Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1781: Uz Harbor, the pocket is ready

It’s hard to say that it’s difficult to say that it’s a territories called Malaysia between several countries. It’s difficult to say that the international criminal police in politics can’t manage it because of historical problems, but they came here at the request of several countries. Of lawless forces.

Because no matter which country there are many soldiers here, several countries will get nervous before.

So Interpol's intervention is the best.

They have only these two purposes.


Uz Harbor.

The southernmost port of Malaysia is like a snake’s tail. Between several countries, Malaysia’s whip is beyond reach. There are often armed conflicts in the nearby islands.

No one among the surrounding countries can eat the meat here, but suffers from it. The biggest of them is smuggling.

There are two mountains on both sides of the port. Between the mountains is an entrance several hundred meters wide. The large sea in front of the port can accommodate 10,000-ton ships. It is a natural safe haven. The quality of the port is among the best in the world.

However, the facilities here are very bad, asymmetrical with the name of the world's fine ports. There are no large cranes here, and large ships are useless here. Only some thousand-ton ships can be used.

Most of them still use manpower to load and unload goods.

The smuggled goods were blatantly pushed on the dock. There were some customs officers in the port patrolling. Some people were following. He was holding a slip in his hand. The people behind came up to light a cigarette with money in the slip. He ignored the goods and didn't even look at them.

This phenomenon occurs every moment of every day, and almost every cargo ship arrives like this.

Malaysia’s tariff here is almost zero. Goods from several neighboring countries are smuggled here, and some are smuggled out from here, so back and forth, the money is filled with the private pockets of the local evil forces.

The biggest of them is the company of Wenatchee, named Wenatchee Foreign Trade Co., Ltd., which is as arrogant as his name.

"Boss, the freighter Ocean God has entered the port, there are twenty containers!"

Wenatchee was sitting in the office, and his secretary stood behind him massaging his shoulders.

A subordinate walked in, not daring to look at the attractive secretary.

"You don't need to look, just go out, let's pump half of the water, go!" Wenatchee did not open his eyes.

Half of the draw, in fact, only one-third of this half went into Wenatchee's personal pocket, and the bulk of it was turned in.


"and many more!"

Wenatchee opened his eyes, looked at this man, and asked, "Are our people ready?"

The subordinate looked up and saw the angry secretary at first sight, and he immediately lowered his head.

"Boss, everything is ready!"

"Very well, do it!"

"Yes, boss!"

After the subordinate went out, Wenatchi said to the secretary: "Sanji seems to like you. Go ahead and give him a taste of your glamour. Now is the critical moment. I want him to work for me! Get more money. your family!"

"Yes, boss!" The secretary is not very willing: "I still like you, I will go wherever you let me go, I am your person!"

Wenatchee took him over, put him on his lap and said, "Every one of us is the same. If you want to live, you have to pay a price. If you want to live well, you will pay a greater price. Go, I don't want to be like this!"

"Yes, boss!"

Wenatchi is very open-minded. Women can make money just like money, but there are very few people who work for him and need to be raised slowly.

Now is the time to raise.

The secretary twisted and walked out.

This world is very realistic. The so-called love is more luxurious than luxury goods, and mortals rarely own it because they have to face reality.

Reality will slowly wear away the original love.

He took out his cell phone to make a call.

"Brother Karobuki, where are they? Are they coming to me first?"

"I think they came to you first, and they will probably arrive at night. Don't be assaulted by them, haha, otherwise they will be arrested. The husband can only send me to Uz Harbor."

"How is it possible, I want them to come back and forth, here is our territory, no one can get involved!"

"That's the best!"

"Need my support?"

"Need, come on, but keep you there first!"

"Don't worry about me, I have made sufficient preparations to kill them."



The two ended the call in laughter.

Wenatchi couldn't sit down in the office anymore. He was going to inspect his armed forces, this time to ensure safety.

There are people ambushing in the port, there are more than a dozen underwater people, and there are dozens of people on the two big mountains.

The people on both sides of the mountains are equipped with heavy weapons, such as shoulder rockets, or RPGs.

You can strike a kilometer below.

There are many corners inside the port.

Most of the personnel in the entire Uzi Port belonged to Wenatchee, and there were more than two hundred people in his lineage, not counting those outside.

The people on the outskirts are local gangs, and Wenatchee can feed them with the leftover soup, and equip them with weapons from the 70s and 80s.

In this way, they can be used as cannon fodder, and Wenatchee's protagonist is behind or in a key position. After all, these people are just mobs.

"Boss, what can I add?" his confidant said to Wenatchee.

Wenatchi said: "Remember my orders. If they can shoot, they can't shoot. If they are too much, just listen to my orders!"

"Yes, boss!"

Wenatchee returned to his office, and there was a dozen-story building on the front of the port, which was also the tallest building in the area.

The office can overlook the entire port, and he has a pair of binoculars here to see everything in the port.

He picked up the phone on the table and said, "The food is delivered, and I will have dinner in the office today!"

Hang up after speaking.

Someone moved in the dining table after a while.

Immediately afterwards, the exquisite ingredients came up, it was Western food, and there was a beautiful waitress serving by the side.

Wenatchee ate slowly, cutting the world's top steaks and red wine.

He likes this tune very much.

This is life!

The next step is to wait, waiting for the night to come.

When I was nearby, my hand came down to report that a two-thousand-ton marine police arrived and docked outside the port.

The subordinates have reported the matter to Wenatchee. The policeman on the coast guard boat did not get off and there was no boat.

This makes Wenatchi a little confused, aren't they going to make surprise checks?

"Let me keep an eye on it!" Wenatchee said to his opponent: "If anything happens, please report to me at any time!"

"Yes, boss!"

He thought it was a little weird.

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