Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1812: Bai Jiajia, get her done tonight

In addition to various motorcycles, there are more than a dozen cars of various models. The lines on the cars are very beautiful. The cars are equipped with a lot of line lights, colorful, high-power audio in the rear of the car, and the lights are all on. , The engine did not go out.

There is also a table on one side with a DJ player on the table, and a girl with a strong figure is playing DJ.

They think that the speakers in the trunk of the car are all connected in series.

Those young girls who wore very few clothes, with ten centimeter high heels on their feet, twisted their hips and walked around the crowd, showing off their figures.

The boys watched, twisting to the music, very energetic.

Zhang Feng's car came and did not attract too many people's attention. Two boys who looked like the boss came over and signaled to Zhang Feng to take off his helmet.

Not everyone can come here.

Zhang Feng took off his helmet and said angrily: "Why? Stop me?"

Walking on the streets, Zhang Feng has some capital, but he doesn't know anything about this person.

"What are you doing here?" the man said warily.

Zhang Feng's eyes drifted to see if he saw Bai Jiajia.

"Play, can't it?" Zhang Feng said.

The man said: "Not everyone can play here, we have to be able to play!"

This is a circle, a very small circle, and it is not accessible to ordinary people.

"How can I play?" Zhang Feng asked knowingly.

The man said, "I have money, I want cash, and I have a car!"

"What do you think of my car?" Zhang Feng looked back, but he didn't bring any cash.

Chen Wanru got out of the car very cooperatively, but did not take off the helmet.

Today, Chen Wanru wore ordinary clothes, loose slacks and a white shirt. She looked very tall. Without seeing her figure, the man glanced at it and ignored it. His eyes were attracted by the motorcycle.

"This is a Kawasaki H2R, a track car, a four-cylinder 300 horsepower, a supercharged engine, a maximum speed of 400, 800,000!" The boy finally said, "Good car!"

In this circle, there are a lot of millions of cars, this car is in the upper middle level, and few people take this car out to play.

"Wrong, terribly wrong, Brother Robe, wrong, this is not the Kawasaki H2R, but the upgraded version of H2R. There are only ten units in the world, six-cylinder 450 horsepower, and a maximum speed of 600 per hour. Can't buy it!"

At this moment, someone walked over and turned around the locomotive and forwarded a sigh.

"My father, really?" Brother Robe opened his eyes wide, unbelievable.

"Look for yourself!"

He turned around and said, "It's really true!"

Then he looked at Zhang Feng and said, "Brother, do you use this car to play? If you lose, you will have to walk home, but you can't cry! Haha!"

"Don't call me brother, I don't know you well, just play in this car, okay?" Zhang Feng said coldly.

He hates people who call brother when they come up. Is he familiar? Especially this person was very bad just now, he changed his mind immediately after seeing this car, brother.

At this moment, a lot of people came up. They watched around the car and didn't take pictures, because there are regulations in their circle that they cannot take pictures, otherwise they will die very quickly.

It seems that this person called Brother Robe is the eldest brother of this circle, or the organizer.

"Okay, okay, haha, I like your character, ok, you can join!!" Brother Robe laughed loudly.

People who can come here have unique personalities, and they are all used to it.

Hu Hu, Hu Hu, Hu Hu...

At this moment, many cars came down from the mountain, and many people surrounded them. The first to arrive was a red locomotive, a tall man.

The crowd surrounded him, and he had the aura of a winner.

The second place was a girl with a tall stature and a leather jacket. She took off her helmet in frustration, and behind her head was a tied long ponytail.

She turned off the flame and pulled out the key and went to the man and threw the key over and said, "Guo Xingheng, the car is yours, huh!"

"Jiajia, don't be serious, I'm really joking with you!" Guo Xingheng said.

"Don't follow me, I can afford to lose!"

A girl named Jiajia said angrily, everyone could see that Guo Xingheng liked her, and she knew it herself.

Zhang Feng saw that she was Bai Jiajia.

She walked aside and took something from a girl and put it on her arm. There was also a small yellowish flag with a glowing font written on her arm: Security Officer.

"Haha, your information is very accurate!" Zhang Feng whispered to Chen Wanru who was nearby.

Chen Wanru had already taken off her helmet, but she was wearing a pair of big sunglasses, covering her upper face. She couldn't see the beauty. She said, "That's a must!"

If the information is not accurate, the consequences will be serious, so Chen Wanru's information is very accurate.

"Your goal is so cold!" Chen Wanru smiled.

"Fix her tonight!" Zhang Feng said confidently.

Chen Wanru was shocked: "No, she, you want to eat too?"

"I miss you too much!"



Zhang Feng saw the car that Bai Jiajia lost just now. It was a car worth more than 100,000. It was very cool. Bai Jiajia looked very handsome and very local, but Zhang Feng could see that she was very reluctant to give up.

At the end of a game, they have seven or eight beautiful women with hot bodies dancing in the middle. There is music. The winner pays for everyone to buy wine and drinks, and there will be barbecues for a while, all by the winner. There are one or two hundred people who pay the money, which is not a small number, but every game has a winner, and their pressure is not great.

Brother Robe stood on a raptor pickup truck and shouted: "Listen to me..."

The music paused at this moment, and everyone listened to him.

"Tonight, we came to a friend, and his car is over there, everyone can see, who can win this car tonight, or is it harvested by this car? Come on, everyone. Right..."

Brother Robe's voice has some magic power, which makes the adrenaline of the people below soar, and the music rang out again.

Everyone was jumping around the car and Bai Jiajia passed by. She had heard of this car, but she had never seen it, so she loved it!

But she just took a look. Zhang Feng has been paying attention to Bai Jiajia, and she can see the longing in her eyes, which means she likes this car.

That's a lot easier.

Give her this car? Of course not, Bai Jiajia is not that easy to deal with, especially Zhang Feng will officially go to see her tomorrow, and become her bodyguard.

Everyone also noticed Zhang Feng, and seemed to remember Zhang Feng's appearance. They were thinking that there was no such figure as Zhang Feng in the circle of Young Master Kyoto.

This car, Chen Wan, seldom rides out, and some of them are only at night, mostly on remote roads, and she is not only this car, but also a car that can be used on the road with more ordinary locomotives.

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