couldn't help but sigh, this is indeed a good sword. They have the spirit of craftsmanship, and they should not be admired for this.

But Zhang Feng said: "A good sword is a good sword, but it's useless and not used to it. It's better to come from steel pipes. Do you have them here? Just that kind of galvanized steel pipe."

Speaking of Zhang Feng, he threw the sword on the ground and cried.

Fujita's face changed drastically. He doesn't respect people anymore, so he must be taught how to behave later!

"Bring the steel pipe to Mr. Zhang!" Fujita said to Emiko.

After a while, Hui Meizi brought a standard galvanized steel pipe, Zhang Feng took it in his hand and weighed it. It was 1.5 meters long and very heavy, which was very good for Zhang Feng.

"Mr. Zhang, let's do it, and we'll be there!" Fujitaichi said.

Zhang Feng said: "Okay, come on, but there is no eye, if it hurts you, it's not good!"

"It doesn't matter, if Mr. Zhang can hurt me, then I won't blame him!" Fujita said, "Of course, I will be very careful, and I won't hurt you!"

Ha ha!

Zhang Feng smiled and said: "Hehe, then come on!"


Zhang Feng stepped back a few steps, spread out his posture, holding a steel pipe in his hand, Zhang Feng had a lot of confidence, and it sounded the scene of two streets running horizontally with a steel pipe when he was a child.

"You are an elder, let's make a move!" Zhang Feng said.

"it is good!"

As soon as Fujita made a shot, he quickly stepped forward. When he reached the attack range, he was facing Zhang Feng with a fierce slash. Zhang Feng flashed over and swung the steel pipe. Fujita did not show weakness. He stepped back and the steel pipe could not hit him Up.

If Gang Gang wanted to attack further, he also had to take into account the knife in his hand.

So, the first move was a tie.

Both took two steps back.

With this trick, Fujita saw Zhang Feng's strength, but Er, I don't know why those people in the middle game were so afraid of him.

He killed so many people.


Zhang Feng took the initiative to attack, bounced up and hit Fujitaichi's head and smashed it down. Fujita raised his long knife to block it.


There was a crisp sound, followed by the sound of steel falling onto the board, da da...

The steel pipe hit his long knife and was severed by his blade.

Zhang Feng was stunned, how sharp is this knife?

But when Zhang Feng lost his mind, Fujita attacked, he did not dare to be careless, Zhang Feng must be abolished in this battle.

The speed was extremely fast, the light of the knife flashed through Zhang Feng's eyes, his body hurriedly turned sideways, the tip of the knife ran across Zhang Feng's stomach, the clothes were cut off, and if he got closer, his stomach would open.

This is a killer move!

Fujita is about to kill him.

So Zhang Feng won't let this old boy go, will you discuss it? Ha ha!

Fujita stopped and said pretentiously: "Mr. Zhang, is it okay? If it doesn't work, let's just give it up, how about?"

Sure enough, he was hypocritical, he had officially challenged Zhang Feng, and now that if Zhang Feng gave up, he would bow his head and give in.

Although Zhang Feng doesn't care about this kind of win or loss, the decision cannot be lost to him.

"Mr. Fujita, how about a life-and-death showdown?" Zhang Feng asked.

Fujita squinted his eyes, his eyes flashed sharply and said, "It's Mr. Zhang's!"

They looked very polite between the two, but they had reached the point of death and death.

"Since it's a duel, shouldn't it have a little bit of color?" Zhang Feng said.

"Haha, well, let's say Mr. Zhang, what do you want?"

Fujita couldn't help laughing loudly. He was determined to win. Such a man died and wanted something, but he was really young and energetic and didn't know what death was.

"She!" Zhang Feng pointed to Emiko!

Fujitaichi was surprised: "You want her?"

"Yes!" Zhang Feng replied, "Don't Mr. Fujita Kazut bear to cut love?"

"No problem!" Fujita said without even thinking about it. A woman like Emiko has as much as he wants.

"Then what does Fujitaichi want?" Zhang Feng asked.

Fujita thought for a moment and said, "I want something from District 52!"

"OK!" Zhang Feng responded.

Fujita was taken aback, is it that simple? Is he just like that? So important things can be changed by a woman?

"This phone number, if I lose, you call him, and he will give it to you!" Zhang Feng said and wrote a string of numbers on the table over there, of course it was a garbled code.

Even if he was going to die, he couldn't give him the old beggar's number.

"Okay!" Fujita said to Emiko who was kneeling at the door: "Emiko, did you hear it just now?"

Emiko said, "I heard, sir!"

"If I lose, you will be his person, you will go with him, and you will get a generous reward, you know where the money is!" Fujita said seriously.

"Yes, sir!" Emiko was very calm.

Zhang Feng saw that this woman was not simple at the first glance, and that that kind of indifferent expression was not something ordinary people could have.

"Then let's start, Mr. Zhang, do you need to change a long knife? I have many good knives here, you can take whatever you want! The one in my hand is the same."

Fujita is very generous.

In the face of a dead person, no one will feel it, let alone Fujitaichi who lacks nothing.

"I just use the steel pipe this young lady gave me!" Zhang Feng smiled.

Emiko's delicate body trembled when she heard this, she didn't understand why this person should treat herself this way.

Is it because of your own beauty? Probably not, is there a lack of women for a person whom Fujita takes so seriously?

"Mr. Zhang, let's make a move!" Fujita said.

At this moment, Zhang Feng had picked up the section of steel pipe that had fallen on the ground and was chopped off. It was less than half a meter, but it had a pointed end.

"Is this my steel pipe?" Zhang Feng said.

"Of course!"

Fujita wanted to laugh, that's it?

"It's better for Mr. Fujita to make the move first. I will not bully the seniors!" Zhang Feng said.

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