Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1819: Extremely doting, will not let him go

Chapter 1819 Extremely Doting, Will Not Let Him Go

They didn't leave until one o'clock in the morning. When Bai Jiajia left, Zhang Feng ignored him, and Bai Jiajia did not come up to say goodbye to Zhang Feng.

She left behind everyone, wanting to stay longer.

The female traffic policeman and Li Zhi have gone home.


A few hours ago, Guo Xingheng finally arrived at the Kyoto People's Hospital. Inside the operating room, he screamed: "Ah..."

He has never suffered such an injury when he is so old, can he still want this leg?

"I will definitely not let you go!" Guo Xingheng thought hard in his heart.

One hour later, his knee was treated by the doctor, and he called for someone after half an hour's rest.

Family members are waiting outside, his parents, and seven or eight brothers and sisters.

In addition to family members, there are bodyguards.

The Guo family can afford a lot of bodyguards.

"Xingheng, how are you? Who beat you like this?"

A beautiful woman appeared in front of Guo Xingheng's hospital bed, and the bodyguard had stepped aside.

"Mom, ooh, it hurts..." Guo Xingheng cried when he saw his mother.

Ma Meijing is very sad. This is her precious son. His foot has been abolished. The operation will not be possible until tomorrow, and it will stabilize first.

Guo's father, Guo Yongbing, was standing there with a gloomy expression. Who dared to touch his son, or said he did something serious? Or met a capable person?

Guo Yongbing said to the people behind: "Go ask those two people!"

"Yes, boss!"

The bodyguard went out and came back more than ten minutes later.

Guo Yongbing said: "Go and get him under control, dare to beat my son, and use my son to stand up? Humph!"

"Boss, do you use the police?"

"No need to!"



"Guo Yongbing, your old Guo family has no successors. You are still indifferent there. I am going to give my grandfather incense and tell him that the old Guo family is going to end!"

Guo Xingheng shouted at the middle-aged man.

"Didn't the doctor say that he just hurt his foot?" Guo Yongbing came over.

Guo Xingheng said: "You hurt me, but you still said it was just a foot? You still think that my injury is not enough? Is there you as a father like this? The old Guo family deserves to die!"

"I have asked someone to teach this man, son, don't worry, whoever dares to touch my Guo family, I will definitely not let him go!" Guo Yongbing said domineeringly.

"This is just like a father, Dad, that person said that he is very skilled!" Guo Xingheng said.

"No matter how good he is, can he beat ten by himself? No, twenty, thirty. I still don’t believe it. I dare to move to the head of my Guo family. I want him to regret coming. In this world!" Guo Yongbing said viciously.

Then he said: "You have a good rest, the doctor will come to check your body tomorrow, I will make him pay!"

Guo Yongbing is nearly fifty years old this year. He has two sons. His eldest son was stolen and abducted a few years ago. His life and death are still unknown. He has already given up his heart.

In other words, he and Guo Xingheng are the only two men in the Guo family. He can no longer have children. He understands this very well, so he puts his hope on his son. Don't mention how spoiled you are over the years. For the moon.

Guo Xingheng is the future of the Guo family. Can Guo Yongbing not care about it?

very angry!

He wants everyone to know who dared to bully the Guo family in the future, this is the end.

Kill the chicken and the monkey!

He has sent more than a dozen people out, and he must have results soon.

After a while, Guo Yongbing came out. The nurse just came in and said that the patient needed a rest.

The couple went outside the corridor to talk.

"Yongbing, should you ask the doctor?" Ma Meijing said worriedly.

"Ask what?" Guo Yongbing asked.

Ma Meijing said: "Ask my son if he hurts there!"

"Yes, let me ask!"

Guo Yongbing did not ask, but shouted for the nurse to come over and the doctor on duty went to see other patients.

"Please be quiet, other patients have to rest!" The nurse said dissatisfiedly. They were yelling here just now. Almost all the patients were awake in the middle of the night. Many people dared to be angry but did not dare to speak. Because they have so many bodyguards.

But in the eyes of nurses, they are all equal, and they are not given good colors. I hate this kind of bullying. I think it is very powerful. It is not the same to seek medical advice here, **** it.

"My son was injured so badly. What's wrong with me being a little nervous? What's the attitude of your little girl!" Ma Meijing was unhappy, and a little nurse dared to yell.

What is going on today, do so many people have opinions on the Guo family?

"Sorry, I have something else!" said the nurse, turning around and leaving.

"Wait!" Guo Yongbing said in a deep voice, "Nurse, hello, I just want to ask, will my son's injury affect the reproductive system?"

The nurse said: "Your son’s injury is serious and needs to be treated well. He needs to stabilize. You don’t need to worry. We will try our best to heal the patient. But you have to cooperate with us, otherwise you will be the one who will lose. The reproductive system, I won’t know until tomorrow, what else do you have?"

"that's all, thanks!"

The nurse left.

Guo Yongbing has more city mansions, so he compares with a little nurse.

"Huhu, Yongbing, what can we do, what should our Guo family do if something happens to my son? If Xingyuan is not abducted...uuu..."

Thinking of this sad thing Ma Meijing cried.

Guo Yongbing's heart is a sting.

It has been many years, maybe he is dead, this is the hardship of the Guo family.

Guo Yongbing closed his eyes in pain, his son's appearance suddenly flashed in his mind.

Parents in the world!

The Guo family can't stop!

Many people suggest adopting one, but that is not the blood of the Guo family, how can you inherit the Guo family?

I would rather never do this kind of thing.

"Don't worry, Xingheng will be fine!" Guo Yongbing comforted his wife.

"We must severely punish that person!" Ma Meijing said viciously.

"Will do!"

"I really miss Xingyuan, I will never forget the smile he smiled at me before he was born without milk. He has always been smart! Huhu..."

Guo Yongbing was silent, he was notoriously known to protect shortcomings.


At the same time latitude, each seaside city far south of the Great Sea Macia.

In a very ordinary room by the sea, there were seven or eight people sitting on the sofa, and there were more than a dozen people living at the campfire outside, and several girls were dancing here.

The room was full of mixed smells of alcohol, cigarettes and sweat. These people had different skin colors, but most of them were people of Asian skin color.

They are talking.

There was only a man sitting on the sofa with his head down, wiping off a handful of thorns.

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