Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1774: Huangquan team was beaten, Ladi Island

"Do you want to get rid of the people behind?" Li Jian wanted to take a breath.

Yan Wang said: "Forget it, let them follow, just as we don't know!"

But Zhang Feng said: "No, let's go to the alleys to give them a chance. We have to take away some of the pain. Syljawa, you go to the back. Come and save us when it's about time!"

"Yes, boss!"

When they passed a corner, Silgava disappeared silently, and no one was missing from those following.

In the corner, Juan Siwu’s people came up and blocked them at the end of the alley.

Zhang Feng pretended to be scared: "Who are you?"

The other party just said: "Dare to come to the Orchid Club again and kill you! Now I will teach you a little lesson! Go..."

Seven or eight people behind them rushed up with iron rods in their hands, and Zhang Feng and the others squatted to the ground after a symbolic resistance.

They punched and kicked him, Zhang Feng and others could only hold their heads and beat them, crying for a while.

One of them took photos with his mobile phone.

"Police, police, police are coming..."

At this moment, someone shouted from behind, and there was the sound of police sirens. These people ran away.

But when they went outside to see where there were any policemen, they returned to the alley, and those people were gone.

They looked around but still couldn't find it, so they had to give up and went back for business.

This time they did meritorious service and beat Interpol.

The video was taken back to show the boss. The boss was very happy and gave them a lot of rewards.

"Hehe, these people are really ridiculous. They are even more useless than last time. Is there no one in Interpol?"

The boss is naturally Juan Siwu, an out-and-out local, and the largest drug lord in Malaysia.

Of course, no one knows this.

He is very low-key and rarely shows up. He controls the trade of goods in Malaysia and even several neighboring countries, and even went out of Asia to compete with Mexico City in South America.

In the past two years, their business has been getting better and better, because Mexi City has changed people, not only can't produce goods there, but some people get goods from them.

The business is getting bigger and bigger, to the point where demand exceeds supply.

"Yes, boss!" said the female manager.

Juan Siwu asked: "Has the goods from Lycra arrived?"

"Not yet!" said the female manager.

"Call tomorrow!" Juan Siwu said.


"come here……"

"Boss, no, it's daytime now, and there will be things to do in a while!" said the female manager and left.

But if you don't want to leave, this is obviously trying to catch it, and if you want to refuse, you are welcome!

Juan Siwu brought her over.

"Ah, boss, no, no..."


Juan Siwu is good with this bite.


"Nana's, hit me on the head... I have never been beaten like this in my life!"

Li Jian, who had already arrived on the yacht, was still complaining, not knowing why his injuries were serious and his arms were swollen.

At the time of the fight, the man who fought Li Jian was very big and strong.

"Don't worry, none of them can escape by then!" said the jackal.

"That is, or I will kill that guy myself!" Li Jian said grimly.

Each of them was very resistant to the attack, and this injury was tickling, but the heart was not at ease, being beaten by the waste, it was really hard to swallow this breath.

The cruise ship headed for its destination, Ladi Island.


"What's the matter with them, it's been half a month, why haven't they come yet, what do they want to do?"

A furious voice came from the beach villa on Ladi Island.

There are many people in the hall, dozens of men, among them seven or eight women, with all kinds of skin colors.

"I think the Chinese people are scared. Let foreign mercenaries come. They are really rich, but are those mercenaries reliable?"

Another person said.

"Last time they lost a few people, it was really heavy, but I didn't expect them to be really scared this time. It's really surprising. The most unlikely thing to be scared should be them!"

"I think so, didn't they mean that their soldiers are not afraid of death? You see many children in their territory are abducted and sold, and their organs are excavated!"

"They can also bear it. How can they survive without pulling out this malignant tumor?"

"No, they have basically eliminated the domestic human traffickers before, and adopted the thunder method. The effect is very good, but the shoveling of the grass does not remove the roots, and now some traffickers have come to them."

"I think they hire mercenaries are also a means, and the effect is the same. You see, many of us are mercenaries, don't talk about them!"

"But they are slow, should we wait for them?"

At this moment, a strong man came, and he said: "Yes, wait for the Chinese!"

"Captain Owen, if they don't come, shall we just wait?"

"Musk, you have to understand that we can only defeat them if we are united, and we can't be as loose as last time!" Owen said.

Owen, a member of the United Nations peacekeeping force, has a high rank and is a lieutenant colonel.

He is the commander-in-chief of this operation, that is, the captain.

The people around you stopped talking, and you still have to listen to long words, so just wait.

One more group of people will give him more strength, and one more person will help him block the bullet.


There are hundreds of people who come here. Half of them come from various countries. They are mercenaries. They fight on behalf of their country.

These mercenaries were originally not allowed to come, but there was no way, because those hired with poor discipline, come for money, don't sell their lives, they will run away when the situation is bad, and no one can help them.

But for unity, they are still needed.

Fortunately, they bring their own equipment and food, and Irving is not responsible for this.

This is the military island of the Republic of Malaysia, on which is a garrison of hundreds of people.

And their special operations team has 150 people, plus more than 160 Chinese people.

These people can be regarded as very elite, more than 90% of the mercenaries are retired soldiers, and their combat effectiveness is not weak.

But compared with those gangsters, there are many shortcomings. They can kill people without hesitation with their guns.

Besides, this is their territory, maybe there are their people in the garrison on this island, and they infiltrate everywhere.

Last time there were people from the special operations team, so all the gangsters in the operation team knew about it, and they laid out their pockets and waited for them to wear them.

This time, Owen conducted a simple investigation of the mercenaries who joined in. There were no suspicious people. The countries that hired the mercenaries have also checked, and the officials are sure that there is no problem.

But Owen was still a little uneasy.

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