Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1767: Swimming in the water, looking for goods on the reef

It was the boss who called, and more than once, she quickly called back.

"Lycra, I, I forgot last night and I overslept. I will definitely get it tonight!"

"Mina, do you know how much money I lose in a day? We still have to talk about credibility!"

The voice of a gentle man, but with a stern look.

"Yes, yes, I know, not as an example, not as an example!" Mina apologized, with a good attitude.

I dare not have a bad attitude, because this is his boss, and everything she has now is given by him.

"It's okay, just pay attention to it next time. You can adjust an alarm clock. Otherwise, it will continue to be the same next time. I don't know how to explain it to the top.

"Yes, yes, not next time, I will definitely pay attention!"

"This time there are a lot of goods, we must ensure safety!"


"Lycra, why are you here? I miss you so much!"

Mina's voice became delicate.

"There is no time for the past few days. You can send me more videos of yourself. I like to watch them!"


After hanging up the phone, Mina locked the door back, and put the phone away...

In ten minutes, she finished this matter, then sent him the video, and then went out to have breakfast.

After I came out, I forgot about Lycra. Well, I'll go back tonight anyway. Don't think about it today.

When she was outside, she happened to see his guests eating breakfast. She greeted everyone and naturally sat beside Caldera.

Then eat together.

"We will go to sea after we have eaten!" Li Jian said.

This is asking the female island owner Mina.

Mina said, "Okay, the weather is fine today, you can go diving."

"That's great!" Li Jian smiled: "I like diving the most!"

Everyone understood that there was a boat parked there last night, and it would definitely not stop for no reason, but it would still be on the side of the reef.

Don't they know the reef? Ships of this size have inspection functions.

Drive there to go to all the problems, so Zhang Feng and others are going to find out.


Everyone had their breakfast, Mina had already asked the people below to prepare the boat and diving equipment and so on.

"I will arrange three security guards for you, they are all master divers, you will not have trouble!"

Mina was worried that everyone had concerns, so she said this.

It's troublesome if it kills people.

"Thank you Mina!" Li Jian said, "We can all swim!"

"This is not good. Swimming in the sea is not the same as in shallow water." Mina said, "It is much more dangerous in the deep water of the sea!"

"The shallow water is not addictive, we still want to go down to catch fish!" Li Jian said: "Mina, do you know where there are many fish?"

He asked the right person for this question. No one on this island knows this island better than her.

"I know, there is on the coral side!" Mina said.

"Then go to the coral side!"

Mina thought for a while, but agreed, because the coral reef is dozens of nautical miles away from the reef.

"Okay, let's go!" Mina said.

A wooden boat is the kind of wooden boat with wings on both sides. Such a boat will be much more stable and will not sway due to sea water or sea breeze.

Ten minutes later, they arrived at the coral reef. They had already put on diving suits one by one. The diving suits had no oxygen tanks, and they jumped off with a tube in their mouths.

The water here is so clear that you can almost see the bottom of the sea.

Three security guards also went down. Yan Wang and the others played underwater, and then they came up and looked at each other, and finally their eyes fell on Zhang Feng.

Zhang Feng nodded.

How could they be able to see the level of Mina in their actions? Her body and mind were on Caldera.

She also wore a tight black diving suit, which made her figure more beautiful.

Caldera is also very popular, always telling her some jokes, nasty jokes and so on, making people angry, ashamed, and happy.

Several feelings repeated, how could she bear it, leaning against Caldera from time to time.

And in front of everyone, this is a bit unscrupulous.

Everyone is not surprised, not paying attention to them, not talking or asking.

It can also be said that it is the default, which is already the case.

Everyone went diving again, Caldera jumped down holding her, took her to a farther place, and they came to the world of two.

In the underwater two-person world, it is very interesting. Mina made a mermaid, took off the diving suit, and stayed in the water, while Caldera was nearby...

The three security guards followed Yan Wang and others.

They were thinking of a way to spread the three of them away, and then let Zhang Feng go to the hidden reef.

The solution is to disperse, these three security guards can't take care of so many people, Zhang Feng has a chance to slip away.

Zhang Feng swam very fast, and he swam there in the shortest time.

I searched for it inside the reef. After searching for a long time, I saw something in a white plastic bag in a reef cave. Zhang Feng took it out to see that it was white powder and ice-like, weighing no less than ten kilograms!

Ten catties of things, this one is too cruel.

However, Zhang Feng did not take it away, but put it back in place, but moved a hand and foot and broke a hole in the bag inside, and the sea water went inside. The slow flow of the sea water would cause Bring things out.

They should come and take it away at night, there are still more than ten hours, that's enough.

Mina is really unclean, such a big case!

She can be shot.

Maybe she didn't care anymore and enjoy the moment.

Zhang Feng came back very quickly, and they were still playing here, not looking for Zhang Feng.

Because Zhang Feng's speed is very fast, the back and forth time is enough for them to play here.

When they saw Zhang Feng coming back underwater, they also understood Zhang Feng's gesture.

Zhang Feng took a big fish and got on the boat. They came up in turn. There were already many fish on the boat, and they were all good fish catchers.

These fish are taken back to the island without any money and are processed for free.

It is a benefit.

The island is surrounded by the sea. If nothing else, there will be more fish, enough for them to eat for two days.

"Huh, where's Carl? Oh, where's the owner of Mina?" Li Jian asked.

The student said: "They are over there!"

A few hundred meters away is a shallow water area.

"Let's go and take a look!" said one of the security guards.

Zhang Feng said: "No need to go there, we are waiting here, the two of them are hugging each other! Their heads are above the water!"

Just now Zhang Feng disappeared for a long time, but the three security guards found nothing.

"Yo, good fellow!" Li Jian smiled.

Everyone turned their heads away helplessly, this is fine too!

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